"Brother, is there something wrong with your card?" Li Rui couldn't help saying.

Zheng Hua also frowned. How could there be two pairs of big and small kings in a deck of cards? Now looking back, it seems that every time Han Fei mentions how he used to be, the next second he would coldly throw out the king bomb!

No one has ever got Xiao Wang before, so it's understandable for Han Fei to blow up Wang. After all, he didn't wash the cards. No one can doubt what Han Fei did.

But the problem is, it's not long since Wang was thrown out. Han Fei is blowing the legend that he hit the plane with a pistol. When he hit the fuel tank of the plane, he gave a cold "bang" - Wang!

The explosion confused Zheng Hua and others, and finally made them realize what was wrong.

"What's wrong with the cards? It's always your shuffle. What's wrong?" Han Fei said.

"Brother, how can there be two pairs of kings in this deck?" Li Rui protested in a low voice.

"What two pairs of kings, big and small, are you blindfolded? Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zhang, do you see two pairs of kings? " Han Fei said.

"Brother, we did see it." Zheng Hua embarrassed said.

"Do you hear that? They both said that they didn't see it. You're just looking at it! Stop the ink, shuffle the cards Han Fei can't help messing up the cards on the table. With a cigarette in his mouth, he cocks up and shakes his legs.

Li Rui has some helplessness, and he always points the deer to the horse. To this extent, what else can he say? Only honest shuffle!

The next game just started. Zheng Hua just played a card. Han Fei put a small fire on it. Everyone didn't want it. As a result, Han feileng was a shunzi and almost threw all the cards on his hand.

"No way! We can't let him go any more. Who has a big fire? Hurry up Li Rui is anxious. If you want Han Fei to throw away all the cards, it's too shocking.

"Damn it! Seven two Zheng Hua was on fire and pressed down the biggest fire in his hand.

"Wang CHAN!" It's Han Fei's enchanting mantra again. Zheng Hua and others are about to cry.

"You're a cow, no!"

"I don't want it either."


"No, I'm sorry. I have no cards in my hand." Han Fei spread his hand and said innocently.

"Grass! How the hell are you going to fight! Stop playing, stop playing! " Zheng Hua threw away his hand and said.

At this time, "bang" a loud noise came, a Buick car directly hit the retractable door of the community, the movement scared Zheng Hua and others to pee.

Fortunately, it was aimed at the retractable door. Looking at the severe deformation of the retractable door, Zheng Hua was afraid for a while. If the angle was a little higher, he aimed at the security room, but he didn't directly break the wall and hit them to death!

"Grass! Who the hell didn't have eyes driving here! Looking for trouble on purpose, right? " Zheng Hua roared out of the house.

Several security guards can't help but say, picked up the hanging baton and rushed out. But as soon as they went out, a few people were silly. Through the broken window, they saw the woman sitting in the driver's seat at a glance, which was not the noisy sister Liu yesterday!

"Get out of the way!" Han Fei's quick and short words came from behind, and several people immediately gave way.

Before Han Fei got close to the car body, he asked about the strong smell of wine. Where is the woman drinking? It was clear that she was soaking herself in a wine jar.

At the moment, sister Liu's eyes were closed and her face was very white. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she would have been able to fly out of the window just now.

Han Fei knew that the situation was wrong when he saw it. He quickly came forward and patted sister Liu's cheek: "Sister Liu, wake up quickly!"

Liu Jie did not respond, Han Fei will directly press on Liu Jie's neck, feel her heart rate, this woman, is really not lethal!

Zheng Hua also realized that the situation was not right. Several people rushed up to open the door, but the front of the car had been seriously deformed. It was useless for them to blush and neck.

"Don't worry, brother. I'll find the crowbar right now." Zheng Hua said.

Before, they tried to get sister Liu out of the window, but the seriously deformed front of the car stuck her in the seat. They had to open the door first to try another way.

"It's too late!" Han Fei said.

"Brother, let the fire brigade come." As soon as Zheng Hua's voice fell, "bang" came, Zheng Hua was scared to pee.

Turning his head, he saw that Han Fei was holding the car door which had been separated from the car body. Without looking at it, he threw it aside and directly dragged sister Liu out of the car and held her in his arms.

"You deal with it. I'll take her to the hospital first." Han Fei said, directly holding sister Liu on the opposite Mercedes Benz.

Zheng Hua was petrified for a few moments, staring at the seriously deformed door at their feet, and the broken section of the metal component could be clearly seen at the interface.

Careful Li Rui noticed that when Han Fei turned around, his face was flushed with unhealthy blood, his arm veins burst out like earthworms, and there were even large blood beads oozing from several places.

