"Let's go!" Lin Feng turned and walked towards the outside. They raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng, but no one dared to refute Lin Feng's words. They just nodded dryly and followed Lin Feng all the way forward.

Feeling this, everyone breathed with relief.

"Mentor, that big guy was so powerful just now!" Li Feng came to Lin Feng with a smile and said with a smile.

"Well, ten million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. Of course, we have experienced danger together after all. I am not so stingy. If you need it, I can make it cheaper."

Lin Feng turned his head with a smile, looked at Li Feng and said, "how about a 20% discount?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng coughed and turned his head directly.

Are you kidding? Ten million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones? Used to deal with those poison toads just now?

"Loser!" Li Feng wailed in his heart, turned his head and looked at Lin Feng. His body trembled and trembled.

"What did you do just now, mentor?" Li Feng asked carefully.

"I know. I just solved a group of weak hundred poison toads with 10 million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. Yes, you said earlier. For the 10 million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones, I am willing to solve those hundred poison toads for you myself!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Mentor, can you tell us in advance about such a white house next time? We will help you lose your family! " Everyone looked up at Lin Feng and said solemnly.

"You think if you want to lose your family, you will lose your family?" Hearing what they said, Lin Feng turned his eyes. "Remember, not ordinary people can learn such things as losing their family. This is a skill that others can't learn!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people can only follow Lin Feng and continue to move forward with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng still frowned.

He didn't expect that there was a corpse Yin sect in the fairyland. Moreover, according to Lin Feng's knowledge of the world, the corpse Yin sect should belong to the demon sect and would not appear on the main star easily.

Really, there are more and more troubles!

Lin Feng looked ahead, but there were stars shining in his eyes. Obviously, for him, the thing that such a person can fight is the highest thing and powerful power. Now it is what Lin Feng wants to have first!

"I don't know where the Millennium human face flower is still!" After walking for a while, everyone's mind shook up.

"Yes, yes, we've been away for so long, and we don't know the Millennium human face flower. I guess there's no chance!" Everyone lowered their heads and said.

"Don't you find that we are a little quiet now? What's the name here? Nether valley. Since it's a valley, there must be many monsters, but we haven't received any monsters yet! "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone looked serious.

Everyone's whole body was on alert, standing there with a serious face one by one, holding weapons in their hands.

Lin Feng is also muttering.

The Dean has cleaned up thoroughly enough. Have all the monsters here been cleaned up?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind relaxed a little.

"Hiss ~" suddenly the same sound came from the ship around. Everyone's mind tightened again. Lin Feng frowned. After hearing these sounds, his eyes were serious.

There are monsters!

"Mentor, over there!" Xiaobai pointed to a direction and said, "I don't know what it is. I feel uncomfortable all over!"

Lin Feng's mind spread directly to the other side. At this time, a big guy suddenly ran out of the mountain forest and felt this strength. Lin Feng's hand shook and a sword spirit was directly lost!

The attack stopped there, retreated, and three pairs of scarlet eyes stared at a group of people.

"It's a three headed snake. How can there be such a thing in this place?" Seeing the big guy, someone whispered and said.

"It's this thing!" Seeing this guy, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and sneered. With a shake of his hand, he flew straight over with an attack.

Lin Feng's attack aroused the beast of the three headed rock snake, and his eyes fell directly on Lin Feng.

"Let's work together. This is a big guy!" Lin Feng said to the crowd with a serious face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded and looked at the three headed rock snake with cold eyes. Why did this big guy suddenly appear here? However, since he appeared, deal with it well!

Everyone gathered together to attack.

"Li Feng, step back!"

"Xiaobai, the attack method is wrong. The snake hits seven inches. The weakness of this thing is under its head!"

"Zhang Han, the attack is wrong!"

"Ding Xiaoxiao, lose the symbol!"


Lin Feng spoke quickly. Everyone followed behind Lin Feng and listened to Lin Feng's constant introduction of things. Everyone's eyes were a little cold.

Lin Feng still didn't stop and took everyone forward to attack the three headed rock snake.

"Captain, look over there. What a powerful attack!" Behind Lin Feng's group of people, a five person hunting team stood there, looked at Lin Feng and his party, his eyes were unbelievable, and said.

"Yes, these three rock snakes are beyond the existence of the big demon. These guys obviously only have the cultivation of human immortality. They can deal with such powerful things. It's too powerful!"

"When did we have such a powerful hunting team in Yingcheng?" The man in the middle looked at the back of a group of people and asked in a low voice.

Hearing the man's words, everyone shook their heads.

This mountainous area basically belongs to Yingcheng. They are also famous animal hunting teams in Yingcheng. They are familiar with ordinary animal hunting teams, but they see this group for the first time.

"It should be a newly registered hunting team." Someone whispered.

"It seems that we have to add a powerful animal hunting team to Yingcheng." The man said with a smile, "don't forget, along the way, we saw the bodies in the mountains."

Hearing the man's words, all people chose silence again.

"Although Zhao Hu's character is not good, his strength is there. We all know that it is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In Ying City, ordinary animal hunting teams want to sell Zhao Hu's face and dare not offend him, but Zhao Hu's life has been buried there. I estimate that they did eight or nine out of ten."

Hearing the man's words, they nodded and dared not comment any more.

This world is the society of the strong.

Animal hunting teams are practitioners who lick blood at the edge of a knife. Many people come and go to die. They have long been used to it. Everyone is to survive, but generally no one will take the initiative to deal with a animal hunting team.

After all, we all know our accomplishments. If we act rashly, we will only fall into a dilemma.

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