"Then... Captain, what shall we do?" Four people looked at the man.

"Go back. The Millennium human face flower must have been taken away, otherwise the three headed snake wouldn't be so cruel. Let's go back." The man turned and left directly.

Hearing the man's words, the people who were still looking forward to it just sighed and turned and walked outside.

"Why do you sigh? Our original wood carving is just to come and have a look. Now we have seen it, let's go back." They waved their hands and said with a smile.

Hearing the man's words, a group of people lifted their spirits and went straight away. Lin Feng angrily looked back at the leaving team and sighed with relief.

If there were a few more hunting teams, they might have a bloody battle!

After solving the three headed snake, everyone was relieved and sat down to breathe heavily.

"Mentor, where are the Millennium flowers?" Everyone looked up and asked.

"It seems that the Dean took it away and made pills for everyone." Lin Feng smiled at the crowd and said, "yes, it's a step higher than our current cultivation. You've solved all the other big guys. I think you're getting stronger and stronger!"

Lin Feng said to the crowd with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone stood there and didn't speak. Obviously, Lin Feng's words, in their opinion, are... Well, probably to coax them!

This is a huge monster. They spent so much thought. As a result, they are just a big guy!

All the people waved their hands and looked at Lin Feng with some sadness.

"I said, mentor, since all the facial flowers have been taken away, you don't have to bring us in!"


"Tutor, we find you love cheating too much!"

Everyone sat there, eating the Huiqi pill, looking up at Lin Feng and complaining.

"Think of it as exercise!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "what a good opportunity!"


Everyone looked like I was speechless.

"What shall we do next?" Xiaobai asked with a smile, "shall we go directly to Yingcheng next?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "anyway, the Millennium facial flower has arrived. Let's go directly now!"

Everyone nodded and sighed with relief. Lin Feng shook his head when he saw the appearance of a group of people. These guys are really naive. Since they all killed three snakes, this millennium human face flower is something everyone likes. No one can give up so easily. Their trouble has just begun.

Obviously, everyone is not aware of this problem.

Only Zhao Qingluo looked back and looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, but she knew what Lin Feng was peeing. Brother Lin just gave up. How can she feel a little strange!

"Brother Lin!" Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng, "well... I still need some herbs to refine some pills. Can we look for them when we go down the mountain?" Xiaobai said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"What pill?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's a small pill. We studied it with Ji Zhao and his party and took out the pill. Anyway, our combat effectiveness is not strong, so we'll refine the pill for you!" Xiaobai said with a smile.

"OK, give me the list and we'll pay attention all the way." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Xiaobai nodded at once, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper.

"Still play with me and be careful!" Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng murmured in his heart. Although he didn't practice for a long time, he passed the earth. Many things have been experienced for a long time. Why don't these guys understand!

Lin Feng glanced at the list and turned to Xiaobai Jizhao and others.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"It seems that you have studied it yourself!" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

"No, sir, we improved it according to the pill prescription we got at the ruins before. We don't know whether the giving body can work. Just take it and try it. Hey, hey, just try it."

Ji Zhao quickly waved his hand and said.

"I don't want you to try. In the final analysis, you are still my students. Aren't you absolutely sure of me that you are better?" Lin Feng's face wore an old fox smile.

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Ji Zhao and others looked at each other, immediately restrained their mind and stopped talking.

Lin Feng continued to move forward, but in the mountains, he really began to observe the surrounding environment and look for these herbs. Everyone was relieved.

After walking in the mountains for three days, just as everyone was about to go out of the mountains and enter the urban area of Yingcheng, a voice came from a distance.

"That's them!" I don't know who shouted. Then, countless people rushed towards Lin Feng and his party.

The light of aura is shining on these practitioners, and the wood is extensive, but it doesn't mean to let go.

Feeling these people, everyone's face was ignorant. They didn't know what had happened. One by one, they just kept retreating.

What the hell is going on?

Everyone looked at each other one by one, and didn't know what to do next.

"Kill!" Lin Feng shouted, "if you don't kill me, are you still waiting to be chopped into meat cakes by others!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a group of people just reacted at this time. They looked directly at the enemy outside. The long sword shook and directly attacked the past.

Everyone's attack speed was very fast, and a group of people soon got together.

Lin Feng shuttled among the practitioners. Many of these are not the recognition of the hunting team. It should be that someone found them fighting with three heads of food and, and then released the news. These people appeared here, probably just to fight with everyone.

What fun!

Feeling the appearance of these people, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

Lin Feng seldom took action. While protecting Li Feng and them, he looked for acquaintances in the crowd.

These guys obviously came prepared and didn't give Lin Feng too many opportunities to find acquaintances.


Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment, and his eyes looked at a man hiding among the practitioners. Like him, the man almost didn't do much, and he always swam and walked on the edge of the crowd.

Do bad things and want to run?

Seeing the man's appearance, Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and flew over directly. The white feather sword was put on the man's neck.

"Your Excellency, good mood!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the smile on the leisurely man's face immediately converged. The corners of his mouth smoked. Looking back, he only saw Lin Feng standing there smiling.

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