Out of the office, the outside sun is particularly beautiful.

A small letter of appointment directly changed the fate of the following people. For the first time, Han Fei understood why so many people could give up their love for power.

First there was the extra bonus, and now there is the letter of appointment. Han Fei knows that there must be a powerful hand behind it.

Yeqiao? Obviously she doesn't have the ability. If you think about it in this way, it's only Yun Ying who drives a Lamborghini.

Nowadays, it's hard to find a rich silly girl with long legs, thin waist and beautiful people. It's rare for this silly girl to come to the door. Han Fei thinks that it's time to ask her out for a meal.

Han Fei's logic is very simple. A few days after he came to the seaside, the number of people he knew came. After excluding all the impossible factors, the only one left is the woman named Yunying.

No wonder she knew that when she was a security guard in Hai Rui community that day, her face would be so strange. Han Fei can understand why Yun Ying couldn't help laughing when she left.

After a circle of emotion, she was just hopping under her hand. The simple words of others directly changed the fate of this "little man".

"This woman is really abnormal. If she has something to say, she has to turn around. Does she enjoy the sense of achievement in controlling other people's fate?" Han Fei said half jokingly.

Just as he was about to make a call to Yunying, Han Fei realized that he didn't even have a mobile phone, so he had to match it quickly, otherwise it would be really inconvenient.

When they came to the security room, Zheng Hua and some of them were dressed in work clothes. As soon as they saw Han Fei coming in, they immediately came to ask.

"Brother, what's the matter? Didn't you kill anyone?" Zheng Hua asked nervously.

"Screw you. You know how to fight all day. Can you be serious?" Han Fei said with a smile.

Zheng Hua has some grievances, he has been very honest, but Han Fei himself always wants to cut people, the two kitchen knives or he let himself go to the kitchen to "borrow".

"Brother, what's going on? You look so festive, can't things really be done? " Li Rui also asked expectantly.

Without saying a word, Han Fei directly took out the letter of appointment and patted it on the table. Zheng Hua and others vied with each other to pass it on. Their faces were so excited.

"Brother! It's awesome! After the whole security team is what you said, forget it! Brothers will follow you in the future! " Zheng Hua said excitedly.

"Brother! You're a leader now. It's a great event. How can we celebrate it? " Li Rui suggested.

After reading Han Fei's letter of appointment, the brothers, who had been forced hard before, immediately became excited as if they had robbed other people's daughter-in-law.

Lao Ma has been here for the longest time. He knows the meaning behind the letter of appointment better than anyone else. Then he says to Han Fei, "brother Han, if I guess well, the position of security minister will be yours for a month or two at most. Don't mention captain Wang, even the senior manager will have to look at your face."

"Yo, Ma, you seem to know a lot. Tell our brothers quickly." Zheng Hua cut in impatiently.

"I'm guessing. Don't blame me if I'm wrong, but I think it's all right." The old horse immediately explained to Zheng Hua and some of them.

After all, Haiya is a new enterprise, and many departments and institutions are not perfect. The Ministry of security is the most obvious example.

Haiya group is involved in a wide range of industries. The real estate project of Huarui community is only a small part of it. Under the whole Haiya group, where is there no dozens or hundreds of security guards?

Other departments have a specific leader in charge of the head office for general management, but the security department is still a mess, such as Huarui community, which is managed by senior manager.

As for Wang pangzi's title of security team leader, it is still a problem left over by history. There is no such position in the head office.

This is almost the case in other places. The security team is managed part-time by the top leader over there. There is a security department in the head office, but the position of minister is always vacant. Even the top management of the company is very greedy for this position.

For a large enterprise group, the investment in security is absolutely frightening. Take Dongcheng group as an example, the security guards in the headquarters are all retired soldiers, and even many of them are special forces. There are more than ten people who are only legally equipped with guns.

Although Haiya has not come to this stage yet, it is also a predictable trend. If anyone becomes the security minister, he will be the most powerful person in the whole Haiya group.

He is directly in charge of thousands of people. He takes all his employees out for a walk. All the small gangs on the ground around him have to kneel and lick!

It is precisely because the position of the security minister is too important to be held by a non legitimate confidant, so for such a long time, the existence of the security department has always been an empty office.

The head office didn't give a word all the time, so the people below naturally became more active. In their opinion, the whole security team finally got scores scattered to various industries to digest.

