Those bodyguards didn't react just now. Now the leaders are all cruel. They immediately rush to Han Fei.

"Bang, Bang..."

The bodyguards were crazy, but before they got close to Han Fei, they flew back at a faster speed than when they came. They just let out a groan and lay on the ground without knowing anything.

Zhang Hao's ferocious expression has not yet retreated. He wanted to see Han Fei surrounded and beaten by a group of bodyguards. Unexpectedly, after only a few breaths, all the bodyguards he hired with high salary have been put down by Han Fei, and one of them even hit him. He almost fainted in pain.

"Didn't you just be arrogant? Why, are you still fighting? " Han Fei came over and sneered.

"Today, I'm going to die! But don't be complacent. You think you've offended me, Zhang Hao. Can there be a shelter for you in Haibin city? " Zhang Hao said maliciously, and then struggled to walk out of the door, but before he took a few steps, a hand had been put on his shoulder.

"Did I tell you to go?" Han Fei's sarcastic words came from behind him. Zhang Hao only felt his shoulder tightened, and then he was overturned to the ground. At this point, Zhang Hao's eyes really showed a little panic.

"You... What do you want to do... Do you know who I am?" Zhang Hao said.

"I don't care who you are!" Han Fei cold voice way, raise a hand is "pa" of a slap to draw up.

Zhang Hao was stunned, and then roared like crazy: "you dare to hit me! How dare you hit me

"Stupid thing, it's you who beat me!" Without saying a word, Han Fei raised his hand and slapped it again.

The sound of "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa" was heard all the time. After a while, Zhang Hao's face had swollen into a pig's head.

Ye Qiao silently looked at this scene, E-Mei couldn't help wrinkling a few times, this scene is not a simple solution, but a little cruel.

Zhang Hao was beaten a little temper is gone, ye Qiao some can't see down, this is not ye Qiao moved what compassion, but Zhang Hao at the moment is full of blood pig head appearance, really disgusting can't see down.

"Han Fei, forget it." Ye Qiao opens a way in the side.

"Well, since the leader spoke, let the boy go." Han Fei said with a smile, it's different from what he did just now.

When Zhang Hao hears this, he is on the verge of amnesty. The hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. He still has to be soft when he should be soft. What's more, he has been beaten by Han Fei and has no temper for the time being.

Han Fei didn't act at this time, and Zhang Hao didn't dare to act rashly. He could only look at Ye Qiao eagerly. Unexpectedly, Han Fei said: "they all said that a stick would give a sweet date. The stick has already been hit, but as for the sweet date..."

Han Fei turned and picked up the bottle of red wine that had been drugged and came over: "drink all the wine inside. If you miss a drop, I'll give you a few sticks."

Zhang Hao was as pale as ashes when he heard this. No one knew better than himself how much medicine had been put into this bottle of wine. It was no joke to drink this bottle of wine.

"What! You don't like it. Do you want me to feed you? " Han Fei said coldly.

Zhang Hao shivered in his heart, gritted his teeth, grabbed the wine bottle and drank it cleanly. Compared with his own life, this effect is nothing. If it's too big, he'll find more women to vent his anger.

"Now... Can I go now?" After a bottle of wine, Zhang Hao suddenly feels hot. If he doesn't go, he will make a fool of himself.

"Go away." Han Fei said disgustedly.

At this time, several bodyguards who pretended to sleep also awoke up and went out with Zhang Hao.

"This kind of person is like a mad dog. The more you are afraid of him, the more proud he is. You have to beat him thoroughly and be afraid of him!" Han Fei said.

Looking at the appearance of Zhang Hao being taken away by several people, ye Qiao is really relieved, but then he looks at Han Fei with some melancholy: "you are still too impulsive. The background of Zhang Hao is not ordinary."

"It's no big deal if you fight. As the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes. I'll quit the job, but he'll have to pay attention to walking at night from now on. Otherwise, he won't be able to get stuck and become a vegetable. That's not good." Han Fei doesn't care.

Ye Qiao originally wanted to comfort Han Fei so that he didn't have to worry too much. She didn't expect that Han Fei's character was so single. Although she hated Han Fei to the bone before, after this, her hatred obviously disappeared.

Ye Qiao knows very well that if Han Fei doesn't come here today, I'm afraid the development of things will be beyond his tolerance. At that stage, he will be guarding so many bodyguards at the door, and others will have to sigh.

As for the police? It's almost enough for you to deal with the street vendors. As for those involved in such a huge thing as Dongcheng group, you can only ha ha.

When a woman is moved, her brain is somewhat unclear. Ye Qiao looks at Han Fei's indifferent appearance, and a small warm current comes out in her heart. She says to Han Fei in a soft tone: "Han Fei, you are not good at this kind of character. Although things happen for a reason, sooner or later you will lose money on it."

"Nothing! The safety of leadership is my safety. As long as I am here, I will never let anyone hurt you. " Han Fei is on the right track.

This words originally also have no what, can arrive in the ear of the leaf Qiao is another layer meaning.

Think about the fact that she has been working alone since she was isolated and helpless. The old people in the company are suppressing her, and the customers who go out are making trouble. She has just climbed from a small grassroots employee to the position of manager step by step. How can the sour outsiders know!

