On the moon, on the barren land, a figure quietly emerged.

The person who came was Ye Qing, who teleported from the earth to the moon, wanting to find Chang’e on the moon.

“Hehe, Chang’e, trapped on the moon for many years, it must be lonely, lonely…”

Ye Qing came to the moon, laughed twice, and then the figure flickered, walking quickly on the moon, looking for the breath of Chang’e.

However, after looking for a long time, Ye Qing still did not see a ghost shadow, let alone Chang’e on the moon, that is, a breath of life does not exist.

“It’s impossible!” On the back side of the moon, Ye Qing frowned secretly, searched again, and found almost all the places on the moon.

And he also enveloped the entire moon with his mind, but he didn’t find a trace of Chang’e, which is wrong.

Isn’t Chang’e on the moon?

Ye Qing was full of question marks, and looked for it again without dying, sure ~ true, Chang’e was gone.

“Chang’e is gone?” Floating on the moon, Ye Qing was a little dumbfounded, because Chang’e was not on the moon, or – said that she was gone.

He looked strange, his eyes kept flickering, and he felt something abnormal, Chang’e-why did he disappear?


Soon, Ye Qing discovered something, or an anomaly on a huge mountain on the moon.


The figure flashed, came to the largest mountain on the moon, and looked at the font on it in a daze.

“Chang’e, here I am…”

Yes, he saw these words carved on it, which made him look extremely strange, because the breath of these fonts was very familiar.

The breath of these fonts is clearly himself.

“I’ll go!” Ye Qing was taken aback, her eyebrows raised, looking at these fonts, she didn’t expect that they were left by herself.

Ye Qing thought, have you ever been here and left these fonts? Soon, he realized something and immediately contacted the system.

“System, can you travel back to before the birth of humans in this world?” He thought of the system, and perhaps, only this explanation could make sense.

Sure enough, the system sent a prompt: “Host, on the eve of crossing to this realm Nuwa to create people, you need 500,000 yuan treasure.” ”

The system’s answer made Ye Qing’s eyes light up, and he suddenly understood in his heart that maybe these fonts were really left by him.

Ye Qing had to sigh that it was still very easy to travel through the systems of the major plane worlds and return to this world on the eve of Nuwa’s creation, but it needed yuan treasures.

Then Ye Qing asked again: “System, how many yuan treasures do you need to travel back to Zhuxian Town in the Song Dynasty?” ”

“Song Dynasty, Zhuxian Town, the time span needs to cost 100,000 yuan…” The system answer made Ye Qing’s eyes flicker.

He floated on the moon, quietly thinking, in this world hides the mysterious thing of destiny.

The main task is to capture the fate and the Pangu ancestral blood in the Eternal Pangu Holy Land.

These are the things that Ye Qing must obtain, since this is the case, it is best to return to the eve of people.

“System, through the Song Dynasty…”

However, Ye Qing first traveled back to Zhuxian Town, where there was a chance to sense the breath of the Eternal Realm.

“Ding, deduct 100,000 yuan treasure, open the crossing…”

The system prompt came, and then, Ye Qing felt a black hole appear in front of him, inhaling him into it and disappearing.


In the Song Dynasty, outside a barren mountain, a black hole quietly emerged, and a figure came out of it, which was Ye Qing who had traveled back.

His mind quickly swept around and found that there was no one, this was a barren mountain, and there were no people.

The mind extended for hundreds of miles, and soon sensed the breath of a large number of humans, and immediately flashed and disappeared, coming to the place where the sensed breath was.


Ye Qing hid his figure, looking at the continuous military camp stationed in front, a big flag was erected in front of the big camp, Yue!

“It’s Yue Fei’s Yue Family Army!” Ye Qing suddenly realized that the army stationed here turned out to be Yue Fei’s Yue Family Army.

He sensed a little that there were at least 100,000 troops stationed here, and it seemed that it was Yue Fei’s main army.


Suddenly, Ye Qing saw a sneaky figure running out quietly from a corner of the barracks, thinking that it was the treachery of the Yue family army.

As a result, he was stunned after a closer look, and then suddenly smiled: “Interesting, it turned out to be her.” ”

That sneaky figure, petite body, looks a lot different from ordinary men, she is a woman, and she is also a girl of good age.

Seeing this, Ye Qing curiously followed, and soon, the soldier in front of her dressed as a man sneakily came to the small river.

·· 0 Ask for flowers…

“Oh… Come to the shower? Ye Qing suddenly, and then cried and laughed.

I thought what to do, it turned out to be secretly running out to take a bath, seeing this, Ye Qing’s eyes turned and quietly followed.

He didn’t want to peek, Ye Qing was not disgusted enough to peek at a girl’s bath, he was curious, is this girl Yue Fei’s daughter, Yue Yinhua?


At the side of the river, the girl untied her armor and began to rinse in the water. Looking at her pretty face and fair skin, I couldn’t figure out why she wanted to be a soldier.

Ye Qing is funny, the status of ancient women is low, and she still has to be sneaky as a soldier, or is it her father Yue Fei’s Yue family army, can it be used?


“I wonder if my father found me?”

In the small river, Yue Yinhua rinsed his body while muttering quietly, frowning lightly, but he didn’t know that a figure was hidden in the woods on the bank.

Not long after, she rinsed off, came up and dressed neatly, and was about to leave, when she suddenly found a person standing on the treetops in front of her, and she was suddenly cold.

“Who?” Yue Yinping’s face changed in shock, and he scolded, pulling out his saber and looking at the people in the treetops vigilantly.

Her pretty face turned pale, and she was angry in her heart, thinking, did this person see her taking a bath here?

“Who are you and why are you here?” Yue Yinhua gritted his teeth and scolded.

On the treetops, Ye Qing looked at her funny, and suddenly floated in front of her.

“A good daughter’s family doesn’t do it, but she comes to the barracks of men, why are you bothered?” Ye Qing said with a smile.

Yue Yinhua’s face changed, gritted his teeth, pointed his sword at Ye Qing, and asked: “Say, are you an enemy country traitor, you just now, did you have it just now, did you…”

She said and spoke, but she couldn’t continue, her pretty face was shy and anxious, obviously thinking that her every move in the small river just now was seen by Ye Qing, and she was immediately ashamed and indignant.

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to come to see you, well, I didn’t see it.” Ye Qing said, saying that he hadn’t seen it just now.

I really didn’t look at it, but unfortunately Yue Yinhua didn’t believe it, but he was even more sure that he had seen all his innocence.

“Evil thief, I will kill you.” Hearing Ye Qing’s words, Yue Yinhua, who was angry, ignored it and directly swung his sword to cut at Ye Qingda. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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