No money to return to the hospital these days, it's definitely a big joke.

At that time, it was also an emergency. Han Fei pushed sister Liu directly into the emergency room, otherwise she might still be hanging out.

At present, the rescue has been carried out by other people. There is basically no big problem. They are all in the stage of hospital observation. If they can't even pay the money, I'm afraid the face of the angel in white won't look good.

It's good that they are angels, but angels also have to eat. Han Fei subconsciously wants to ask Zheng Hua for help, but when he thinks that they are all poor and moonlight people, it's useless to find them. If he can't solve the problem, it may affect the feelings between brothers.

As for ye Qiao that woman, Han Fei think or forget, they originally don't deal with, although after the last thing, the relationship slightly eased a little bit, but also far from being able to borrow money.

Besides, ye Qiao looks bright on the surface, but her economic situation is in a mess. Just look at ye Qingxue's living environment.

Especially when we first met, the woman went out with tens of thousands of cash. I'm afraid she also owed a lot of debts.

Han Fei is not interested in it. He doesn't want to take care of it. In his eyes, as long as ye Qingxue can smile heartlessly every day, there is no relationship with him.

At this time, Han Fei can't help thinking that the woman named Yunying is coming. She is beautiful, but she doesn't lack money. The key is that she is a money girl.

For the first time, Han Fei felt that it was troublesome to have no mobile phone. Otherwise, how simple was a phone call in the past?

Last time, people directly helped him settle more than 1000 yuan in the supermarket. Han Fei didn't make it clear whether he would return it or not, or when.

It doesn't matter if the goddess doesn't lack a small amount of money, but as a big man, he doesn't have any attitude, which is a bit unreasonable.

What's more, now Han Feifei doesn't mean to pay back the money, and he has to borrow another sum to pay the medical expenses in advance. It's too shameless.

But so what? Anyway, we have done a lot of things without skin and face. It doesn't matter how much more.

Life matters. Why care about this detail?

With such a big reason to support, Han Fei's confidence is immediately enough. He is thinking about who to borrow a mobile phone from. Unexpectedly, the three men strolling in front of him suddenly yelled: "that's the boy! Hit him

Han Fei didn't know what the situation was, so the three bastards rushed to him.

Half a minute later, Han Fei finally finds out what's going on. It turns out that the three men in front of him are the horsemen of the big brother in the Jianghu!

The boss is bullied in the hospital. They don't want to die in these little brothers! So there was the previous scene.

"Big brother, wrong! We are really wrong A bastard said with a sad face, the dark red palm print on his face is so conspicuous, as for the other two bastards are lying in the distance and groaning powerlessly.

"It's good to know what's wrong. Young people, who can't make mistakes? By the way, let me ask you something. Do you have any money with you? " Han Fei asked with a smile.

The three bastards were stunned for a moment, then nodded abruptly and said, "yes! I've got it

Nonsense, bring the boss to the hospital, they can not take the money with them.

"How much do you have? Lend me some?" Han Fei said.

"Big brother, big brother! Here's all the money. Take it. Please don't move it! " The three bastards may not understand other reasons, but they also know what it means to take money to eliminate disaster.

As a result, the three wallets were handed over to Han Fei. Han Fei was not polite. He stuffed all the 100 yuan in his pocket and then put the three shriveled wallets back into their hands.

Han Fei was just about to leave. He turned back and asked, "do you want to pay back the money?"

The three bastards were stunned for a moment, and said: "no, no, brother, take it."

Han Fei felt gratified, reached out and patted a Hun on the shoulder: "good man!"

Then he left without looking back.

Looking at the back of Han Fei leaving, the three bastards want to cry without tears. This guy is really a fierce man. They don't even pay attention to the other side's moves, so they all lie on the ground, and even hand in all their family belongings.

Han Fei is in a good mood at the moment. He easily made a few extra money along the way, but he can only grasp the money in his hand. It seems that after paying Liu Jie's medical expenses, he can buy a smart machine with good grade.

Passing the hall, a female voice suddenly came from the side: "Sir, you wait."

Han Fei looked around, and there was no one else within a radius of five meters. Then he pointed to himself and said, "are you calling me?"

Han Fei was stopped by a female nurse in her early twenties. Of course, she may be a female student from the health school. Although she is not as beautiful as Yun Ying, she can be regarded as a small jasper. At least she looks comfortable.

See the girl nodded, Han Fei immediately walked in the past, at the same time also did not forget the Sao Bao clapped his hands on a thick stack of 100 yuan notes.

It's said that the rich are the old man. Take the young girl as an example. Compared with sweet words and hard work, it's no doubt that it's a quick and practical way to make money.

This is not, with such a handful of money in hand, the beautiful nurse took the initiative to chat up?

