In front of the hill, on the huge bluestone lay a person, seemingly sleepless, breathless, on his body, there were also two small snakes, white and blue, intimately spitting letters into his face.

I saw that a white shadow flashed, quietly appeared next to Qingshi, gently opened a wine jug, and handed it over.

“Master, what do you think I brought you?”

Yue Yinhua shook the wine jug with a grin, swaying back and forth in front of Ye Qing’s nose, and the wine aroma was pungent.

Ye Qing opened her eyes and said with a smile: “Even if you have a conscience, I have taught you to cultivate for the teacher until now, and I have only seen you bring wine twice to honor your teacher.” ”

“Master, this is my father’s wine, I brought it secretly.” Yue Yinhua looked down embarrassedly, and his pretty face was a little red.

It turned out that she stole Yue Fei’s wine and quietly brought it to Ye Qing, which can be regarded as filial piety to this mysterious and powerful master.

Said to be a master, in fact, in her heart, she felt that Ye Qing was more like a friend, and she was also a teacher and friend, from the beginning of her fear, to now there is nothing to talk about.

As soon as she had something on her mind, she was the first to come and talk to Ye Qing, and she felt that the whole person was much more relaxed after telling Ye Qing about her heart.

Over time, Yue Yinhua became more and more sticky to Ye Qing, and since she met her father Yue Fei and showed her powerful martial arts, she finally gained recognition.

“Master, guess why I came here so early on 21 today?” Yue Yinbian suddenly said with a grin.

Ye Qing drank wine leisurely, and smiled when she heard this: “Seeing how happy you are smiling, is it that your father made you a general?” ”

“Wow!” Yue Yinping said in amazement: “Master, you are so powerful, do you know this?” ”

“What is this, just look at your expression, is it a pioneer general?” Ye Qing looked at her with a smile.

Yue Yinping nodded fiercely and said excitedly: “Yes master, my father finally let me be a general.” ”

“Alas, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, time flies so fast, and your cultivation is enough to protect yourself.” Ye Qing suddenly sighed.

When Yue Yinping heard that it was wrong, he couldn’t help but panic in his heart, and asked, “Master, you, are you leaving?” ”

Thinking of this, Yue Yinhua didn’t know why, but he actually panicked, and took Ye Qing’s hand, as if afraid that he would leave.

Ye Qing saw her panicked appearance and said with a smile: “Why, looking at you, you look reluctant to go for the teacher?” ”

Yue Yinhua looked down and blushed, but nodded and said: “Yes, master, the bottle can’t bear you, can you not go, I still have a lot to learn from you.” ”

“Don’t go, you raise as a teacher?” Ye Qing said with a smile.

As a result, Yue Yinhua raised his head and said firmly with his eyes: “Master, I will raise you, it is natural to raise a master in vain.” ”


Ye Qing spewed out a sip of wine, almost choked to death, looked at Yue Yinhua with a serious face, rolled his eyes, the ancients just didn’t understand the meaning of modern people’s words.

However, speaking of which, in ancient times, it was really natural to raise a master in vain, just as the so-called one day as a teacher, a teacher for life.

“Forget it, there are still important things to deal with for the teacher, and I have to go.” Ye Qing’s face was serious, looking at her seriously and said.

In recent days, he faintly felt a prying eye, and he couldn’t find it several times when he tried to probe, and the other party was very cautious and secretive.

Ye Qing guessed that it should be a robbery hidden in the country, and if he took Yue Yinhua as an apprentice, this guy would no longer be able to take her as an apprentice.

Will he observe himself in secret, this point Ye Qing is a little cautious, the hidden eternal country, if he does not take the initiative to come out, it is difficult to find himself.

“Master, do you really want to leave?” Yue Yinhua’s face was full of loss, and he felt a strong reluctance.

After half a year of getting along, Ye Qing had long been deeply imprinted in her heart, and when she heard that he was leaving, Yue Yinbian couldn’t help but panic.

