For Wang pangzi's hospitality, the police of the criminal police force turned a blind eye to him. They directly took out a picture and asked Wang pangzi and Manager Gao, "this person in the picture, you should be very familiar with him."

As soon as Wang pangzi heard the meat play coming, he immediately looked at the photo excitedly. In the photo, a man was punching a man dressed as a jerk.

It doesn't matter who that bastard is. What matters is that the man who beat people is the enemy who has a bearing on his job and future!

"Comrade police, we know him! If you have anything to ask, we will tell you everything Wang pangzi was very happy. So many policemen came to see him. He knew that Han Fei was a big event.

"Who is this guy and what's his name?" The criminal policeman asked without expression.

"His name is Han Fei. He's a little security guard here. A while ago, he got a bad luck and caught a thief. He was promoted to a small foreman. Police comrades, we've already seen that Han Fei is a bastard. He's been mixing with a bunch of local ruffians all day. We know that he's going to get into trouble sooner or later!" White captain said.

"Comrade police, this Han Fei has never been a good thing. What did he do this time? It's better to catch him and lock him up for a few years. " Manager Gao also said at this time.

Since being threatened by Han Fei with a kitchen knife, Manager Gao has been looking for an opportunity to get rid of Han Fei. But who knows, this guy doesn't know what kind of shit he's gone. He becomes the head of the security guard. His position may be much higher than himself at any time. Manager Gao is not calm immediately.

On the other side of the head office, he tested the leader's meaning more than once, and got vague prevarication. Manager Gao was more and more bottomless, and even came up with the idea of sacrificing Wang fatty to let Han Fei vent his anger.

At present, Han Fei is obviously on something big, once criminal punishment, even the head of the head office will be mercilessly removed, not to mention Han Fei, a small security team leader.

Manager Gao and Wang are crazy about smearing Han Fei, but the police don't pay any attention to them at all.

A few Interpol simple exchange of views, and then certainly said: "no wrong, it's him!"

"Comrade police, what did Han Fei do? Is there anything we can do for you? " Seeing the end of the criminal police discussion, Manager Gao couldn't help interrupting.

"This Han Fei is suspected of deliberately injuring others to death. Two people died and one was seriously injured at the scene. The seriously injured one died on the way to the hospital." A criminal policeman said solemnly.

Manager Gao and captain Wang were scared to pee when they heard this. This bastard really dares to kill!

For a moment, Manager Gao and captain Wang thought of the scene that Han Fei came to the door with two kitchen knives last time. It turned out that he didn't simply scare them at that time. If the younger sister of the finance department hadn't come in time, I'm afraid they would have been a pile of ashes in a small urn.

"There is really a thing that needs two help at the moment. What's more, please ask other security personnel to remove the other security first so as to avoid any extreme action that the suspect will do to hurt others during our next arrest." The criminal policeman said seriously.

As soon as Manager Gao and team leader Bai heard this, their legs would tremble. Are you kidding? This is a guy who even dares to kill people. We really want to take you to catch him. In case this guy doesn't get the death penalty and finally comes out alive, let's wash our necks and wait to be killed!

"Cough, Captain Wang, I suddenly feel a little sick. Please take the police to go there." Manager Gao said without any doubt.

Wang Pang immediately suffered a face, did not expect this kind of fatal moment, always wear the same pair of trousers with his high manager did not hesitate to push him out, in case there is a good or bad, this is not to their own life!

"Manager Gao, i... I..."

"You what you! Go to me now Manager Gao kicked Wang pangzi out with one kick. As the saying goes, you should be careful to sail for ten thousand years. This kind of thing that goes wrong is the best thing for Wang pangzi to deal with.

Wang pangzi now want to cry without tears, now also can only harden the scalp with the police to the direction of the security room walked in the past.

Along the way, Wang pangzi looked at so many policemen around him and thought that no matter how wild Han Fei was, he couldn't cut the general's head among all the troops!

Thinking about this, Wang pangzi immediately felt at ease. He introduced Han Fei's "black" materials to the surrounding criminal police, and unconsciously came to the door of the security room.

"You guys, go to the back warehouse and have a look. I'll guard here." Wang pangzi's leadership said completely.

When Han Fei was away, the security team was his own decision. Coupled with the long-standing pressure, those left behind security guards walked away without any doubt.

Although Wang pangzi is now a dignified little leader, it's all because he can see from a distance that Han Fei hasn't returned to the security room. Otherwise, with his courage, he dare not get close to the security room within 10 meters.

"Police comrades, this Han Fei should have gone out to eat and not come back, but look at the time, this boy will be back in ten or twenty minutes at most." Wang said.

In the past few days, the security guards who used to see that they didn't even dare to breathe in front of their own face, and didn't pay any attention to their former boss. Wang pangzi has long complained about this.

But Han Fei is the head of the security team appointed by the head office, and his position is a head higher than his own. In addition, he takes great care of the security guards, so Wang pangzi is very angry and never dares to ask anyone for trouble.

At the moment, he is also keeping the clouds open to see the sunrise. Han Fei, the son of a bitch, is finally carrying a life case, and three people die in his hands. I don't think he will ever come out of prison again in his life.

When you think about it today, the security team is talking again. Wang pangzi can't help feeling excited. Without the existence of Han Fei, the head of the security team, he may become the head of the Security Department of Huarui community appointed by the head office.

Under such a thought, Wang pangzi is as excited as chicken blood, and his last fear of Han Fei disappears.

Just at this time, a group of people are walking towards the gate of the community. Wang pangzi squints his eyes and takes a look. The leader is Han Fei who wants to get rid of him day and night!

"Comrade police! That's him! The tall man in the front is Han Fei Wang pangzi was excited and cried. Han Fei and others nearby heard Wang pangzi's high pitched voice and couldn't help looking here.

As soon as Wang pangzi saw Han Fei looking at him from a distance, his heart suddenly cooled. He immediately comforted himself: "just now, this bastard didn't hear what I said?"

"Comrade police, that bastard in front of you is Han Fei you are looking for. Hurry up and catch him, but don't let this bastard run away!" Wang pangzi whispered to those criminal policemen beside him.

Unexpectedly, these criminal policemen did not rush towards Han Fei as he thought, but stood quietly at the gate of the community waiting for Han Fei's arrival.

Obviously, some of the police on the scene have got confidential information. They know that this matter is not as exaggerated as what was said in the newspaper. They just have to "invite" Han Fei back to investigate because of the pressure from some aspects.

On the one hand, Han Fei is portrayed as a vicious murderer who must be brought to justice by thunder. On the other hand, there seems to be another force to convey another meaning. This young man can't move. What he sees with his eyes may not be true.

As a matter of fact, from the fact that several senior executives of Haibin daily went out all night, we have guessed that it is far more complicated than what they saw, but it involves the collision of the above giants, which is obviously not something they can participate in.

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