In the Phantom Realm, in the Phantom Palace, Chan You looked at a closed door, which was where Ye Qing lived, which she had arranged.

Since coming to the Illusion Realm, after playing happily with Chan You for two or three days, Ye Qing directly announced the retreat, which made Chan You very worried.

Not worried about Ye Qing, but worried about the safety of the Illusion Realm, this unknown origin and powerful human being, made her very uneasy.

“Ghost Lord, this human has evil intentions, and has to guard against it…”

Behind Chan You, there stood a demon with a powerful aura, he was the demon general of the Illusion Realm, returning to evil.

It was rumored that the demon lord Chan You was living with a young human man, which caused a sensation in the entire Illusion Realm, shocking the six demon generals.

Listening to the words of the evil spirit, Chan You’s face was expressionless, her eyes were glowing, and she said indifferently: “You don’t have to pay attention to this matter, I have my own opinion.” ”

“Will you stand down?” Chan You waved her hand.

Gui Xie immediately bowed down: “Yes, the subordinate retreated.” ”

Saying that, he respectfully retreated, the Palace of Illusions is Chan You’s dormitory, and there is no one who can live here except her two personal maids.

28 But now there is one more, and that is Ye Qing, a human being.

“What is your purpose?” Chan You looked at the closed door and faintly felt a powerful aura permeating out.

In the palace room, Ye Qing sat cross-kneeled, quietly cultivating, absorbing the unique spiritual power of the Illusion Realm.

In fact, most of him did not absorb the spiritual power of the Illusion Realm, it was just the body’s self-instinct absorption after cultivation.

He is now cultivating, and his main strength comes from the inner heaven and earth of the dantian in his body, where an endless stream of powerful spiritual energy gushes out.


Suddenly, Ye Qing’s body trembled slightly, and then mysterious fonts emerged, sonorously imprinted on his body.

It was the ancient character of the Qingtian Ancient Scripture, beating one by one, exuding a simple and desolate atmosphere, with the supreme divine power.

These ancient characters are imprinted on the body, constantly transforming the body, as if hammers are beating the impurities of the body.

The blue-gray ancient characters temper the flesh body, strengthen the body at the same time, and at the same time operate rapidly in the body, driving the cultivation to continuous compression and condensation, and the more powerful mana flows out, which instantly caused a chain reaction.


A crash roar came, as if some kind of barrier had been broken, and then, the cultivation mana in Ye Qing’s body suddenly reversed, and it was compressed into an even more powerful force under the collision of each other.

Yuan Shen mobilized, quickly operated this force, and swirled back and forth in the body for hundreds of times before finally becoming a transformation.

All along, Ye Qing has suppressed the growth of cultivation and sharpened his own foundation and foundation to be extremely solid.

As the body of the heavens became stronger, he finally couldn’t suppress the surge of this cultivation, and suddenly broke through the peak of heaven and man, and directly rushed into the realm of man.

Moreover, this cultivation expansion has not stopped, because he suppressed it too much, causing the breakthrough to be out of control like a flash flood.


In the room, Ye Qing’s body suddenly erupted with a powerful force, directly diffusing out, enveloping the entire Illusion Palace and even the entire Illusion Realm.

In an instant, countless Meng Tapir people looked terrified, feeling the powerful power like this, which made many Meng Tapir people kneel down directly.

“Such a strong momentum, who is it?”

“It’s the breath of humanity!”

For a time, the entire Illusion Realm boiled, and the Tapirs lay on the ground in horror, unable to stand up by the terrifying momentum.

Even, those powerful demon generals were shocked, and they felt a supreme divine power from this breath, and their hearts couldn’t help but tremble.

“Bastard, what the hell are you trying to do?”

In the Palace of Illusions, Chan You’s pretty face was angry, looking at the terrifying power that suddenly broke out, she almost thought that Ye Qing was going to do it.

As a result, this momentum came and went quickly, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye, making people wonder if it was an illusion just now.

