Fat man's expression is complicated when he hears this. If someone said he was slim before, he would go up and give him a few big ear scrapers without saying a word, but now in this scene, the girl can call him "eight uncle" but save him.

"Ah, my niece is good..." the fat man showed an ugly expression than crying, but he saw that ye Qingxue had already turned to Han Fei and chirped. His eight uncle Leng had no sense of existence.

The policeman had no choice but to hand in the money and claim it from his family. There was no reason to detain others.

Zheng Hua and several of them took their seats one by one and finished the procedure. When it was fat man's turn, the policeman said, "don't hurry, pay the fine first."

Fat man this just reaction come over, money Ye of the same touch out purse to ask: "how much?"

"Eight hundred!" The policeman said with anger.

"Eight hundred, it's not expensive." The fat man opened his wallet and his face became ugly.

"Brother, this is the first time for me. Can you give me a discount?" The fat man said awkwardly.

The policeman laughed: "discount? Yes, you can stay inside for a few days. It's really your home that runs the police station! "

The fat man's face changed as soon as he saw that the other side didn't seem to be joking. Then he changed his tone and said, "is it OK to swipe the card?"

"Credit card? When you were a police station, you were a supermarket! Either call now and let the family get the money, or you stay here for 24 hours The policeman said impolitely.

Fat man finally realized the seriousness of the problem and called his family to take money. As for staying here for a day, if people ask him, he said that he was sweeping pornography, where would he put his face in the future!

For a moment, the fat man turned his eyes to Han Fei again. The soft color in his eyes seemed to be dripping: "brother! Brother! You must help me if you need help in the world! "

The fat man howled coldly, which immediately gave people goose bumps. Looking at the fat man's boxing, he seemed to keep up with Liang Shan's visiting brothers.

Han Fei smokes and doesn't speak. The fat man is in a hurry: "brother, help me, I'll pay you back when I go out! Yes, I'll give it back to you even with interest! "

Han Fei didn't speak this time, but ye Qingxue said: "how much profit do you want to make?"

The fat man sniffed at the meat on his face. It was a bit of profit for people to borrow money. What's more, it was only ten or twenty minutes before and after that. It was his brother who had squatted in a trench. In his opinion, it was the matter of adding two cigarettes at that time.

This wench mouth is a few Cheng Li, this is not clear to put to kill people!

"How about 30% The fat man put up three fingers and said.

Seeing ye Qingxue playing with her mobile phone without lifting her head, the fat man felt guilty: "fifty percent is a lot!"

Ye Qingxue snorted coldly, pulling Han Fei out.

"Twice! I'll pay you twice as much! " The fat man was in a hurry and immediately called out.

Ye Qingxue turned around with great interest, business still has to talk slowly.

"My niece, I'll give you sixteen when I go back. How about giving you this year's lucky money in advance?" The fat man noticed the policeman's ugly face and immediately changed his language environment.

"It's only sixteen. Now how much is apple six? There's no sincerity at all. It seems that the" eighth uncle "is in vain. Uncle policeman, I'll tell you. In fact, I'm with this man..."

“Plus! no problem! An apple six plus! It must be The fat man cried suddenly.

Ye Qingxue immediately said with a smile: "Uncle Ba, you are too honest. I'm not joking with you. Then, say plus!"

The police officer forbeared and didn't break out. Just now, uncle 2345677 had gone too far, and now he even openly blackmailed and loaned money in front of him!

Blackmail all blackmail to the police station, but also in front of him the police face with lucky money to cover up, really when his IQ is negative!

"Come on, stop it! Here's 1000 yuan. Don't look for it. Young man, it's very hard at night. " Han Fei takes out 1000 pieces and throws them on the table without looking at them. He drags ye Qingxue away.

Out of the police station, Zheng Hua and his colleagues were obviously relieved. Their experience tonight is more exciting than all these years.

"Brother, we have implicated you this time. You are my 800, you take it." Li Rui takes out 800 yuan from his body and gives it to Han Fei.

When Li Rui opens his mouth, Zheng Hua and others react immediately. In an instant, they send the scarlet grandfather Mao to Han Fei. Ye Qingxue's eyes are straight. Subconsciously, she is happy to stretch out her hand, but Han Fei slaps her in the face.

"Is this what brothers should do? Put them away. Next time I'll go in, you'll get me out. " Han Fei said with a smile.

Zheng Hua looked at each other and put the money back into his pocket with a smile. It's worth it to have such a brother in one's life!

"It's too late. You can go back by yourself today. My daughter is still young. I'm not sure if I can walk alone at night. By the way, let's get to know ye Qingxue, my daughter. Her uncle didn't cry for nothing today. No matter where you see her, you can't let your niece be bullied. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing others! " Han Fei pushes ye Qingxue in front of the crowd and says.

