In the northwest of the Illusion Realm, a ray of heavenly light spilled out, with rich spiritual power, filling the entire Illusion Realm, and this is the place where the Illusion Realm connects the spiritual spring of heaven and earth.

There is a suspended jade platform here, on which stand two figures, a man and a woman, like a couple in the world.

Chan You, wearing a set of fiery red cloaks today, a long black skirt swaying, setting off that wonderful and peerless posture, her pretty face is slightly sideways, and her beautiful eyes have been looking at Ye Qing beside her.

“You’ve been in the Illusion Realm for a month, when will you leave?” Chan Yuer spoke, and his crisp voice was very pleasant.

But what she meant by this was to ask Ye Qing when she would leave, and staying in the Illusion Realm always made her feel as uncomfortable as a thorn stuck in her heart.

Moreover, she must follow him every day, be vigilant, and even live in her Illusion Palace, so that now the people of the entire Illusion World think that he is Chan You’s lover.

“Why, you want me to go so much?” Ye Qing turned to look at her, with a smile on her face that made Chan You very unhappy.

Ye Qing looked her up and down and said with a smile: “After a month of getting along, don’t you have a little reluctance, or is it that you and I have known each other for a month, and we still haven’t been able to become your friends?” ”

Hum! Chan You hummed softly and looked at the heavenly light spiritual power spilled in front of him, silent, his heart was actually quite complicated.

For a month, Ye Qing just played everywhere, and did not have any intention or intention to peek into the Illusion Realm.

Even when he saw the amethyst, he didn’t pay attention to it just after looking at it twice, which made Chan You feel relieved and a little speechless at the same time.

Could it be that he really can’t look at his own illusion world? If she knew that Ye Qing’s body had opened up a more advanced and perfect world, she would not think like this.

“Your cultivation is a little weak, talent and human realm, well, it is the immortal body you think, in my opinion, it is really fragile.” Ye Qing said in a flat tone.

The Heaven and Human Realm, looking very strong, is actually really fragile in his eyes, and he has cultivated all the way up, all of which are crushing creatures higher than him.

One is the strength of the heavenly body, and the other is the strength of the cultivation foundation, and the cultivation exercises are unique and terrifying.

Qingtian Ancient Scripture, how many ancient scriptures are fused, as well as various cultivation methods, killing techniques, in short, the strength of cultivation is definitely far superior to the same level, and even crushes more advanced strong.

“The gods of the god world are very strong, but immortals are always crushed to death, don’t want to soar to gods.”

Ye Qing suddenly pointed to the spilled Heavenly Light Spiritual Power and said with a smile: “You look at these Heavenly Light Spiritual Power, it is actually some low-level spiritual power excluded from the Divine Realm. ”

“Look at you, you actually hold these low-level spiritual powers like treasures, don’t you know that the spiritual power above the Divine Realm is the highest level.”

Listening to his words, Chan You was stunned, and suddenly imagined a scene in his mind, the god world is high, and the immortal world, the demon world and other cave heavens are located under the god world, and they are forever suppressed by death.

Sandwiched between the divine world and the human world, in fact, the immortals in the immortal world look very high, but they are actually pitiful.

“Divine Realm, that is the residence of the ancient gods, we don’t have this ability, naturally we can only focus on the immortal world.” Chan You recovered coldly, and said in a faint tone.

In fact, she hadn’t thought about the Divine Realm, but that was impossible. She raised that it was already a great opportunity for the Dream Tapir clan to obtain the Illusion Realm, as long as they guarded the Illusion Realm.

Ye Qing shook her head and chuckled, “I heard that the dance of the Meng Tapir family is extremely dreamy and gorgeous, I wonder if I am lucky enough to see it?” ”

When Chan You heard this, her beautiful eyes flashed a brilliant color, and she chuckled and said, “If you want to see, I asked my two maids to dance for you.” ”

“Nope!” Ye Qing slowly shook her head, turned her head to look at her and smiled: “What I want to see is you, the Lord of the Demon Realm, Chan You’s peerless dance posture.” ”

“Dream.” Chan replied faintly, upturned, with a touch of squeamishness, obviously impossible.

The women of the Meng Tapir family have always only danced before their lover, it is a dream dance, only for the beloved.