Just when Chan You was angry, the door of the room opened, and Ye Qing slowly walked out from inside, with a confident look on her face.

“Chan You, why don’t you look good?” Ye Qing looked at Chan You in surprise, and her pretty face turned red and white for a while.

Hum! Chan You snorted coldly, gathered his demon power, and frowned: “What happened just now, why did you suddenly release your breath, do you want to disturb our entire Illusion Realm before you are willing?” ”

“So you’re angry about this.” Ye Qing suddenly smiled, and then said with a dumb smile: “Sorry, just now I made a temporary breakthrough in cultivation, which caused a lot of leakage of the breath that I couldn’t control for a while, but it’s okay now.” ”

Ye Qing smiled and nodded, explaining this, but it made Chan You feel dark in her heart, he actually broke through the previous cultivation, so how strong is he?

Name: Ye Qing

Identity: Heavenly Emperor

VIP level: 4

Supreme will: 600,000

Supreme body: 600,000

Lifespan: 100,000 years (1130 years)

Exercises: Qingtian Ancient Sutra (sixth layer, currently 12 layers)

Special physique: the body of the heavens (tempering degree: 24%), comprehension of special abilities: the hand of the heavens, the eyes of the heavens

Divine Arts: Sword Intent Killing Divine Art (Intention Transformation Sword, One Thought, Ten Thousand Swords Killing), Space Divine Art (Teleportation, Space Particle, Divine Finger-Shattered Sky, Space Cage), Chaos Divine Art

Gifted with magical powers: time and space (time stands still, time goes backwards, time and space shuttle, extinction millstone), fate (blade of destiny, gear of destiny)

Cultivation: to the human realm (extreme peak), (small achievement, big achievement, consummation, extreme peak)

Swords: Qingtian (No Defect Saint Soldier), Nine Heavens Sword Box (Meritorious Treasure), Heavenly Jade Seal (level unknown), Heavenly Emperor Palace (No Defect Heavenly Emperor Soldier)

Merit: 0

Yuanbao: 000000

Ye Qing looked at his data, his life span was 100,000 years, his physique and will each increased by 100,000, and the more he went on, the more difficult it became.

The Qingtian Ancient Scripture has been cultivated to the sixth layer, and the cultivation has broken through in one fell swoop, directly rushing to the realm of the human, and it is still an extremely peak realm.

This time the cultivation is a breakthrough, and the foundation accumulated before is consumed to 580 and two nets, and if you want to continue to break through, you must accumulate it again.

Watching his cultivation skyrocket, Ye Qing was satisfied in his heart, it seemed that it took more than a thousand years to cultivate to the human realm, but he had to look at the world Ye Qing was in.

In this world, the highest level limit, the limit of the world’s will is the realm of cultivation, and it is in the realm of the world.

And Ye Qing’s cultivation has been suppressing and building the foundation, which seems very slow, but in fact, as the foundation becomes more and more solid, as time passes, Ye Qing’s future growth will be incomparably rapid.

He was satisfied, but Chan You was a little shocked.

“You, can you not arbitrarily destroy the peace of the Illusion Realm?” Chan You was a little angry, her face was annoyed, and her beautiful eyes glared at him angrily.

Ye Qing smiled freely: “Anla, I’m not here to rob you of the Illusion Realm, how can you guard against me like a thief, and, even if I want to, you can’t stop it.” ”

Chan You’s pretty face changed, in fact, she knew that Ye Qing was right, if Ye Qing really wanted the illusion world, she couldn’t stop it.

“Well, I’m hungry, is there anything to eat, is your hospitality to keep me hungry?” Ye Qing touched her belly and said this without shame.

These words made Chan Youyou angry, snorted coldly and shook his head, and a cold word came from afar.

“If you want to eat, come here quickly, otherwise it will expire.” Although Chan You’s voice was very cold, Ye Qing smiled.

“Coming!” He flashed with a smile and came to Chan You’s side, and the two walked side by side to eat. _

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