Seeing Lin Feng's heart pierced by his long sword, Zhao wanwan's look immediately changed and her face was filled with ecstasy. However, her smile had not been completely opened. A huge suction came from Lin Feng's body. Zhao wanwan's body passed through Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned to look at Zhao wanwan and said with a smile:

"No wonder I think your breath is very familiar. Originally, you are the spirit of thick earth shuttle. I said, how can you be so familiar!"

Lin Feng's face once again put on the beaten smile, looked at Zhao wanwan and shook his head.

"You!" Zhao wanwan's body retreated towards the back. She looked at Lin Feng with an unbelievable face. What she didn't expect was that Lin Feng's body allowed her to penetrate the past. Clearly, clearly, her long sword entered Lin Feng's body!

"What's going on?" Hu Zhi's voice of concern came over, looked at Zhao wanwan and asked.

"Lin Feng, what's going on?" Zhao wanwan bit her teeth and looked at Lin Feng with an unbelievable face.

"Hehe, don't you know Helen? The reward for killing Jiang Xiong is thick soil shuttle. Although I haven't got it yet, I'm already the owner of thick soil shuttle. Therefore, I also know the rules of the game. As for you... "

Lin Feng paused on Zhao wanwan's body and said, "you are my weapon spirit. Do you think you can kill me?"

"I won't be your spirit!" Zhao wanwan's voice suddenly increased several degrees, pointed to Lin Feng and said in a sharp voice, "why do you appear?"

"I won't want you to be my instrument spirit. I don't like being disobedient and killing my instrument spirit, so next, you obediently let me erase your divine consciousness. As for your power, go directly into the body of the green spirit."

Lin Feng smiled, looked at Zhao wanwan and said.

"Zhao wanwan, you cheap woman, you and this boy are together. You obviously came to cheat us!" Hu Zhi's crazy voice sounded above. In the sky, a blue bead of water was standing on it. The bead of water transmitted Zhao wanwan's voice, but only half of it. As for the rest, it didn't.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao wanwan with a smile.

Zhao wanwan's pale face gradually rose to a layer of cyan. Looking at Lin Feng, her eyes were so red that she could almost bleed.

Seeing Zhao wanwan's appearance, Lin Feng just stood there holding a long sword and suddenly didn't care about Zhao wanwan's appearance.

"Lin Feng, I'll kill you!" With that, Zhao wanwan's body flew up directly and flew towards the array. A yellowish and colored barrier appeared in the sky and knocked Zhao wanwan back. Lin Feng appeared next to Zhao wanwan with a Fengtong sword in his hand, smiled and said;

"Empress ghost, you forgot one thing. You can't kill me, but as your master, I can kill you."

With that, Lin Feng's mind moved and a soul force flew towards Zhao wanwan.

Zhao wanwan's look changed a little, and her spiritual skills wrapped around her, blocking Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge. Lin Feng didn't put down Zhao wanwan's meaning. Under the cover of spiritual skills, her spiritual knowledge passed towards Zhao wanwan again.

The breath of destruction made Zhao wanwan's hair stand up. She wanted to repay Lin Feng, but now Lin Feng is not what she can repay.

Zhao wanwan bit her teeth, raised her head, looked at Lin Feng standing there with her hands on her back, looked up at the three people in the sky and said, "are you three crazy? Without me, your array is incomplete. Don't you see it? Lin Feng clearly wants to kill me! "

Chi Xing opened his eyes, looked at Zhao wanwan, shook his head and said, "with you, our array will not take shape!"

"Yes, you are the spirit of this boy. If you still occupy the array eye of the main array, what's the difference from this boy occupying our array eye?"

Qiming shook his head and sneered. He looked at Zhao wanwan below. He was still a close partner just now. In such a moment, everyone immediately changed their attitude.

Zhao wanwan was shocked by the two ghost kings. Looking at the three ghost kings who didn't move above, she spit out blood directly.

Not afraid of opponents like God, but afraid of opponents like pigs!

At this time, Zhao wanwan suddenly regretted that she had found these three fools. If she had gone to Jiangxiong in advance, it would not have been like this!

Thinking of this, Zhao wanwan looked a little colder. Looking at Lin Feng, the whole look suddenly calmed down, stood there, let Lin Feng's attack hit her, sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said:

"Don't you want my strength? I won't give it to you! " Then Zhao wanwan sneered, and the whole body began to expand. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were joking, "I, Zhao wanwan, as a tool spirit, have lived for so many years and seen through the prosperity of the world. I'm enough!"

Seeing Zhao wanwan's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "why do you need it? Your breath is the same as that of the place where the bones are buried. When your spirit body explodes, the soul power will still remain in the place where the bones are buried. I just need to pick up these soul powers and eat them for the green spirit. "

Lin Feng's words were leisurely. He shook his head and said, "but you blew yourself up and saved me from collecting your body again. The most important thing is that if you die, I don't need to find a way to erase your spiritual consciousness. You see, you explode next to the array and can help me impact the array!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao wanwan's originally Enron look was no longer Enron. She stared at Lin Feng with round eyes. After seeing the joke in Lin Feng's eyes, her whole body trembled and trembled. Finally, the whole body fell to the ground, an explosion sounded, and the three people in the array made a painful wolf howl.

Originally, the ghost King array of three people was not strong enough. Now it was washed away by Zhao wanwan's explosion, and the whole array was shaky. The three people suddenly flew to the clouds and thundered at the three ghost kings.

The twelve Yin and Yang rotation array was constantly rotating in the sky. One attack after another greeted the three ghost kings. The three ghost kings had not reacted from Zhao wanwan's explosion. The attack here surrounded the three people tightly, and the three people couldn't find any place to refute.

The three people are called hate

They never thought that Zhao wanwan, a woman, would do such an unwise thing.

The three ghost King curled up in a ball. The three ghost King's body was shaking constantly. With their shaking, the three ghost King's body began to melt.



The three ghost King fell to the ground, and the thunder light hit the three ghost king, leaving a lot of wounds on the three ghost king.

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