Zheng Hua's head was also a little confused. When he was in the army, he had seen the real Kung Fu of some ox men. It's nothing to say that he split 17 or 18 pieces of red bricks in one hand. Although the ox man ate with his left hand for more than a year, he was still a bull, wasn't he?

It's just that compared with the scene in front of us, the skill of chopping red bricks seems to be a little out of date!

"Who are we brothers?" Several security guards looked at each other, but they all secretly chose to bury the matter in their heart. Zheng Hua even found a crowbar to forge the next scene. The following things are waiting for the police to deal with.

Mercedes Benz car all the way, I don't know how many red lights on the road, it's related to human life, Han Fei can't care so much.

Seeing the hospital in front of him, Han Fei directly braked and flicked his tail. When the door opened, he rushed out with sister Liu in the co driver's seat.

In front of the flat car, a big brother with a blood dragon tattooed on his back was lying on his stomach, and he was escorted by a group of little brothers to the emergency room.

The reason why it's called blood dragon is that the big brother's back was cut out two one finger long cuts, and he dyed his back red.

But at this time, a figure rushed to one side, directly bumping a group of little brothers. Before the big brother had time to respond, he felt that he was caught by a big hand and "put" on the ground like a chicken.

"Excuse me!" Cold words came from the top of his head. Before he could look up, he felt a gust of wind passing by.

When he looked up, he could barely see a man pushing his own flat car and disappearing at the corner. It seemed that there was a woman lying on it.

"I'm so fucked up! You all eat shit! I didn't see Lao Tzu fall down! " The elder brother of the river and lake scolded angrily.

The younger brothers responded and immediately raised the elder brother with all hands and feet. They did not dare to make a sound.

"Damn it! What are you doing! Get that man out and beat him up The elder brother is in a bad mood.

Even if someone cuts him down on the road, he can be bullied in the hospital. Where can he put his face in the future!

His younger brothers knew later and immediately sent out a wave to chase ahead.

In front of so many emergency rooms, Han Fei casually found one and pushed it in. The doctors and nurses who had just finished an operation were in a daze, staring at the strange man who burst in suddenly.

"Doctor, help Han Fei said anxiously.

The doctor, who was in his fifties, didn't care how Han Fei suddenly broke in. He just said it was important to save people, and the nurses immediately got ready.

Han Fei helped to hold sister Liu on the emergency desk. The doctor had a simple examination and immediately said to the nurses, "hurry up! Prepare oxygen and glucose needles! "

Han Fei couldn't take part in the next thing. After being sent out of the security room by a nurse, Han Fei sat on the seat in the corridor and just took out his cigarettes. Considering that this is a hospital, he stuffed them back.

I don't know what's wrong with this woman. She's drunk and dare to drive on the road. It's really killing. The traffic police don't know what to eat. Don't they notice the drunk driving!

Han Fei is not interested in knowing about Sister Liu. He has no aversion to this woman. At that time, the situation was urgent and it was related to a person's life. Even if he was any other person, Han Fei would subconsciously make such a move.

As for what other people think, Han Fei doesn't care. Besides, even if someone really thinks, what can he do?

After a while, the door of the emergency room opened, the middle-aged male doctor came out, and Han Fei immediately welcomed him.

"Doctor, what's going on inside?" Han Fei said.

The middle-aged doctor took off his mask and said, "are you a family member of the patient?"

Han Fei smiles bitterly and shakes his head. The doctor is a little bit surprised. Then he looks at Han Fei's security clothes, which reflects that the woman is wearing a famous brand. It's obvious that this security guy can't be her husband.

As soon as we found out the situation, the doctor, who was going to be harsh, immediately changed his attitude and looked at Han Fei with admiration. Now there are not many young people like this!

"Well, fortunately it was delivered in time. It's no big deal. If it's delivered a little later, I'm afraid it will be out of the basket. Two days ago, there were three alcoholics who came to the rescue. Three of them survived only one. You... "

The middle-aged doctor subconsciously said, and suddenly realized that this guy was not the woman's husband. When he came to his mouth, he swallowed it again.

"Doctor, is she all right now? When can I wake up? " Han Fei asked.

The middle-aged doctor took off her eyes and said, "in addition to being in a coma due to alcoholism, the patient also suffered a strong impact. She had a slight concussion and a number of soft tissue contusions on her body. Anything could happen before she woke up.

However, the possibility of an accident is very small. Don't worry about it. As for when you wake up, it's hard to say for the time being. If normal people are drunk like this, they have to sleep all day at least. It should be about this time tomorrow. "

What the doctor said was very conservative, and Han Fei knew it. After thanking the male doctor, Han Fei turned and walked towards the hall, and then suddenly realized a problem.

This is a fuckin 'hospital. I didn't bring any money when I came here!

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