Urban Romance

Chapter 634: They are coming!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 635 They are here!

Su Ke heard that Hong Chen on the other side of the phone reported herself to the door. First, she thought of her urgency just now, and quickly asked, "What happened to you?"

"I'm in Wuting County now, and someone wants to catch me!" Hong Chen was really in great trouble, and his voice was helpless.

"Catch you? Did you call the police?" Su Ke's first reaction was that Hong Chen might have encountered something like a triad, so finding the police was the best way.

"Can't report, there is a police officer who arrested me!" Hong Chen's words sometimes made Su Ke startled, and suddenly felt that things were more complicated than he thought. Before he spoke, Hong Chen's voice came over the phone. "I'm in danger now, I can only look for you. Come on!"

"Okay! I'll go! Keep yourself safe and keep in touch!" Hanging up the phone, Su Ke hurried back to the classroom and watched Wei Lan was waiting for herself, probably because her face changed and her eyes were a little confused.

"Wei Lan, please take a leave for me. I'm going out now!"

"That noon ----!"

"Maybe I won't be back at noon, next time!" Su Ke can't take care of other things now, Hong Chen's words will not be false, she must be in trouble that cannot be solved, otherwise she won't hit herself Phone, after speaking, turn around and leave.

Wuting County is affiliated with Tianjin City. Its geographical location is the border between Tianjin and Weihai, but fortunately, it is not far away. If you drive, you can arrive in about an hour.

But Su Ke didn't have the impulse to leave immediately, while running towards the school gate, he called Huangmao and asked him to take a few people with him to Wuting County.

The performance of Passat is far from Huang Mao's old Jetta comparable, so Su Ke did not wait for Huang Mao to set off with him, but went straight to Wuting.

Su Ke could feel the danger of Hong Chen's situation, and she clearly showed the 100,000 rush taste in her tone. Passat had a strong motivation in Su Ke's hands, running all the way, because the speed was too fast. To the extent that some novices were frightened by the road, they led to a few small, rear-end car accidents.

Of course, the car accident was caused by someone else. Su Ke seemed to be swimming in the traffic, seeing stitches, and wished to rush to Wuting immediately. I can only say sorry for those car accidents.

For an hour, Su Ke finally entered the Wuting County area after bumps and hurricanes. This is the first time he came to Wuting. The villages around the county seat have difficult roads, and there are transportation slags from time to time. A convoy of earth and building materials passed by, and it seems that there is a large-scale civil engineering work here.

Although he was anxious, Su Ke also knew that it was not the time to be upset, even if he had confidence in his driving skills, but the current situation restricted him, and he would not say anything about these roads, and said these top-down dump Steyr A car, with a little inattention, might knock itself over.

Fortunately, we are getting closer to the county seat, and the banners on the road are getting bigger. What is "everyone responsible for supporting demolition."

Su Ke, while carefully holding the steering wheel, dialed Hong Chen's phone.

"Su Ke, have you come?" Hong Chen was still very nervous, and it seemed that even his voice could be lowered a lot now.

"Well, don't worry, I should be in the county in ten minutes. Where are you now?"

"I'm in a small hotel now called Xiangyun Hotel, Room 201!"

"Okay! Wait for me!"

Su Ke hung up the phone, continued to increase the horsepower, and finally entered the county seat. Sure enough, Su Ke soon found the anomaly, and a large number of traffic police appeared at the major intersections of the county seat, especially on the highways in and out of the county seat. Exited the security checkpoint.

Even the number of police cars on the road increased significantly. The tension in the air was obviously permeated. I wonder what happened?

Su Ke didn't know where the Xiangyun Hotel was. After asking about it, he finally found a small facade, a three-story small building. The signboards outside seemed to be running out of time. Very worn out.

Parked the car, went directly upstairs, knocked on the door of room 201, but couldn't hear anything inside. Su Ke could not help frowning. There was a bad feeling in his heart. Has Hong Chen been arrested? ?

Just then, the mobile phone text message prompts: "Is it you?"

"Yes!" Su Ke replied to the text message. After a few minutes, the door finally opened from the inside. Hong Chen leaned out her head and hurried Su Ke to come in quickly.

Hong Chen's face was pale, and even after seeing Su Ke, his face was still panicked. His clothes were wrinkled, and it seemed to be stained with a lot of soil. After the beating, a part of it remained.

"Su Ke!" Hong Chen hugged Su Ke very hard, put his head against Su Ke's chest, and whispered in his mouth, "I'm afraid! I'm afraid!"

"It's okay! I'm here!" Su Ke stroked Hong Chen's back gently, across the thin layer of clothing, the firm and smooth skin, felt clearly, but now there is no time to pay attention to these , Softly appeased Hong Chen.

"Huh!" Hong Chen didn't know when the tears burst out of her eyes and sobbed.

"What happened? What the **** happened?"

Su Ke asked Hong Chen's shoulders and let her sit on the bed.

"I received news clues that there was violent demolition on Wuting's side, so I wanted to come and find news materials!" Hong Chen saw Su Ke, but he finally got the bottom of his heart, although he couldn't help but just cried. Nose, but after tears flowed out, the whole person seemed to relax a lot.

Hearing what Hong Chen said, Su Ke thought of seeing the banner and the team before on the road, and nodded subconsciously, signalling Hong Chen to continue.

"I came here the day before yesterday, just in time to catch up with a village to be requisitioned. Last night, the villagers all mobilized. Beware that when they are quiet in the middle of the night, I will be mixed in!"

"Who knows they really are here, and it is a joint government action. The courts, prosecutors, public security, justice, land, and people from their towns and villages have all come. Even I suspect there are local triads inside. They are carrying large machinery. , When they came, they drove out all the residents and demolished them on the spot! "

"The scene was very confusing at the time. I took a lot of photos in the crowd. All the people in the village picked up guys and fought with the defense team!"

Hong Chen talked about this for a moment, as if recalling the horror scene at that time, his face became even paler: "Two ordinary people were killed on the spot!"

Su Ke can guess without thinking that it must be Hong Chen who photographed all these things, which led to a great disaster. Now the state has issued three orders and five can not be demolished. The local government not only violated the rules, but also caused human lives, so it was dead. The undead was captured by media reporters on the spot.

"That ----" Su Ke just spoke, and before he finished speaking, a strong knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Hong Chen, a bird who was frightened by the bow, was frightened, and was at a loss as he looked at the door in fear: " They are coming! They are coming! "

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