It wasn't long before the powerful guard of honor finally arrived. Suddenly, thirty or forty police cars arrived at the scene. The traffic that had already seemed a little congested suddenly became paralyzed, so that the reporters who came after the news had to get off and walk one or two blocks away.

The police here are criminal police and traffic police, but the scene is OK. One of the two traffickers here was knocked unconscious by Han Fei, and the other was subdued by the traffic comrade. The dozens of criminal police stood on the road with nothing to do.

As for the later traffic policemen, they are even more embarrassed now.

The traffic here has been completely paralyzed. If you want to divert the traffic, you have to drive dozens of police cars to other places first, and then a group of people come here on foot. This means that the face beating is a bit serious.

"When can we leave, please?" Asked a young mother.

"I don't know. I'll wait until all the reporters are here. You'll wait." The guy who looks like the head said, without looking at the mother.

Liu qiguang had already choked his anger. Now when he saw this man's style, he quietly turned on the camera function of his mobile phone and photographed the scene

About half an hour later, a leader appeared with a red face. For a moment, a group of reporters hurriedly gathered around, and the microphones, flash lights and tape recorders cheered the past.

The leader looked at all this with satisfaction, and then, with a dignified appearance, delivered a speech for more than half an hour

It emphasizes how abominable these criminal gangs are, how the leading group worked all night, worked out strategies and organized this assault activity, and then highlighted how the brave police officers managed to kill all these criminals!

The two traffickers showed their faces in front of the camera in a hurry, and then the leader made a concluding speech, followed by flowers and applause all over the world. The surprise operation code named "why" was a complete success

Liu qiguang and his wife just came back from the hospital after watching their parents. They saw the report on the Internet. There was no mention of an unknown hero behind the incident in the short video. Even the traffic police comrade put it in the eyes of the words "brave police officers" in a general way. They didn't even have a chance to show their face.

"Shit! Don't even have a face Liu qiguang's literati temper came up, directly opened his own micro blog, and began to "pop" on the keyboard.

After typing the last word, Liu qiguang took the milk from his wife and drank it up in two or three mouthfuls.

"Husband, I have a bad temper two days ago. My wife apologized to you. Don't be angry. Well, you have been working hard these days. Let's have a rest early tonight." The woman said gently.

Liu qiguang's face is full of happiness at the moment. His home, which was already about to be broken, has finally returned to the warmth of the past. Nothing can make people feel more happy than recovery.

"Well, we'll go to bed early tonight." Liu qiguang put down his water cup and habitually refreshed the page. The microblog that had just been published for less than two minutes had been reprinted for tens of thousands of times, and a large number of fans supported it.

Liu qiguang smiles. He closes the computer and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. After so many days, he should have a good rest.

"Thanks to the Han Fei brothers, anyway, I quit my job now. Let's live a leisurely life for a while. I'll ask the Han Fei brothers to come out for a cup of tea sometime." Liu qiguang thought.

Oriental Garden, the most top and top-grade community on the beach, is surrounded by rivers and beautiful scenery. The house price has reached more than 50000 yuan per square meter. Ordinary people can't afford such a house even if they have worked for generations.

At the moment, in a 200 square meter apartment in the Oriental Garden, Wang Rong comes out with a bath towel and looks at himself in the mirror. Wang Rong's thoughts are a little bit erratic.

Time flies. Unconsciously, the children are already three years old.

She is still beautiful in the mirror, but Wang Rong knows in her heart that the best age of a woman is gradually leaving her. Although she usually pays attention to maintenance, she can't see the traces left by the years on her body, so what can she do?

Wang Rong gently pulled off her bathrobe and quietly looked at herself in the mirror, just like the little girl who was ignorant and shy. The only difference was that her heart was getting old.

What women fear most is narcissism. It's been three years before they know it. Have they been delaying like this?

For three years, she and Congcong were the only two people in the empty room. Without a man, it didn't look like a home. Inadvertently, Wang Rong heard the answer from her heart.

Slowly into the living room, Wang Rong habitually opened the notebook to read the news, which is her habit for many years. At this time, a local news on the seashore attracted her attention. Wang Rong opened it for a moment, and then her face became a little ugly.

If other people encounter such things, Wang Rong may not care at all, but the man can't, some things are his, it must be his.

Even if he doesn't want it, Wang Rong will never allow the clown to make a fuss and use his own things to decorate his face.

Thinking about this, Wang Rong took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Lele? It's Wang Rong. Here's the thing. Read today's headline on the seaside forum. Yes, that's the one. I want you to write another report on this incident. Of course, I provided the material. OK, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Rong comes to Congcong's room. At the moment, her son is drooling and sleeping. Wang Rong can get some comfort in her heart.

According to reason, Congcong is old enough to go to kindergarten, but Wang Rong doesn't want Cong to be teased as a child without a father, so it has been delayed.

Originally, Wang Rong didn't pay much attention to it. Today, after she bought something and lost her child, Wang Rong felt more and more that she couldn't support a family by herself. Congcong should not only enjoy half of her mother's love. If she could, she wanted to give Cong a complete family.

Thinking of this, Wang Rong's idea grew up like a Beanstalk, half for Congcong and half for herself.

Thinking of this, Wang Rong subconsciously sent a text message to Han Fei: "are you free tomorrow? Why don't you come out for a potluck? "

At the moment, ye Qingxue is lying on the sofa, engrossed in playing with fruit ninja, worthy of the latest 6plus, the feel is smooth, I even accidentally cut three or two bombs.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated, and the game automatically entered the pause state. When ye qingxuedun was dissatisfied, he yelled to Han Fei in the bathroom: "handsome guy, you have a short message."

Han Fei is taking a shower at the moment. He says without thinking, "then read it to me."

When ye Qingxue heard this, she happily went back to the main page and directly opened the message icon. She did not forget to say to Han Fei, "handsome guy, this is what you let me see. Don't say it's me peeping into your privacy!"

Ye Qingxue said, impatient to see the content of the message, his face immediately gloomy down.

"What's the matter? What's on the message?" Han Fei saw that ye Qingxue didn't make a sound and asked subconsciously.

"Oh, it's a fraud message, saying that you won the five million prize of their company. I've deleted it for you. Nowadays, the fraud message is becoming more and more naive. It's really strange why so many people are cheated every year."

Ye Qingxue said that she deleted the text message from her contact for Rong Jie, added a blacklist, and then continued to play with her fruit ninja happily.

"Well, coquettish foxes and coquettish foxes, you can be very coquettish and charming. I'm better than you. As long as I'm here, you coquettish foxes don't want to eat the big fat chicken in the bath! Oh, yeah Ye Qingxue smiles triumphantly.

Han Fei just came out of the bath, just saw the girl's face smelly, and couldn't help but say: "what's a person laughing at?"

Ye Qingxue looked up at Han Fei and said, "I happened to see a silly big fat chicken that was missed by the fox. Emma's silly way made me laugh to death."

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