“In this way, it’s better for you and me to make a deal, I will pass on your supreme magic, how about you dance for me?” Ye Qing looked at her with a smile and made this suggestion.

Chan You sneered: “You better dispel this idea, my dream tapir family never dances in front of outsiders, and the dream dance only belongs to my beloved.” ”

“Love, that means that if I can win your heart, will you dance that dream dance for me?” Ye Qingyuer said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chan Youqiao’s face was slightly red, and it flashed, but she said coldly: “You are dead-hearted, you are human, I am a demon, it is impossible between you and me.” ”

After speaking, she turned around and flashed and disappeared on the jade platform, leaving Ye Qing alone, with a smile on her face.

This patriarch of the Meng Tapir clan, a peerless demon Ji, the lord of the first realm, Chan You, was actually shy.

The shyness of that moment made Ye Qing’s eyes brighten, worthy of being the patriarch of the Meng Tapir clan, peerless.

“Chan You… You can’t run. Ye Qing muttered to herself, standing quietly on the jade platform without leaving.

He stepped out one step and lay down in the place where the sky light fell, Mu, bathed in this powerful spiritual power, and rested here.

Originally going back and waiting left and right to wait for Ye Qing to come back, Chan You was unhappy in her heart, and flashed back to the jade platform again, only to see Ye Qing lying under the skylight, and suddenly became angry.

“Still sleep, the evening meal is ready, you don’t eat, don’t eat I’ll dump it.” Chan glared at Ye Qing with a huff.

After speaking, she turned around and left, making Ye Qing, who was lying under the skylight, laugh dumbly, get up and flash to her side.

“Angry?” Ye Qingxiao asked, he looked at Chan Youqiao’s face with a trace of anger, and comforted: “Well, isn’t it just lying in the sky and basking in the skylight, and I haven’t absorbed, there is no need to be so angry, right?” ”

“Hmph!” Chan You hummed softly, don’t look away, in fact, she didn’t know why she was angry.

Ye Qing shook her head, looked at the entire Illusion Realm, and suddenly sensed a Qi targeting the Illusion Realm attached to the outside of the Illusion Realm.

His mind moved, and he immediately understood what was going on, it seemed that the Qionghua faction on Kunlun Mountain had already set its sights on the Illusion Realm.

All the way back to the Phantom Palace, Ye Qing and Chan You had an evening meal together, which was the only person in the entire Phantom Twilight World who could eat with Chan You.

Just look at the expressions of the two young girls on the side, the two girls are the only personal maids of Chan You, serving her diet and living.

While eating, Ye Qing put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Chan You, and said in a serious tone.

“Chan You, I sensed that there will be a great calamity in the Illusion Realm, I am a little worried about you, I will pass on a supreme demon technique to you later, you cultivate well.”

Chan You was stunned when she heard this, frowned slightly, looked at Ye Qing with her eyes, and flashed a complicated light from time to time.

She didn’t suspect that Ye Qing didn’t need to lie to her, and besides, the Illusion Realm was about to usher in a catastrophe, which she had already vaguely sensed.

“Thank you.” Chan You thanked softly, beautiful and feminine, a blush flashed on her face, and Fang Xin actually fluctuated a certain string in an instant.


I saw that Ye Qing’s two fingers were together, condensing a ray of demon light, which was the powerful cultivation method of the Ten Thousand Demon Ancient Scripture, directly pointed at the center of Chan You’s eyebrows.

In an instant, an ancient and powerful cultivation method entered the heart, imprinted in the soul, shocking Chan You, and then being attracted and immersed in it and unable to extricate himself.

Ye Qing got up, came to Chan You’s side, and whispered in her ear: “Chan You, cultivate well, I’m leaving, you and I will see each other again in the future.” ”


After speaking, Ye Qing kissed her lightly on the cheek, turned around and disappeared under the dumbfounded eyes of the two maids.


Chan You suddenly opened her eyes, stunned, silently lowered her head and didn’t know what to think, her pretty face was blushing, and her small hand gently stroked the place where she had just been kissed by Ye Qing, and there was still a pool of hot air.

“Come when you want, just go, do you care about my feelings?”

Chan Youqiao’s face was red, and she flashed out angrily, blinking to the jade platform, looking at the place where the sky light fell, and faintly saw a back slowly disappearing. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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