When the car arrives at the main building of the company, ye Qiaotou gets out of the car without looking back. On the way, she thinks for a long time that it's better to give Han Fei another chance.

When we first met, Han Fei was dressed in rags. It can be seen that he was not well-off. After only one day's absence, Han Fei put on a security suit, which is enough to prove that he is extremely short of money at the moment.

It's inevitable that people are in trouble. Although firing a security guard is a matter of one's own words, ye Qiao can't do it. After all, Han Feigang just saved himself.

As for the grudge between them yesterday

Think of this, ye Qiao again gas teeth itch, don't see this guy looks like a human model, the bone is a rogue!

So, ye Qiao got off the car in this complex and interlaced contradictory psychology, and didn't even ask about the matter between Han Fei and Qingxue.

"How can this woman turn over her face faster than turning over a book? Is it possible that she has a great aunt?" Han Fei frowned.

This is in the past, save a woman out of the tiger's mouth, the other party is to pledge, now, even if the pledge, how can also give a thousand eight hundred dollars under the meaning of it? Even if you don't give money, you can't even say the least thank you. It's too impolite.

Forget it. A crazy woman is a crazy woman. I don't care about her any more.

Han Fei drove to the parking lot and walked to the Security Department of the community.

Before leaving, Wang pangzi said that whoever drives this bus will get 200 yuan in red envelopes. Han Fei is now here for the 200 yuan.

At the moment, the door of the security department's office is closed. Han Fei thinks there is no one inside. Unexpectedly, there is a "creak creak" sound of the wooden table shaking inside. At the same time, it is accompanied by the heavy breathing of men and the XX of women.

"Shit! It's in the office in broad daylight! " Han Fei scolded, then "bang bang" knocked on the door.



At the same time, a man and a woman screamed in the room. Han Fei didn't know her, but the man was Wang fatty.

There was a sound of dressing inside the door. The two men and women were obviously frightened. After a while, they heard a "click" and the door insurance was opened from inside.

"Come in!" Wang said unhappily.

Wang pangzi's mood can be understood. No matter who is interrupted when doing business, his mood is definitely not so good.

When Han Fei came in, Wang pangzi was holding a newspaper and looking at it. On one side of the sofa sat a woman with a blushing face.

This woman looks 25 or 6 years old. She has a good look. She has a pair of thick black frame glasses. Her skin is very white, but the most striking thing is her amazing upper circumference. It seems that the buttons of her shirt will burst when the size moves.

As for the lower body is a tight skirt, smooth thigh two dark red fingerprints can be seen clearly.

As soon as the woman saw the security clothes on Han Fei's body, her face immediately looked contemptuous, and then a trace of anger appeared. Originally, she thought it was a leader who happened to pass by. Unexpectedly, it was such a small security guard who interrupted their good deeds.

"Cut! "The local buns!" The woman jumps out a few words from her teeth, then takes out the 6plus in her bag and plays the game.

Han Fei went straight to Wang pangzi's desk. Before he spoke, Wang pangzi said discontentedly, "it's working time now. You're a little security guard. You'll have nothing to do. This month's salary will be deducted by 200 yuan!"

Han Fei smiles, pulls a stool and sits down opposite Wang pangzi without saying a word. It's obvious that he's here to fight a long war.

Wang pangzi was very anxious when he saw that he was still galloping to kill the enemy. He was interrupted and stopped in the middle of the way. He was waiting for the blind guy to go away immediately and continue. Unexpectedly, he still stayed here!

"It's none of your business here, you can go out!" Wang pangzi urged impatiently.

"No hurry, no hurry." Han Fei said calmly, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

Wang Pang's lungs are about to explode. He is the leader of the security team. He is in charge of all the security jobs. When the security guards see him, they are like the king of hell. They dare not breathe. Who is this guy! How dare you be so fat!

"Cough, it's none of your business here. You can go out." Wang said with a dry cough.

Originally, he wanted to stand up and clap the table, but just now he was in a hurry to clean up. Fat Wang didn't even have time to buckle his belt. If he had to stand up one by one, wouldn't it be exposed?

As soon as people sat down, their momentum became weaker, so Wang could only change his tone, and his words were full of impatience.

Just in the middle of his conversation, the woman on the sofa has changed several sitting positions. She looks at Wang pangzi with a resentful face. She has the idea that if you don't deal with me, I will get up and leave.

Wang pangzi looked at it and was worried. This woman spent several months on her salary to hook up with her. Now she just took a bite. Before she could taste the taste, she was leaving. How could she do that!

"Brother, I won't pursue today's affairs. I'll go back to my post and work hard. This month's bonus is not without you." For his lower body happiness, Wang pangzi can only compromise once.

