As soon as Han Fei entered the office, the smile on Wang pangzi's face became stiff, and the high manager's feet stopped shaking, and he immediately sat up straight.

"Han Xiaoge, you are..." Lao Ma asked anxiously.

"Old horse, someone is looking for you at the door. You go first." Han Fei said to the old horse.

Lao Ma was a little suspicious. He hesitated for a moment and bowed to Manager Gao and Wang pangzi. Then he slowly went out and closed the door.

The atmosphere of the office is dignified. Wang pangzi is not pleased with Han Fei. As for the Manager Gao, he is determined to expel Han Fei.

In particular, the little security guard was so swaggering to kick the door in, and Manager Gao had already choked his anger and was ready to burst out!

Wang pangzi looks at Manager Gao's face, not to mention how happy he is. Now Manager Gao has all the power to appoint or remove the security department. If he wants to fire anyone, it doesn't matter!

Seeing Manager Gao's face getting colder and colder, Wang pangzi almost opened his sarcastic skills to Han Fei. But at this time, Han Fei coldly stretched out his hand to fasten the door's Insurance from inside. Wang pangzi's face changed instantly. Things seemed different from what he expected!

Han Fei sneered at Wang pangzi and the manager, and directly took out the blood red plastic bag from his arms. Two wide back kitchen knives stained with blood were held in his hands, and they came to Manager Gao step by step.

Just now, Manager Gao, who was still invincible, was scared to pee. Looking at the two bloody kitchen knives, Manager Gao felt a heat in his crotch and quickly stepped back.

But his desk was against the wall, Han Fei has blocked the road ahead, where can he go back!

Wang pangzi is scared now. He is even more scared than Manager Gao. He planned last night's whoring. This boy should not be a dead duck. Now it's useless to say anything.

Compared with Wang pangzi's appearance of collapse, Manager Gao's self-cultivation is undoubtedly practiced at home.

No one who can climb to the position of manager is a simple role. Manager Gao may lack a little in other aspects. It can be seen that the skill point of wind rudder has long been trained to Max!

"Brother! Congratulations! From now on, we will be brothers who eat in a pot! " At the moment, Manager Gao is as excited as he saw his family at the first sight after he had just gone through the long march. He firmly holds Han Fei's hand and refuses to let go.

Han Fei was also confused at this time. What is the situation.

At this time, Wang pangzi came up with a worried face, carefully handed over the letter of appointment from the head office, and said awkwardly: "Han Lingban, this is the letter of appointment from the head office. Please have a look."

Han Fei doesn't know what's written on it. It makes these two guys' attitude change so much. Especially Wang pangzi's appearance now is more grandson than his grandson.

The content of the letter of appointment is not long, Han Fei quickly scanned it, especially after knowing the rights granted to him by this piece of paper, Han Fei's expression was wonderful in an instant.

"Lao Gao, from now on, we'll be squatting in a trench. You'll have to take care of us in the future." Han Fei said with a smile.

"Where, where! Brother, you are so kind! To be honest with you, brother, I have a lot of research on the book of changes. From the first time I saw you, I knew that my brother was very special and would be a dragon and Phoenix in the future!

Head office let you as the foreman, is to let you exercise experience qualifications, I'm sure, in a few months, the position of security minister is your! " Manager Gao said enthusiastically.

As soon as he saw Han Fei's smile, Manager Gao was in a hurry. He patted his chest and said, "you don't know, brother! Last night when minister Zheng said that he would expel you, I tried my best to say good things for you!

At that time, I yelled at minister Zheng on the phone. I said that I don't care whether others go or stay, but this brother named Han Fei can't move anything! When I said this, Captain Wang was listening. If you don't believe me, ask him. At that time, Minister Zheng didn't agree, but I dropped the phone on the spot! "

Wang pangzi now a hear "Captain" these two feel a little harsh, Shan Shan Han Fei nodded with a smile.

Han Fei smiles and walks away without looking back.

Han Fei this walk away, high team leader just trembled to touch a cold sweat on the forehead, as for Wang pangzi, it is directly paralyzed to the ground.

When he saw the letter of appointment, Wang pangzi knew that his good days of domineering had come to an end.

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