Urban Romance

Chapter 635: I said! I said!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 636 I say! I said!

The sudden knocking of the door suddenly sounded, scaring Hong Chen, who was already frightened, and looked at the door with a look of horror, and Su Ke was nervous with this atmosphere.

This matter involves human life. If you guessed it well, the likely result is that the matter was covered, and if Hong Chen was honest, he would have to suffer a little bit. If there is a little resistance, if he is mentally ill, Suicide is all possible.

After all, the demolition and reconstruction of cities and towns, land acquisition and land occupation, the interests involved are very large, and even the local government has played some role in it. As Hong Chen said, it ’s not just the defense team, it ’s more It's those babbling.

"嘭-嘭-嘭!" The knock on the door was untiring, and he was not discouraged. Hong Chen had already jumped off the bed, and Liu Shen looked at Su Ke unconsciously.

"Don't be afraid!" Su Ke quickly walked to the window and looked out. Of course, if he jumped out of the window, he would have no problem, but Hong Chen could never complete it, so Su Ke didn't look at the escape route and went down. At first glance, there was no scene of police cars gathering and the surroundings were normal.

This normality is like nothing happened. The hawkers on the street, the cool bosses sitting at the storefronts, and even the people waiting at the bus stop all looked normal and could not be normal again.

If the police or the underworld suddenly appeared just below, it would definitely not be the case below, at least it would be a little flustered, and there might even be watching the lively mood for fear of the world being chaotic. From the expressions on their faces, it seems that things are Not as bad as imagined.

The knock on the door kept on, and it was getting harder and harder. I had made up my mind and ran towards the door in three steps, and my mouth should say: "Who?"

At this time Su Ke had come to the door, and through the cat's eyes, the two men were young and wearing uniforms similar to security guards. Perhaps this is what Hong Chen said just now.

"Open the door and come in and check the water meter!" The man outside blurted out like a routine.

"Nima, there are people staying at the hotel to check the water meter!" Su Ke heard the strange thing for the first time, and he cursed inwardly, but he had to pretend to be indifferent: "Wait a minute! This is it Come!"

Su Ke stretched out his hand to protect Hong Chen behind him, leaned to his side, grabbed the door handle with his right hand, and suddenly pulled backwards. At the moment when the door was opened, the two men outside were already ready to make a stride towards the room. Rushed in.

"Oh!" Su Ke took a step backwards, let in the first man, rubbed his right hand into a knife, and hit him on the neck with a swift blow, and immediately saw him like a rushing mud. , Slumped to the ground directly, at this time, the second man was caught by surprise.

Seeing Su Ke suddenly shot, his fist waved in haste, but he hit him with no intention, how could Su Ke let him do as he wished, and shot like electricity, directly clasped his wrist, suddenly pulled back, his feet were tight. Stretched, kicked his calf tibia instantly.

"Ah!", The second man lay on his side, lying on the ground, and Su Ke hooked his feet, quickly closing the door.

"who are you?"

The first man wouldn't wake up so quickly, and the second man wouldn't run away from him so easily. Su Ke had great confidence in his skill.

"You let go of me!" The second man was also twenty-five years old. The uniform on his body couldn't tell which department it belonged to, but his body was strong, and he was struggling to stand up.

"You lie down on me!" Su Ke muttered, stepped on his back, and stunned, the man fell to the ground again, struggling with both hands, but it did not help, Su Ke's strength has long been This is not what it used to be. If it is powerful, how can it be like a big rock!

"Answer the questions and let you go, otherwise --- kill you!" Su Ke's voice was very low, and even a little cold, not a joke.

"You said!" The man struggled for a long time, and finally gave up helplessly, lying on the ground honestly, and the strength uploaded from his back made him understand that even if he struggled again, it was useless.

"Your purpose!" Although Sucker had intuitively judged it, Su Ke still raised the question.

"Catch her!" The man saw Hong Chen the moment Su Ke opened the door. Compared with the appearance description provided above, he was convinced that this was the reporter in Xiaozhang Village last night.

"Which department are you?"

"Security Patrol!"

"What happened to the police in the county?"

"That's the matter of the Public Security Bureau, I don't know!" The man kept his eyes on his companion, but after entering the door, he was directly knocked to the ground by Su Ke, and there is no sign of waking up until now.

"Don't know?" Su Ke would never believe what he said, and snorted coldly, suddenly under his feet, now he didn't give him a bite to try, it seemed that he couldn't get the information he wanted.

"Huh -----!" Wang Hu felt his back was stepped on suddenly, his squeezed chest could not breathe, and he snorted, both hands again subconsciously trying to support the ground, hoping to relieve this pressure, But still unable to move.

The security patrol is a contract-based coordinated service unit of the county government. Except for a few administrative staff in the office, all the team members are recruited in the society. The components inside are complex, and some are related to the family. After the transition here, Tomen Road was mixed into the system, and some of the veteran soldiers after the veteran could not find a job, and there were even small social gangsters in the society who made the title unbridled.

And Wang Hu's family is a little bit of a way, wanting to do some good work for his son, but now it is not easy to get an administrative establishment, I wonder when the patrol team may be able to change from contract to career establishment , Let the son come in and try.

Now that something is happening in the county, it ’s nothing more than a cut-off for Wang Hu. After all, so many police officers are dispatched. What clues can be found by this little patrol team member, but since the team has ordered, check the Internet cafe hotel, follow The usual division of responsibility means that he and his companions will come here.

Who knows that the boss lady from the bottom just asked for some clues, and the meritorious mood was immediately eager. I thought that if I did, I would definitely leave a good impression in front of the leader, then maybe I can bring some benefits to myself. Moreover, the situation shows that the reporter who ran away yesterday was lonely, and he and his companions, two big men, couldn't they subdue it?

Suddenly, he overturned the boat in the ditch, and in the face of the wicked Su Ke, his brain moved quickly. In the choice of winning awards and protecting his own safety, he resolutely chose to protect himself.

"I said --- I said ----!" Wang Hu felt the pressure on his chest growing, and hurriedly asked for mercy.

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