"How can that be! Brother, don't worry. As long as we are here, we will never let our niece be bullied! " Zheng Hua patted his chest and assured.

Before Han Fei said that he had a daughter, and everyone didn't believe it. Now he repeated it in front of everyone, and everyone's faces were strange.

One surname is Han, the other surname is ye. If you insist that it's a father and daughter, maybe it's someone else's family business, but the problem is that a 17-year-old girl and a 20-year-old boy are a little

I understand what I understand, but if I don't understand, I can only pretend to understand. Anyway, they recognize this niece today!

"Brother! Brother, wait for me! " At this time, a male voice mixed with coarse gas came from behind. The fat man was running towards here with sweat all over his head, and the fat on his body was surging up and down like waves.

Han Fei and they stop. When the fat man comes, the whole person seems to have just been fished out of the water tank. His whole body is soaked with sweat, which gives people a sense of happiness. Qingxue laughs.

"Brother! Brother! Thank you for your help, little brother... "

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to pay back the money, there is an ATM across the street. Everyone is very busy." Han Fei interrupts directly.

Fat doesn't think so. He punches Han Fei and walks towards the self-service bank.

"Well, do you think the fat man will really come out with thousands of dollars?" Fat left, ye Qingxue gently poked under Han Fei said.

As soon as Han Fei heard this, he frowned, pressed ye Qingxue's shoulder and solemnly said, "it's your things that no one can take away. It's not your things. Don't even think about a cent or a cent!"

Ye Qingxue is the first time to see Han Fei so serious. She is a little afraid in her heart.

At this time, the jade piece on the neck once again sent a warm current all over the body. Ye Qingxue seemed to have figured out something. She was warm in her heart and nodded to Han Fei.

Han Fei laughs, but he doesn't know if ye Qingxue has heard this.

Unconsciously, more than ten minutes have passed, but the fat man still hasn't come out. It's not so long for him to withdraw money.

Through the glass door of the self-service bank, you can see the fat man roaring at his mobile phone. Although you don't know what the fat man is talking about, you can see his voice. I think the person on the other end of the phone has a dead heart at the moment.

"Handsome man, fat man has been gone for so long. What do you mean? Why don't we go to the door and watch, or he'll slip away when we don't pay attention. " Ye Qingxue suggested in a low voice.

Han Fei did not speak, so quietly looking at ye Qingxue.

The little girl was also hoodwinked, then drooped her head and said, "I'm wrong."

Han Fei laughs and turns to Zheng Hua and some of them say, "it's late. Let's all leave. We have to work early tomorrow."

Han Fei then takes ye Qingxue to his residence. Zheng Hua and he wave to each other and go home.

"Brother! Brother! Wait for me At this time, the fat man in the business hall immediately called out. Through the glass door, the sound could reach here. It's a pity that this guy doesn't challenge Guinness.

Zheng Hua and several of them didn't go far. As soon as they saw that the fat man ran over in a hurry, they all stopped to watch the excitement.

"What's the matter?" Han Fei looks at the puffy fat man and says.

The fat man rubbed his hands and said, "brother! I'm really sorry. I'm in a little bit of a situation. The card has been frozen by my family. "

"Oh, it's OK. You go." Han Fei light mouth way.

Han Fei said this, the fat man's face became more embarrassed: "brother, do you think you can help me, you see my size, there are still 50 yuan left in my wallet... But don't worry, I will pay you back this money with interest in the future!"

Fat man vowed that he was afraid that Han Fei would not believe it. He quickly took out his ID card and said that he would put it in Han Fei's house.

"Well, what should I do? I've done my utmost for you." Han Fei directly pushed the ID card back, took out 200 by the way, and then took ye Qingxue back.

On the silent street, the fat man looked at Han feiyuan's back, his brain was a little confused for a moment.

Originally, he thought that he would be beaten even if he didn't have enough money. He even had the consciousness of being surrounded and beaten by a group of people, but he didn't expect that the other party would expose it in a word.

In addition to the accident, the fat man opened his mouth again with the attitude of trying. He was even afraid that the other party would scold him for being too aggressive. In his fury, he boxed at each other and even took out his ID card.

But this time, he was so confused that he gave him 200 yuan instead of fighting or scolding or ID card!

Is it more than two hundred yuan? Not much, at least in the fat man's eyes, 200 yuan is about one or two meals.

The problem is that in this abnormal society where people borrow a dollar from passers-by, and they have to be on guard as thieves for a long time, if they don't ask, they take out 200 yuan, plus 800 yuan paid in advance by the police, which makes the fat man deeply moved!

In ancient times, it was a chivalrous man who supported justice and spared money!

"Brother! Good man The fat man howled at the empty street.

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