"Two hundred dollars." Han Fei stretched out two fingers and said.

"What?" Wang Pang Zi Leng for a while, carefully toward Han Fei to see two eyes, this just suddenly realized.

Just now, he was still wondering which guy didn't open his eyes. It turned out that he was the security guard just recruited yesterday. It seemed that he was the one who drove to the head office in the morning. It turned out that he was coming for the 200 yuan red envelope.

As soon as he thought about this, Wang pangzi's face became cold, and he did what he did. He even wanted to get benefits from himself. This guy's head was not caught by the door, right!

I've written too many empty cheques, and I've never seen anyone come to cash them.

If you want to cash it, you can. I think your performance this month is just average. The bonus of this month has been deducted. Eh, what's your expression? You don't respect the leader very much. OK, take off your uniform and leave. We can't accommodate you as a God in this temple.

As for this month's salary? Are you funny? You want a salary before you finish a month? Roll, roll! If you don't go away, brother Wang, I'll call someone!

Wang chubby sneer twice, is preparing to teach Han Fei the rules here, don't want the woman on the sofa don't agree.

"Don't you stop dawdling!" The woman is angry of direct will in the hand of plus hit on the ground, anyway is not oneself spend money to buy, she can not feel distressed at all, but is Wang Pang see corners of the mouth straight twitch.

"Come on, it's your hard work. Take it and leave." Wang Pang full of disgust waved, the woman's face is also showing a trace of ridicule.

"Cut! "The local buns!"

Han Fei did not speak, turned to leave the office, Han Fei this walk, the men and women in the room instantly entangled together, but the battle came quickly, go faster, in a short while, Wang pangzi was panting on the sofa, lit a cigarette.

The woman dressed slowly and said to the fat man: "brother Wang, who was that guy who didn't open his eyes just now! Everyone knows what happened just now. You'd better turn him on as soon as possible? "

Wang pangzi suddenly realized it and then vaguely dealt with it.

The woman immediately refused: "brother Wang, I'm a man with a husband. This kind of person can't stay in the company any more. In case he can't keep his mouth shut and some gossip comes out, you don't know my husband's temper."

Wang pangzi was scared out in a cold sweat when he heard this. This woman is a coquettish fox, but his husband is a sports school teacher. His one meter eight is enough to scare people. What's more, he was still the provincial Sanda champion in his early years!

If that boy doesn't take care of his mouth, once he leaks something, he'll have to lose his skin if he doesn't die!

no way! This kid has to be fired! It seems that I have to talk to the Department Manager about it sometime.

On the other hand, Han Fei goes back to the security room with a gloomy face. Zheng Hua is happy when he sees Han Fei.

"What's the matter, brother? You look so cold. You just messed up? Or do you have something against your heart to say and make your brothers happy? " Zheng Hua said jokingly.

Perhaps because they had been soldiers, they had similar temperament. Even if they had just known each other, their relationship was stronger than others in the security room.

"Come on, it's ok now. Keep an eye on it for me. I'll go out and get some air." Han Fei throws the remaining half bag of Su to Zheng Hua. Then he takes out the car key and presses it. All he hears is that the Mercedes Benz stops on the opposite side of the road.

Zheng Hua didn't care at first, but as soon as he saw Han Fei open the car door and sit on it, Zheng Hua was shocked and widened his eyes. Until the Mercedes disappeared at the end of the road, Zheng Hua slowly recovered, and the cigarette in his mouth didn't know when it fell to the ground.

"I'm a good boy. I didn't have eyes just now. This brother actually drives a Mercedes Benz to work!" Not only Zheng Hua, but all the people in the security room are confused.

"Tut Tut, Wang pangzi just drove Carola. This guy actually drove a Mercedes Benz. What a jerk!" An elderly security guard sighed heartily.

After staying abroad for a long time, Han Fei suddenly returned home, feeling that he was separated from others.

Unconsciously, for so many years, he didn't know whether the people and things he used to be were still there. Han Fei didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about it. If it wasn't for ye Qingxue, he never thought that he would return to China.

At present, everything that used to be no longer important. From the day he left, he had said goodbye to all kinds of things in the past. Now he just wants to be like an ordinary person. He'd better spend his whole life in the seaside and watch ye Qingxue grow up quietly.

But then, Han Fei felt a burst of inexplicable irritability, once he did not have to worry about life, but now even survival has become a big problem.

From the perspective of a normal person, he can be described as having nothing. On the premise of not violating the law and morality, he can't even live a little. What's more, there is ye Qingxue who needs to be taken care of.

The security guard's monthly salary of 1800 yuan is not enough!

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