The reason why Wang pangzi keeps up with the pace of Captain Gao is that he is so close to wearing the same pair of trousers, because of such rumors.

The manager's supervision of the security team is only a transitional stage after all, and the final jurisdiction of the security team still has to fall into his hands.

Many people are holding the same idea as Wang pangzi, looking forward to the day when he will succeed and become the head office's official appointed security minister.

Although there is no way to compare with the leaders of the head office, they are serious and powerful people in their own land. To some extent, they are a bit more tough than the managers.

This is also the fundamental reason why Wang fatty has been courting each other frequently and Manager Gao has always been willing to refuse anyone who comes.

At present, the head office has suddenly set up the post of security foreman. Undoubtedly, the tense power center has suddenly smashed into a huge stone, which directly interrupts the fantasies of many fat Wang and fat Li, and even shakes the hearts of many senior executives.

From the moment he saw the letter of appointment, Manager Gao knew that Han Fei was likely to be the existence he needed to look up to in the future. Although the foreman's salary was not high and his power was not great, it was a clear signal from the head office.

In the whole Haiya group, there is only Han Fei, the head of the security team. People with clear eyes know who will be the security minister of Haiya group.

After listening to Ma's explanation, Zheng Hua and others are in a dream, Minister of security! That's a big leader in the head office. Isn't it like playing to crush a fat man?

"Well, let's not say that some of them have not got it, Gao Jing's haircut words, the previous thing is a misunderstanding, and we don't have any complaints. We should go back to our respective positions and work at ease. From this month, our basic salary will be increased by another 1000." Han Fei said.

On hearing this news, the brothers in the security room immediately cried out excitedly. The basic salary of more than 3000 yuan per month, plus full attendance and bonus, has enabled them to go out with their chest open.

In particular, the property fee of the community is fully charged during this period, and the treatment will be further improved after a period of time. Wang pangzi, who used to pick their thorn, is marginalized because of the existence of Han Fei. In the future, they just need to follow Han Fei. What can make them more excited than that!

"Come on! Don't laugh. What should I do? Xiao Zheng, go out with me and buy a mobile phone Han Fei said.

"Now? But now it's working time. What if the leader sees the fine? " Zheng Hua said in embarrassment.

"Zheng Hua, are you stupid! Since I asked you to go with him, how can I deduct your money? " Li Rui said with a smile.

At this time, Zheng Hua finished updating the database in his brain. Without saying a word, he began to change his clothes

Han Fei was in a good mood today. He even ran two more red lights. After a while, the car stopped in front of an apple store.

"Brother, you are rich! This is the rhythm of buying apples! " Zheng Hua envies.

"Well, you smoke less every day, and you can buy one next month." Han Fei then walked into the store, followed by Zheng Hua.

Han Fei walked directly to the counter. As soon as the shopping guide looked at the guests, she immediately came over with a smile to introduce them. However, as soon as she saw what Han Fei and Zheng Hua were wearing, she stopped to greet a mother and daughter on the other side of the display cabinet.

"Bah! The dog's eyes are low Zheng Hua scolded.

Han Fei didn't care. He knocked directly on the counter and said, "take out the mobile phone inside and I'll have a look."

The shopping guide pretended not to hear, and continued to introduce the mobile phone to the mother and daughter.

"What's your service attitude! Don't you hear us talking to you! " Zheng Hua's accomplishment is obviously not as high as Han Fei's. he patted the glass counter directly and said.

There was a lot of noise here, and several security guards in the shop immediately leaned over.

"What are you shouting at! Don't you see I'm busy! Who doesn't buy a mobile phone in the store? You're in a hurry! " The shopping guide said boldly.

Zheng Hua's anger is not good, subconsciously rolled down, there is no sleeve at all, even if he is bullied by an official in the army, even if he is scolded by Wang pangzi like Sun Tzu in the unit.

But now they are customers. What are customers? Customer's Chinese name is God! The English name is God!

Even if I can stand it, God can't stand it!

"What's the matter? You still want to hit people like this! Look at the poor look you're wearing. Do you know how expensive the cell phone is over there! Look at you, I can't afford to pay you half a year's salary! There's no money to pretend to be a master! " The shopping guide said.

The shopping guide said, and continued to enthusiastically introduce the mobile phone to the mother and daughter. At the moment, even Han Fei could not help frowning.

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