In Han Fei's opinion, this bowl of wonton and a cigarette are more precious than the medals awarded by the national leaders themselves.

The latter has a show element in it, but the former is from the heart of the brothers, not mixed with any other purpose.

"Well, since you're all full, I'm not polite." Han Fei then picked up the spoon and gobbled it up. The wonton made by Li Bo was delicious. Han Fei was very happy.

Han Fei is gobbling, Li Bo did not know when has come to the door of the security room, looking at Han Fei's back, Li Bo's face inadvertently revealed a trace of smile.

Zheng Hua and some of them are about to call Han Fei, but Li Bo stops them with his eyes, and then goes back to the kitchen with his hands on his back.

"Well, did you find that our Uncle Li seems to be a little bit adrift? Look at the way people walk, how can he give people a feeling of something, right! sage-like type!

I dare say that if Li Bo wants to wear a pair of sunglasses, set up a stand on the overpass, write casually a small sign with a mahogany look or a straight cut iron mouth and hang it behind, he will surely earn a lot more than he does now“ Zheng Hua said enviously.

At least Zheng Hua thinks that if he can have Han Fei's look or Li Bo's charm, he can receive more than 100000 yuan a month every minute!

It's a pity that an outsider worries about it, but the two leaders never take advantage of their own advantages.

After a bowl of wonton, Han Fei felt very comfortable and sweating. It seems that Li Bo put a lot of pepper in his wonton, but he felt very comfortable.

Michelin is worthy of the star chef, a simple bowl of wonton is delicious. I can't help but look up to the sky and roar. When can I discuss with Li Bo, pack some wonton and take it home, and let Qingxue have a good taste.

At this time, the newspaper delivery master came, Li Rui went out to get the newspaper, and then ran in with a look of excitement.

"Look! It's on the front page of Haibin daily! " Li Rui said excitedly, pointing to the eye-catching headline of "people's police for the people, brave and fearless to control peddlers" in the newspaper.

Security room instantly boiling, in addition to Han Fei, a group of people are crowded around the newspaper to read carefully, for fear of missing any word.

About ten minutes later, tens of thousands of words were repeatedly read by Zheng Hua, and everyone's face became a little ugly.

"Shit! Who the hell wrote this story! Open your eyes and tell lies Li Rui couldn't help yelling.

"No! The whole thing was done by my brother with his life. He had a wool relationship with these guys before and after! They are not shy to put gold on their faces, our brother did not even mention a name! no way! It's not going to work! " Zheng Hua gas of the table, but the heart of the nameless fire and do not know where to vent.

"Brother, why are you so calm now! It's on me, but I can't bear it Li Rui saw that Han Fei was so calm that he was in a hurry.

Early this morning, Zheng Hua told the details of the incident clearly, especially the scene of riding behind a motorcycle chasing a peddler. Although Zheng Hua didn't see it with his own eyes, they could make up for the thrill in his later description.

Han Fei has taken such a big risk and done such a big thing. He is a worthy hero!

Heroes should not squat in a small security room in obscurity, they should stand on the podium and get praise and glory from flowers, applause and flash lights under the eyes of countless people!

"All light fixed point, this small matter all anxious to become like this, promising?" Han Fei light mouth way.

Han Fei this opening, Zheng Hua they a few moments dumbfounded, but in the heart or feel worthless for Han Fei.

"Brother, we know that you are good at self-control and don't take these vanity to heart, but brothers really think it's not worth it for you!" Zheng Hua said excitedly.

As soon as Han Fei heard this, he laughed. He came over and sat on the table and said, "tell me about you. Today I have to give you a good lesson so that you can establish a correct outlook on life, values and the universe."

Zheng Hua and some of them were confused when they heard this. They knew right and wrong in their hearts very well. How could this matter be related to the Three Outlooks!

After a long talk, Han Fei said that he was exhaling freely and felt comfortable physically and mentally. It seemed that he felt a stream of air flowing through the four limbs and bones, which had a tendency to break through Ren and Du's pulse.

However, Zheng Hua and his friends were confused when they heard this. They felt that life was worse than death. Han Fei looked at people's faces and felt more comfortable.

"Brother, I seem to understand. In a word, the result of this incident is that we have rescued those children and some families that are about to be broken. This has already made great contributions. As for how outsiders force us, let them go, right?" Zheng Hua said uncertainly.

When Han Fei heard this, he was very pleased: "brother, you understand. I always feel that there is great wisdom hidden under your seemingly cute brain. You didn't disappoint me."

Zheng Hua almost cried when he heard this. Han Fei used to treat him as a fool!

At this time, the old horse who had been silent before suddenly opened his mouth with the copy of Haibin Daily: "brother Han, come and have a look. It seems that something is wrong."

Han Fei knew that the old horse would not be aimless and immediately walked up.

The headline of the newspaper is very eye-catching: nameless man in downtown, two dead and one seriously injured!

Han Fei quickly read the contents of the newspaper, Rao is with his calm temperament, now also some angry.

"I'm fucked! Which dog day did this report come from! I'll go up and kill him! " Zheng Hua's hot temper suddenly came up.

Grandfather Mao said a long time ago that if there is no investigation, there will be no right to speak! Now this group of reporters in order to attract attention, even no professional ethics!

Without a clear investigation of the matter, they blindly made such irresponsible remarks. Are all the reviewers of the newspaper blind!

Several brothers in the security room read the report one after another and immediately responded that they were the traffickers who abducted and sold women and children!

Instead, the two who escaped were caught and pulled out by the relevant departments to brush their sense of existence. Instead, those in front of them became innocent victims under the reporter's confused reports, while Han Fei, who should have been a hero, was the villain who showed off his evil deeds for no reason!

"Brother, this can't be tolerated any more. You are said to be a murderer. This must be clarified." Zheng Hua said.

Han Fei did not expect that things would develop to this point. The trafficker became an innocent victim, but he became a murderer. Such a brain damaged and incredible thing actually happened!

To say that there is no black hand behind this, Han Fei will not believe anything he says, unless the reporter and the leader of the newspaper do not want to do it, they will publish this report openly.

Han Fei thinks about it. The only one who has a grudge against him is Zhang Shao of the east city!

There were two deaths and one serious injury on the scene. The one who was seriously injured hung up on the way to the hospital. These were three lives! It's a terrible case!

Many things did not have time to investigate and collect evidence, and some key clues related to the suspects were collected at the scene. After some investigation, the mighty police team drove towards Huarui community.

Towards noon, Han Fei and Zheng Hua went to the barbecue stand again. Several times, Han Fei got acquainted with the boss of the barbecue stand.

With Zheng Hua as the guy, and hearing about Han Fei's rescue of the abducted children, the barbecue stall owner is obviously enthusiastic about Han Fei.

Li Guoshun, the owner of the barbecue stall, is usually silent. He has a very obvious military temperament, especially the thick calluses on his hands, which is clearly the result of playing with guns for a long time.

Such a person should not appear at the barbecue stand to be a small boss. However, everyone has his own story. Li Guoshun deliberately evades his own past, and Han Fei doesn't ask much about it.

They are such men, who do not want to be a few people know the secret?

"Brother, I did it." Han Feichong raises his glass to Li Guoshun. He drinks all the beer in the glass. Li Guoshun smiles and says nothing. He continues to fiddle with the barbecue.

At the moment, in the office of the senior manager of Huarui community, Wang pangzi is pouring water for the police comrades. After knowing the intention of the police comrades, Wang pangzi is already happy.

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