After the fat man howled, he felt a little hungry. He ran and screamed. He unknowingly consumed so much energy that he had to mend it quickly. Otherwise, what would he do if he was hungry and thin?

The fat man looked at the 200 yuan in his hand and walked toward the night market.

Vinegar sausage, cold cut chicken, a large pot of boiled meat and barbecue, 200 yuan is almost the bottom.

The fat man, who is full of food and drink, looks at his disheartened stomach and frozen bank card and wants to cry without tears

Han Fei is chatting with ye Qingxue all the way at the moment. Two people, big and small, are walking slowly on the secluded path, letting the street lamp pull their figure very long, ignoring the difference in age. Outsiders really look like a father and daughter.

"Oh, handsome man, you are not really caught whoring tonight, are you?" Ye Qingxue asks curiously.

"Do you believe what I said?" Han Fei said with a smile.

"Letter! Of course I do! Even if you say the earth is square, I believe it Ye Qingxue opens her mouth and hugs Han Fei's arm unconsciously.

Han Fei didn't think much, so he took ye Qingxue to his residence.

"The dead fat man also said that the reason why the community had been stolen frequently before was because we were snakes and mice. Before we said a word, we were driven out by the grandchildren with batons." Zheng Hua full belly said.

Yesterday was the place for their brothers to brag and fart. Today, they were chased out as rags by a group of strangers with batons. The old brothers were very angry.

"Brother, Wang Pang, he's obviously using the excuse to play! When the public security of the community was not good, he took us out to carry the black pot. Now the public security has obviously improved, and the property fee is almost fully charged. Seeing that the company is going to improve the treatment of our security department, Wang pangzi opened us up without saying hello. What the hell does that mean? " Li Rui complained.

Han Fei thought about it, and then asked: "last night, your niece fished you out. The police station didn't even know where we worked. Originally, it was nothing. How did Wang know?"

As soon as Han Fei said this, Zheng Hua and some of them were confused. Before, they were all angry, but no one thought of the key problem.

As soon as he came here in the early morning, Wang pangzi was waiting for them at the door. According to the situation, he knew the news long ago. Otherwise, because he didn't go to work until nine or ten o'clock every morning, he would have got up so early!

"It seems that the security team has Wang Pangzi's eye liner." Han Fei said.

Han Fei so a mouth, Zheng Hua they a few immediately angry.

They're all brothers who scoop food in a pot. They're just a little bit of Sou tea and rotten water. It's not that you can fatten up if others eat less. Who is so unscrupulous and has done this dog leg thing!

"Who came to change shifts last night?" Han Fei said coldly.

Han Fei's opening will undoubtedly lock the suspect on the security guards who are changing shifts. In fact, only they have the conditions to follow them all the way.

And Han Fei himself also feel strange, on a product pool such a small place, who brain smoke big night to anti pornography.

There are more entertainment clubs selling meat at the seaside. There are records at the other end of the police station, and there are also people covering them. Every time they fight pornography, they say hello in advance and cooperate with each other.

Put so many clubs not to go, but went to a remote corner of the second rate bath, people with a clear eye to see that there is a problem.

What's more, Han Fei didn't go in for long, and the police came in. It was obvious that someone made a report call at the first time.

Otherwise, if you don't catch so many gamblers, instead, you'll go around and make it difficult for a few people in the park to beat eggs with a dime or two, and the police's heads are not all kicked by donkeys.

Maybe it's all Wang pangzi's fault. Before Han Fei, he thought Wang pangzi's stomach was a little bit small. He didn't expect that he was so gloomy in his life and work.

"Where's the old horse?" Han Fei saw that his brother was missing one person last night, and then asked.

"Lao Ma is now in the manager's office to discuss this matter. Unlike us, Lao Ma has been working in the company for nine years. Before the original company was acquired by Haiya, he was already the guard of the company.

It was not until after the completion of the community that he was transferred here. He was a typical senior employee. Unless the head office leader spoke, no one would do that kind of brainless thing to open him up. " Zheng Hua explained.

As soon as Han Fei heard this, he understood it. Then he looked at Zheng Hua and said, "do you think Lao Ma can persuade Wang pangzi and the manager to call you back?"

