
Sparks flew, one hand reached out, and two fingers gently pinched the long sword of Yue Yin’s bottle, so that she could no longer cut it.

Seeing that his sword was pinched, Yue Yinping’s pretty face suddenly changed, and he wanted to withdraw his sword and retreat, but was carried by a force and fell into Ye Qing’s arms.

“Let go of me, let go of me!” Yue Yinping was terrified and kept struggling.

Ye Qing shook her head and let go of her, still holding the sword in her hand, flicking it lightly, and stabbed into a rock next to her, and the hilt of the sword did not enter it.

“Your strength is too weak, and you still run to become a soldier, what is the use, even if you go to the battlefield, you will die in battle quickly.” Ye Qing said lightly.

Ahead, Yue Yinhua looked frightened, retreated slightly, away from Ye Qing, this person was very dangerous.

She listened to Ye Qing’s words, bit her lip, looked at him stubbornly, and said: “I want to share for my father, I want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.” ”

“Courage is commendable, but do you have strength?” Ye Qing asked with a smile. “Five Two Seven”

Yue Yinping stopped talking, he was right, he was a female stream, weak and could not help the wind, not at all comparable to a man in the army, even a small soldier can easily knock her down.

Her eyes flashed with a trace of mist, and she suddenly squatted down, hugged her knees, and silently wept without saying a word.

“Why, this is crying?” Ye Qing was dumbfounded, crying and laughing: “Look at how you are so weak, how can you become a general who kills the enemy and is invincible?” ”

“I was born as a daughter, what can I do?” Yue Yinping shouted sadly, as if venting the sorrow in his heart.

Ye Qing shook her head, glanced at her twice, and suddenly smiled: “If you want to gain strength and become stronger, then you will come here to find me tonight.” ”


After speaking, Ye Qing’s figure disappeared, leaving Yue Yinhua alone in a daze, watching Ye Qing’s strange disappearance, not only was he not afraid, but he showed a strange light.

She suddenly remembered, isn’t Ye Qing a mysterious and powerful person, perhaps, he can make her strong?

“Is what you said true?” Yue Yinping immediately stood up and shouted at the surroundings.

Unfortunately, the surroundings were quiet, and no one replied, disappointing her, and after standing for a long time, Yue Yinhua left here and returned to the barracks.

She went back without reluctance, restless in her heart, waiting, waiting, waiting, wait

Yue Yinhua quietly left the barracks after nightfall, and as for how to get out of Yue Fei’s barracks, just kidding, in fact, Yue Fei had long known that his daughter was coming.

Moreover, those subordinates knew that she was the daughter of Marshal Yue Fei, who dared to embarrass her?

In this way, Yue Yinhua came to the place where she had seen Ye Qing before, looked around, and couldn’t see anything in the dark, which made her heart can’t help but panic.

“You, are you there?” Yue Yinhua shouted a little hesitantly.

In the dark of night, the mountain breeze howls, the woods rustle, and the faint of heart will be frightened.

Just when Yue Yinhua was panicking, a shadow quietly appeared, and the person who came was Ye Qing, standing not far in front of Yue Yinhua, looking at her with a smile.

“It seems that you are very scared in your heart.”

A sudden sentence frightened Yue Yinhua to scream, and he was slightly relieved after seeing Ye Qing.

But soon she mentioned in her heart, thinking that the wilderness, black, lonely men and widows here, wouldn’t it just make people do bad things?

How can a weak woman beat each other? Yue Yinhua repented, he was obsessed, how could he believe this person’s words?

“Why, are you afraid, regretful?” Ye Qing smiled and muttered, “Actually, if you regret it, you can turn around and leave, I’ll give you a chance to turn around.” ”

“No, I’m not leaving!” Yue Yinhua suddenly calmed down.

The other party is strong, he can’t resist at all, in this case, why be afraid, what people want to do is actually impossible to resist at all, since this is the case, then calm down.