In the eyes of outsiders, she is always the image of a strong woman who refuses others. In the final analysis, she lacks a shoulder to rely on.

At the beginning of the most embarrassing time, in order to collect her sister's operating expenses, her relatives and friends all broke their legs, but what a face those so-called relatives were!

Ye Qiao finally had to borrow the usury, once the maturity can not pay the money, the consequences make people as desperate in hell.

More recently, Qingxue's temperament has changed greatly since her sister's death. She has been swallowing, drinking, fighting and mixing with the gangsters outside. Once she offended a big brother on the road and was blocked in the alley by a group of people with sticks.

Ye Qiao didn't know where he had the courage at that time. He took a kitchen knife and rushed up to fight with them

Once a woman gets emotional, her thinking will become extremely confused. Unconsciously, ye Qiao feels that her nose is sour and her eyes are a little wet.

To put it bluntly, I'm still a girl in my early twenties. At this age, I can still act in the arms of my parents, so I should have a boyfriend around me and be as warm as a princess.

But she has nothing. She has to carry everything at home and abroad. Sometimes she is so tired that she feels like she is going to collapse at any time. But when she turns to see the snow in her sleep, ye Qiao tells herself that even if she breaks her teeth and swallows them in her stomach, she can't fall down!

Otherwise, this small home will be gone, and Qingxue's child will be completely hopeless.

Unconsciously, I have survived for four years. Who ever stood behind her in these more than 1000 days and nights, and let her have a warm arm to rely on when she was tired?

When she was helpless, who ever stood up and said to care about her and protect her? No, Nothing there?

"As long as I'm here, I'll never let anyone hurt you." A simple and straightforward sentence, like thunder, like warm sun, ye Qiao's body slightly trembled, looking at Han Fei's eyes are also a little confused.

"Han Fei, why are you so nice to me? In fact, you didn't have to stand up for me. " Ye qiaomeimu looks at Han Fei, and her heart is full of warm current.

"That's necessary. Who let you be my leader? If anything happens to you, who can I ask for my salary! By the way, the leader said before, you have to give me a raise when you go back! There are also five insurances and one gold. Don't forget... Alas, leader, don't go so fast! Leaders... Pay dividends at the end of the year. Don't forget to pay dividends at the end of the year.... "

Back in the car, ye Qiao didn't say a word. The warm current surging in his heart was calm in Han Fei's words full of Philistines.

"At that time, I really lost my head. This guy is an asshole at all! Rascal! Son of a bitch Ye Qiao said fiercely in her heart, but I don't know why. At this moment, she can't hate Han Fei any more.

On the other hand, Han Fei is nodding and bowing, full of hospitality. Ye Qiao feels angry and funny, but at the thought of his wasted feelings, ye Qiao doesn't have a good face for Han Fei.

"I said, leader, why do you look unhappy? Why don't I tell you a joke to make you happy?" Han Fei said politely to the rear mirror.

"You say it." Ye Qiao hummed coldly.

Han Fei coughed two times and cleared his throat. Then he said, "Lao Wang once went over the wall to the next door and saw his neighbor's wife taking a bath..."

"Stop! Just skip the dirty jokes! " Ye Qiao frowned.

"Leader, if you skip all of them, then there is no need to talk about it." Han Fei said with a smile.

Ye Qiao suddenly full of black lines, in front of the female leader to tell dirty jokes, this guy's courage is how fat ah, it's hard not to pass that thing just now, he felt that two people before the resentment is written off?

Women want to be the most vengeful, especially those little women like Ye Qiao. Since they have been moved and retreated, all they have left is revenge. They vowed to come at the beginning, unless Han Fei won't fall into their own hands in his life, otherwise

"Leader, what are you laughing at? Let me be happy when you say it?" Han Fei saw Ye Qiao's expression in the rearview mirror and joked.

"Nothing! Drive your car Ye Qiao glared at Han Fei and said.

"Ah? If not, I'll tell you one. I don't like to hold my words in my stomach. " Han Fei entangles.

Ye Qiao was worn out by Han Fei and said impatiently, "well, you can tell me one. Don't talk about the yellow one. Be brief!"

"OK, I'll tell you. This joke is super funny." Han Feixing opened his mouth.

Ye Qiao had better be prepared. Unexpectedly, Han Fei said "once upon a time a eunuch" coldly, and then there was no following.

After thinking for a long time, ye Qiao didn't know what this sentence meant. Then he couldn't help asking, "what's next?"

"Next? It's gone! " Han Fei said with a smile.

"No more?" Ye Qiao is a little confused, and then suddenly reacts with a laugh.

"Leader, you look pretty when you smile. It's much more beautiful than the island stars on my hard disk. Women should smile more. They always have a cold face. Be careful not to get married." Han Fei said half jokingly.

"It's up to you!" Ye Qiao cold voice way, but in the heart is beautiful, no woman does not like to hear others say he is beautiful, but immediately Ye Qiao face a change.

Island star on hard disk?

Ye Qiao is stunned for a moment, and then he reacts. The expression on his face is cold and frosty. This son of a bitch dares to compare himself with those "artists". This son of a bitch is really tired of living!

expel! You have to be fired!

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