Zheng Hua and others looked at each other face to face. Wang pangzi was obviously well prepared to play this game. Before he told them to fire them, he arranged for the replacement personnel to go in, and made it clear that he would not give them any chance.

"I don't think so." Zheng Hua said dejectedly.

"I know it's over. What are you doing standing here? Looking at my brother running for you in the office, you stand here to bask in the sun? " Han Fei joked.

They have heard similar words more than once. As soon as Han Fei speaks, they know that Han Fei is going to make a big move.

"Brother! What do you say! We all listen to you Zheng Hua and a few of them have given up.

Han Fei smiles and goes directly to the community.

"Stop, stop! What are you doing! Get the rags out of my way A young man in a security suit said with a baton. He couldn't hide his ruffian spirit.

Without waiting for Han Fei to open his mouth, Zheng Hua went up and put him in.

"Who are you! How dare you hit people! " The bastard yelled.

Soon, there were three or four young men in the security room. They took out the posture of chopping people, like Han Fei. They rushed over. Zheng Hua, without saying a word, swung their fists and said hello.

They are all young and powerful guys. The result of five against four is definitely one-sided. What's more, Zheng Hua has been in the army, and his skill is not weak. In a short time, those temporary recruits fell asleep.

"What's next, brother?" Zheng Hua said excitedly.

"Why are you so excited? Why don't you get a kitchen knife and go to the office to chop off Wang pangzi and the manager?" Han Fei hit the road.

When Zheng Hua heard this, he laughed. He was good at fighting. But if he wanted to say that he was not brave enough to cut people with a knife!

"Brother, are you kidding?" Zheng Hua awkwardly interjected.

Han Fei then picked his eyebrows and said, "who is joking with you! Go! Bring me two kitchen knives in the kitchen. You'd better have seen blood. "

Zheng Hua can't keep up with Han Fei's rhythm. We brothers don't really plan to cut people, do we!

"Brother! No! Impulse comes at a price Zheng Hua said.

"Well, if you don't, we'll wait here for your good news." Han Fei laughs jokingly, Zheng Hua's brain is in a mess immediately.

"Forget it, I'll find you a kitchen knife." Zheng Hua's brain capacity is limited, can not withstand such a fast pace of change, simply ran to the kitchen to get the knife.

The kitchen is not far from the security room. After a while, Zheng Hua came over with two blood stained kitchen knives. Fortunately, this is early in the morning, and the owners have not got up yet. Otherwise, if people see this scene, they may have to have a police car later.

"Is it really bloody?" Han Fei said.

"There's no one in the kitchen, so I'll kill the two chickens in the backyard. Otherwise, where can I get the blood from this knife?" Zheng Hua said triumphantly, with blood on the knife, it is really more prestige.

"Why don't you just kill one with blood? I'll kill two old hens all at once. Be careful that Li Bo in the kitchen will try his best to find you. " Han Fei joked.

Casually looking for a plastic bag to pack the knife in his arms, ignoring Zheng Hua's face, Han Fei goes directly to the manager's office.

As soon as Han Fei walked into the corridor, he heard Ma's humble voice: "Manager Gao, Captain Wang, it's really not what you think. It's really a misunderstanding. Our brothers are diligent in their daily work. We all look forward to this job. Please help us. "

As soon as the voice fell, Wang pangzi's commanding voice came from the office: "old horse, you are also an old man of the company, even earlier than me and Manager Gao, so you should know more about the company's system. We are old friends who have been together for so many years. We have feelings for the big family, but the company's rules are like this. We can't help it."

Old horse some helpless, trembling said: "Manager Gao, Captain Wang, please help, you smoke, smoke a cigarette."

"You're not finished! If it wasn't for the sake of you showing the company the door for so many years, I would have kicked you. While I'm not angry, go away! Get out of here Manager Gao growled directly.

"Manager Gao, please! I'll kneel down for you


The door of the office was kicked open from the outside, and Han Fei came in without expression.

I saw the old horse bent his legs and was about to kneel down, while Wang pangzi stood on one side with a proud smile. The senior manager was sitting on the high back chair with his legs tilted and shaking. He didn't even look at the old horse.

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