"Sister, you look pretty. What's the matter with me? Do you want me to treat you to spicy hot soup for six yuan?" Han Fei said.

Obviously, the nurse was quite simple. She thought that the man was quite interesting. She would invite the girl to dinner when she met. Is this way of chatting up too old-fashioned?

"It's nothing. Don't think about it. I just think your arm is hurt." The simple little nurse said.

"Hurt?" Han Fei was a little bit surprised. He noticed some dry blood on the outside of his arm. He suddenly realized that it was caused by excessive force when he opened the car door before. It seemed that it was a little painful to think about it.

"You men just don't know how to take care of yourself. If you have a little injury, you will think it's OK. Now it's so hot, if you don't deal with it properly, it will be serious in case of inflammation and purulence!" The little nurse said angrily, picked up the alcohol cotton on the tray and helped Han Fei clean the residual blood.

"Do you feel any pain?" The little nurse asked while wiping, blowing up from time to time.

Where is Han Fei's mind now? Eyes a strength to other people's little nurse's collar inside Piao!

The little nurse was a head shorter than Han Fei, but now she bent slightly to help Han Fei clean the wound. The neckline was slightly open. They were so close that she didn't take the opportunity to take a look. What a saint!

The simple and kind-hearted little nurse didn't realize that she was walking away. When she looked up, she just saw Han Fei smiling at her and thought that this man was very polite.

The little nurse straightened up and laughed. Han Fei cried out that it was a pity, but his face didn't show the slightest.

"Little girl, thank you. You look so beautiful. You should have many boyfriends, right?" Han Fei talks nonsense.

"What are you talking about? Many boyfriends! I haven't been in love yet The little nurse said angrily.

"I don't have a boyfriend yet. How about brother's condition? If it's suitable, take it while it's hot?" Han Fei said.

When was the little nurse molested like this? She blushed and said, "what nonsense are you talking about?"

Han Fei looked at this posture and became more energetic: "I didn't talk nonsense! Sister, why don't you think about it seriously? "

Little nurse pure like a piece of white paper, where is Han Fei this dirty can no longer dirty old oily son's opponent, soon be teased face red.

"Grass! Who the hell is this! Even the nurses are teasing. Do you want a face? " A guy with the medicine couldn't see it any more and muttered at the moment.

Although the voice is not big, but those people around can hear clearly, if change to do others would have been embarrassed to leave, but who is Han Fei? The skin is thick enough to withstand nuclear radiation, selectively filtering this sentence.

"Sister, can you send a message? You don't have to look at my brother's glib talk now. In fact, the connotation is still very deep. Do you really don't think about it any more?" Han Fei continues to tease.

Han Fei finally understood why the rich and young people in the ancient yamen liked to tease the good family.

Look at the little girl's face red, want to go and embarrassed to go, want to scold and scold not export embarrassment appearance, look at people feel pleasing!

Han Fei's whole body is flowing with a happy and dripping sense of guilt. Who has tried it? Who knows!

The little nurse's tutor must be very good, Leng was teased by Han Fei, and now he hasn't been angry. Han Fei feels like a wolf in a fairy tale.

The big gray wolf is good. He can easily fool the white rabbit. If he is patient, he can tease the rabbit. If he is not patient, he can swallow it without chewing.

"I won't tell you! I didn't care if I knew you were such a person! " The rabbit will bite when it is urgent. The little nurse can't stand it at last.

But before she left, she gave Han Fei a big package of alcohol cotton that was useless: "I'll give it to you!"

Han Fei impolitely took the things down, then suddenly said: "sister, what do you say you are doing? You can give away the things from the hospital? Give me some advantages as soon as possible, or I'll go to your head nurse and complain. "

The little nurse was very anxious when she heard this: "how can you be like this? Dongguo wolf is not like you!"

Han Fei was very happy when he saw it. Now he couldn't bear to tease other girls any more. He waved his hand and said, "OK, I won't tease you. Take the money."

Han Fei is now rich and powerful. He directly takes out a few red tickets and throws them in the stainless steel tray on the little nurse's hand. It looks like the tips of girls at night.

The simple little nurse was very anxious: "what are you doing? I just want to see that your arm is injured. It doesn't mean anything else. Don't get me wrong. I can't take the money!"

"If you want to take it, you can take it. Don't talk about it." Han Fei domineering said, three or two hundred yuan to install a uncle, how to calculate all worth.

"No, no, I won't take the money, otherwise I will be upset." The pure little nurse refused. She put the money into Han Fei's arms and ran away without looking back.

Han Fei looks at the little nurse's back with satisfaction. His arms are cool, but his heart is hot and dry. From just now to now, he has more than once come up with some ideas that are not suitable for children. Now that the little nurse is gone, he has not stopped.

Han Fei suddenly feels strange. Who is it to tease who!

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