Ye Qing looked at Yue Yinhua with a lost look, grabbed his arm with both hands, and immediately cried and laughed.

“Xiao Nizi, if you do this again, be careful not to marry.” Ye Qing joked with a smile.

As a result, Yue Yinping was anxious when he heard this: “If I don’t marry, I will follow the master and take care of your old man.” ”

“Let your father listen to this and not kill you.” Ye Qing looked at her funny, not taking it seriously.

“By the way, Master, my father wants to see you.” Yue Yinhua suddenly said, looking at him with expectation and apprehension on his face.

Listening to her words, Ye Qing pondered a little, then shook her head and said: “Forget it, for Shi Xianyun Yehe, as a person outside the Fang, he will not mix with things in the world.” ”

When Yue Yinping heard the disappointment, she felt a sense of loss in her heart, in fact, her father didn’t know that she had a master at all, but it was her careful thoughts.

She wanted to take Ye Qing back to meet her father, well, it was like taking her son-in-law back to meet her father-in-law.

“Well, it’s not life and death, why this expression?” Ye Qing smiled and comforted, and he continued: “With your current cultivation, there are not many that can hurt you, unless it is a heavenly god, or some powerful zombies. ”

“God? Zombies…” Yue Yinping was stunned, and suddenly woke up, his master is mysterious and powerful, is it a god in the sky?

Thinking of this, she asked in amazement: “Master, are you a god in heaven?” ”

“Count it in!” Ye Qing nodded and shook his head, he is a god, after all, he is a heavenly emperor.

“Then, master, can you live forever?” Yue Yinping was stunned, and a question suddenly occurred to him.

She glanced at Ye Qing strangely, and asked cautiously, “Master, how old are you this year?” ”

“Why, you little Nizi, don’t you think you’re old with a teacher?” Ye Qing scolded with a smile, and then said: “This year, well, it’s just thirty years old. ”

Ye Qing said and touched his chin, he seems to be really thirty years old, and he is middle-aged.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Yue Yinhua inexplicably patted his heart, as if relieved.

Her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she said embarrassedly: “Master, today, today is my birthday…”

Hearing this, Ye Qing was stunned, and then smiled.

“Your birthday…” Ye Qing thought about it, and suddenly turned his palm, and a red peach suddenly appeared.

He smiled and handed it to Yue Yinhua, and said with a smile: “Come, eat this fairy peach.” ”

“Thank you, Master!” Yue Yinhua 500 didn’t think much, happily took the peach and ate it, and quickly ate it clean.

“Little one, you also eat one…” Ye Qing took out two more thousand-year-old spirit peaches and handed them to two small snakes, one white and one green, coiled around him.

It’s strange to say, these two little snakes appeared some time ago, originally dying, Ye Qing didn’t care at first, but at first I saw that the good guy turned out to be two snake demons, but he was seriously injured.


The two little snakes spit out letters, swallowed two spirit peaches, and gradually fell asleep, Ye Qing smiled and put the two on the bluestone without paying attention anymore.

He looked up just in time to see Yue Yinhua finish eating the immortal peach, Ye Qing smiled in his heart, and then took out a ring and gently put it on her.

“Master, what is this?” Yue Yinwan looked at the ring on his hand curiously.

Ye Qing explained: “This is a storage ring, it is a birthday gift for the teacher, do you like it?” ”

“Like, the master is so good!” Yue Yinhua was pleasantly surprised, and it was fun to play on the side, and the storage ring was really magical.

“Finally can’t help it?”

At this time, Ye Qing suddenly stood up, his eyes were sharp, staring at a certain place in the void, faintly capturing a wisp of breath, without saying a word, he flashed a teleport and disappeared here.

“Bottle, go for the teacher, take care of yourself!” In the distance, Ye Qing’s words came from the void.

“Master, master….”

Seeing Ye Qing disappear, Yue Yinhua’s pretty face changed drastically, and he kept shouting, but unfortunately Ye Qing had already left. _

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