The traffic policeman was watching at that time. All this was the result of Han Fei's life. In addition to Han Fei, the Yellow haired guy riding a motorcycle also took great risks.

If it's someone else, he will admire each other from the bottom of his heart. But when he looks at the Yellow haired guy, he is a bad youth. He even smokes with a strong ruffian. He is a gangster, but he has made such a righteous thing, which makes people feel that the painting style is wrong.

Han Fei had come to the child by this time. The little boy looked black and thin, and his clothes were also a little shabby. There was an insignificant stitch on his small T-shirt, which made people think of the rural children in remote mountainous areas at the first glance.

It seems that after staying in the car for a long time, the little boy's spirit seems to be a little bad, and his smell is also a little wrong.

It's so hot now. He should have been caught by the traffickers earlier. Before he can change hands, the traffickers will not be kind enough to bathe these children every day. If there is a little taste, it will be normal.

For Han Fei, the uncle who can save them and do magic, the little boy is obviously much more friendly.

"Hello, uncle." The little boy said timidly.

Han Fei squatted down with a smile, touched the little boy's dishevelled head and said, "what's the name of the child? Do you know where you live?"

The little boy thought for a while, then seriously said: "my name is Zhuangzhuang, my family lives in the mountains."

Han Fei was a little surprised. The little boy didn't really turn from the mountain. These dog day human traffickers are really fighting!

"That is strong, do you know the contact information of mom and dad?" Han Fei asked patiently.

The little boy thought about it, then shook his head wrongly.

In this case, Han Fei is no solution, now can only hope in the police comrades.

After a while, the parents who lost their children arrived one after another. Several couples got out of the car and cried as soon as they saw the child. If the child was lost, parents would not be in a hurry.

Now just met, the parents are impatient to take their children back.

As soon as the traffic policeman saw it, he was in a hurry to stop it. The parents' mood was understandable. But for the sake of safety, it's better to go to the hospital first to check it, and then to go through the legal procedures.

"This is my son! Why can't I take my son! Who knows how long you have to go and how much money you have to pay in this legal process? Just tell me straight, don't give me the whole thing! " Yelled a young man.

On hearing this, the traffic police went forward to explain it, but the other party didn't buy it at all.

"This gentleman, please cooperate with us in our work. It's just a legal procedure. I guarantee that the child will come home with you soon." The traffic police didn't say this. It's OK. As soon as he said this, the man seemed to be stimulated and jumped up in an instant.

"Screw you! I'm going to take my son now! I don't know where my son has been sold by traffickers for a long time The man said angrily.

The situation here soon attracted everyone's attention. The onlookers around pointed at the angry man. There were some complaints in his words. It was strange that the parents who lost their children didn't say anything about it. It was really strange.

"Sir, please cooperate." Seeing that father and his child were about to leave, the traffic policeman subconsciously went over and blocked them with his body.

"I cooperate with your mother!" The man directly punched the traffic police in the chest and took the child to the car.

But before he went far away, he found a shadow standing in front of him. The man was about to get angry, but the child pulled the man's coat corner and cried excitedly: "Dad, this is uncle Altman. It's uncle who beat away the bad guys and rescued us. Uncle can do magic!"

As soon as the man heard this, his fist loosened immediately. He walked to Han Fei in three or two steps. He held Han Fei's hand tightly and said, "brother! You are the benefactor of our family! I kowtow to you

When the man finished, he was about to kneel down. Han Fei stopped him: "brother, I just happened to catch up with it. If the child is OK, don't do that!"

Just now, the man with a bad temper softened and his eyes were red: "brother! Thanks to you! If it weren't for you, my family would be finished! "

The man's name is Deng qiguang. He used to live a happy life. But after the child was lost, the old man in the family fell ill because he missed his grandson. The mother of the child quarreled with him every day, and the relationship between husband and wife fell to the freezing point.

Every time I call the police station, the reply is always mechanical. What is in full search and rescue, and what will be notified as soon as there is news, so as to ensure that the child can return to him as soon as possible.

As soon as possible, it has been delayed for three or four days.

Three or four days did not find the child, the man has been crazy, for such a long time, the child did not know which province was taken by the traffickers.

When men quit their jobs, they put up leaflets all over the street to look for their children. Several neighboring cities have been running all over the place. They haven't closed their eyes these days, and their eyes are full of blood.

Once I went home at noon, I found my wife lying on the sofa and couldn't wake up. Next to her, there was an empty bottle of sleeping pills, which was rushed to the hospital. After a long time of gastric lavage, the doctor woke up and wanted to die.

"What's the point of being alive when the child is gone?"

"Found it! The child has been found in other provinces! Just now the police called and said that the child has been found and is on the way home. We will see the child in two days! "

The man's white lie made his wife's mood stable. When he got out of the hospital, the man called again and got the same sentence that we are trying our best to search and rescue, and make every effort to let the children come back to them.

Man angry, foreign monkey lost a bike, you found it in one day, my son lost so long, why don't you look for it!

There is still a mechanical reply on the phone. We are trying our best to search and rescue. The manly mobile phones are smashed!

After listening to Liu qiguang's story, Han Fei can finally understand why he just punched the traffic police.

However, the traffic police was not wronged at all. They did not take into account the feelings of the parents who had lost their children. In particular, the sentence "let the children back to them as soon as possible" undoubtedly ignited Liu qiguang's anger. It was really light to hit him. Who let him wear a uniform!

Han Fei laughed, patted Liu qiguang on the shoulder and said, "brother, your mood is understandable, but now that the child has been found, you have reported safety to your family. Should you apologize to the traffic police brother now?

"Apologize to him? How could it be Liu qiguang refused what he didn't want.

Han Fei immediately said: "brother, which police did you report when your child lost? If you look at him, he is a traffic policeman. He has nothing to do with you looking for children!

I don't know. I'm sure I'll be scolded if I leave my job without permission. I look like a good student, but I've been basking in the sun all day. It seems that I'm a poor child with no one in my family.

Those traffickers all use knives. In case of any accident, it will not do him any good. Maybe he will lose his job.

In this way, people are still playing with traffickers to help you get the child back. Is it a little bit... "

Liu qiguang's face changed instantly, full of remorse and chagrin, and ran to the traffic police.

"Brother, I'm really sorry just now. I'm just in a hurry. I didn't react for a moment. If you want to blow me out, I promise not to fight back!" Liu qiguang said sincerely.

The traffic policeman was a little strange. Why did the father's attitude change so much?

Suddenly turned around to look at the next, but saw Han Fei's face full of disdain toward him down a thumbs up, the traffic police immediately understand.

"This guy doesn't seem to be such a jerk as he looks." Traffic police thought, polite and Liu qiguang exchange for a while, and then turned to see, Han Fei's figure has disappeared.

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