Seeing her calm down, Ye Qing nodded secretly and said with a smile: “Since you don’t leave, then don’t regret it, say, what kind of strong person do you want to be?” ”

“Killing enemies on the battlefield, the invincible general of the world, or the strong man who has achieved cultivation and immortality?” Ye Qing asked lightly.

Yue Yinping was stunned, looked at Ye Qing blankly, recalled the meaning of his two words, and let her choose whether to be an invincible general on the battlefield or a peerless strong man with successful cultivation and immortality.

“Master is on top, please worship the apprentice!” Yue Yinhua suddenly knelt down and solemnly kowtowed.

Ye Qing’s face froze, looking at Yue Yinhua kneeling in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was speechless in his heart.

She worshipped the teacher, Ye Qing didn’t mention how depressed she was, why did she worship the teacher?

“Get up, I won’t take apprentices.” Ye Qing shook his head and directly waved his hand to send out a gentle force to hold up Yue Yin’s bottle.

Seeing that he was held up, Yue Yinhua’s heart was shocked, his eyes were firm, and he said: “Master, the apprentice sincerely worships you as a teacher, and I beg the master to teach me.” ”

Speaking, she wanted to bow down again, Ye Qing held her forehead, waved her hand and said: “Get up, I said that I won’t worship the teacher, and I will leave if I worship again.” ”

“Yes, Master!” Yue Yinhua got up honestly…

Looking at her respectful appearance, Ye Qing almost didn’t storm away, but she was able to hold back. He sighed: “Forget it, in this case, then I will teach you.” ”

“Come here!” His face was unhappy, because he didn’t want to take Yue Yinhua as an apprentice at all.

Yue Yinhua honestly stepped forward, stood in front of Ye Qing beautifully, looked at Ye Qing, who was handsome and had an extraordinary temperament, and suddenly blushed.

In fact, Ye Qing looked about the same age as her, but she actually worshipped him as a teacher, which felt a little strange.

“Master…” Looking at Ye Qing in a daze, Yue Yinhua called carefully.

Ye Qing sobered up and said with a smile: “Okay, I will pass on your martial arts, I hope you will cultivate well, and you must come here to find me every evening in the future, I want to check your progress.” ”

“Yes, Master!” Yue Yinhua was excited.

Then, Ye Qingyi pointed at the center of her eyebrows, and transmitted a cultivation heart method into her mind and imprinted in it.

Moreover, he directly used his powerful mana to open up the eight veins of the strange meridians in Yue Yin’s body, and even quietly transformed her body with a thousand-year spirit peach.

“I will pass on a set of mental methods and execution, you will understand it yourself.” After Ye Qing finished speaking, she withdrew her hand.

Yue Yinping stood there in a daze, his mind completely caught in that set of mental methods and executions, and he was deeply fascinated.

Seeing that she was comprehending it, Ye Qing shook her head with a bitter smile, did not care, but took out a set of bright silver armor and a bright silver spear from the inner heaven and earth.

This was a set of Heavenly General armor, containing powerful abilities, and after placing it in front of Yue Yinhua, it turned around and disappeared without a trace.

“Master, master.1.8..”

When Yue Yinhua woke up, he found that Ye Qing was gone, except for a beautiful set of armor and silver spears in front of him.

She looked at this set of armor, gently picked up the silver gun, and liked it at first sight.

“Thank you, Master.” Yue Yinhua shouted happily, and actually changed into this set of armor here.

In the darkness, Ye Qing was lying on a tree, looking at Yue Yinhua, who was changing his armor clothes here, and couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“This little Nizi, didn’t you mean to seduce as a teacher, right?” Ye Qing couldn’t help but mutter.

As a result, Yue Yinhua, who was changing his armor, stiffened, and his pretty face turned red.

After a period of sonorous noise, Yue Yinhua blushed red, changed his armor in a panic, dressed neatly, and ran away with the silver spear in a panic.


Ye Qing’s cheerful laughter came from the mountain forest, provoking Yue Yinhua to run faster, his face was about to drip blood, and he was extremely ashamed in his heart. _

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