Outside, Qingling suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, half knelt on the ground with a long sword in his hand, raised his head and looked at the sky, with clusters of anger burning in his eyes.

"Zhao wanwan!"

The green spirit roared, there was no wind around, and twisted spaces appeared. Suddenly, a yellow color appeared from the twisted space behind the green spirit and fell on the ground of burying bones.

Lin Feng and the three melting ghost kings appeared on the bone burial ground with the twelve yin-yang rotation array. Countless white bones suddenly appeared from the ground and kept greeting Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked around. He saw that this is a real place to bury bones!

They were vomited out by the green spirit woman!

Feeling this, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly became cold. What he couldn't tolerate most was cheating on him. Even women can't forgive him!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's killing intention was released again, but at that moment, Lin Feng sighed again. He couldn't kill the spirit of the two thick soil shuttles. In that case, the thick soil shuttles would be useless.

Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment, and the array accelerated. In the real bone burial place, the surrounding aura was also abundant, the operation speed of the large array began to accelerate, and the attack intensity was getting stronger and stronger!

"Roar!" Suddenly, there was a loud roar on the ground, and the three ghost kings disappeared. In front of Lin Feng, there was a black tiger. The tiger crawled on the ground and roared. Looking at Lin Feng, he rushed towards Lin Feng with a leap.

"Hum!" Lin Feng snorted coldly. The Feng Tong sword in his hand turned over, came out from one side and greeted these guys. Lin Feng's body raised a yellow sand on the ground and rowed under the big guy. The Feng Tong sword stabbed into the tiger's body from below his neck.

"Stab!" Like the sound of cloth tearing, Lin Feng's attack directly from the tiger's neck to his fart. Behind the thigh, a white mark was left on the tiger. The big tiger ate pain, opened his big mouth, and a huge whirlpool no less than a male black directly greeted Lin Feng.

Seeing the tiger's attack, Lin Feng stood there. An ice blue water curtain was angry in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at the three ghost kings and said, "do you really want to live with me? If so, I can only completely erase you! "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the big tiger paused for a moment, blessed the previous one in a black vortex, difficultly penetrated Lin Feng's ice blue water curtain and greeted Lin Feng.

"If you stop and look at the face of thick soil, I can give you a chance to live." Lin Feng paused and said.

"Jie Jie, boy, do you think we are fools? It's time to talk about the question of whether to live or not? " The big tiger opened his mouth. Ba opened and closed his mouth and said, "have a good time. Today, either you or we are dead. Although our four ghost kings have been estranged over the years, we know that we should die together and live together!"

With that, the big tiger rushed directly towards Lin Feng and felt the attack of the big tiger. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a smile, his eyes were a little more gloomy, and the cold in his face became more and more severe.

Lin Feng didn't mean to fight the big tiger. He was still worried about the battle with Jiang Xiong just now. If he wanted to solve this trouble, he would not get any benefits.

Lin Feng is not a fool. He certainly won't do such a thing.

Thinking so, Lin Feng turned his head, looked at the big tiger, sighed and said, "if Jiang Xiong didn't die?"

The attack over there suddenly stopped there, looked down at Lin Feng, put away the attack and said, "really?"

A mass of black paint appeared in Lin Feng's hands. Lin Feng pointed to the things in his hands and said, "if you don't believe it, you can come up to inspect the goods. Although I Lin Feng killed countless people, I am a principled person. I said he is still alive, he is still alive."

The big tiger was silent. He crawled in the yellow sand, looked at Lin Feng and said, "what you said is true?"

"Isn't that the truth? I respect Jiang Xiong as a man, so I refined his soul power from the place where he buried his bones, and his consciousness is also in it. When I get out of the place where he buried his bones, I can send his consciousness away. At that time, he can reincarnate and start over again. "

Lin Feng paused for a moment, looked at the three ghost kings and said, "in your whole life, you have lived in the land of buried bones. Are you really satisfied with such days now? If you are reincarnated, you can openly live in this world. "


The big tiger lay there silently, chewing Lin Feng's words.

They are naturally dissatisfied.

But what does dissatisfaction look like?

They are destined to be created by a dragon for his successors. Therefore, their existence is to be killed. If it was before, they were willing to accept such results. However, after thousands of years, who is willing to be wiped out like this?

Just because they don't want to be erased, they rise up and kill them. Either you or I die. Only in this way can they have a glimmer of vitality.

After all, they forget it

The big tiger slowly began to dissolve. Where did the three ghost King appear? He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. He moved his mouth hard. You looked at me and I looked at you. They all sat there silently without talking.

The three ghost kings were injured and looked a little embarrassed, but the three ghost kings didn't pay attention to their wounds, just looked at each other and silently exchanged their feelings.

Seeing the appearance of the three ghost king, Lin Feng didn't mean to speak, but sat there quietly waiting for the three ghost king to make his own decision.

The twelve Yin and Yang rotation array was still running, but the attack no longer appeared. Lin Feng sat there with a chair behind him, holding a pot of wine in his hand and said, "take your time, but I suggest you hurry up. The white bones under the ground are beginning to move towards this side."

Lin Feng's words are leisurely. Looking at the three ghost kings, he is completely convinced that you will be soft.

After a while, Hu Zhi stood up, looked at Lin Feng, clenched his teeth and said, "boy, we have the deepest resentment. As long as you are willing to swear and let us live, we will come from you. Otherwise, all the white bones in the bone burial place will come this way. At that time, under the attack of such white bones, you must not be an opponent!"

Hearing Hu Zhi's words, Lin Feng sneered and said, "let's continue to fight. Come on, you three restore your three appearance. Let's fight again." In fact, Lin Feng suddenly raised his hand and held Feng Tong's sword. The field and potential energy position of the sword spread out at Lin Feng's feet and rushed towards the three ghost kings.

The three ghost King's body kept retreating, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with gloomy eyes.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, the twelve yin-yang rotation array was constantly turning, and a purple black lightning greeted the three ghost king.


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