"Brother, Wang pangzi and a group of policemen are crouching there. Obviously, it's not good for them to come here. Let's go and avoid them. It's not too late for you to come back when the truth comes out." Li Rui said in a low voice.

Han Fei said with a smile: "what a big thing, what a panic for you? If things are so serious that they can't be undone, do you think those people will still squat at the door in their uniforms? "

Li Rui and they immediately react, but the thought of Han Fei going to the police station as a murderer makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go, the soldiers will block the water and cover the land. They are business people. Don't spread their anger on others. Everyone's attitude will be better later. It's the fat Wang..." Han Fei said with a trace of fun on his face.

"Well, I don't like this fat man for a long time. He doesn't care if he bangs at all. Today he sold you brother. I'll find a sack to sink him into the river tonight!" Zheng Hua said excitedly.

Han Fei surprised card Zheng Hua one eye, this boy talk how never over brain, some things in mind even if, the door guard is so strict, also dare to say so loudly, talent ah!

"Let's go." Han Fei said with a vote of brothers toward the door of the community.

As soon as Han Fei arrived at the gate of the community, a fierce bald man came up, took out a small black book and swayed in front of Han Fei's eyes, saying, "you are Han Fei. You are suspected of intentional homicide. Please go back with us to assist in the investigation."

Han Fei glanced at the bald man and said nothing with a smile.

"Comrade, please cooperate with us in our work!" The bald man said in good order.

At this time, a well-established middle-aged man coughed, directly blocked in front of the man and said: "I'll do it."

The bald man hesitated for a moment, and then came to one side. Han Fei looked at everything and remembered the appearance of JC silently.

At the moment, the old policeman also came to Han Fei's body and said in a low voice: "brother, I've offended you."

Han Fei didn't say anything. He stretched out his hand directly, and the other side took out the handcuffs, just a symbolic card. Han Fei's wrist could even move a few times in a small gap, and then nodded to the other side with a smile.

"Close up!" The old policeman gave the order and a group of people left the community.

Zheng Hua and some of them followed, and some of the young guys turned red: "brother, our brothers are waiting for you to come back!"

"All right, let's go." Han Fei said smartly.

Watching Han Fei be taken to the police car, they can't do anything. There's not a moment when they hate their incompetence as much as they do now.

At the moment, the happiest thing is Wang pangzi. Seeing Han Fei, his immediate superior and dead enemy, taken away, Wang pangzi seems to have ushered in his second spring, and immediately returns to his former domineering manner.

Two days ago, he had to be a man with his tail in front of Han Fei. Even the security guards dared to laugh at him in front of him. Today, he finally can spread the resentment in his heart.

"What are you doing there! Go back to the security room and go to work when you are wandering outside during working hours! You, you, and you, how can you smell so much smoke? This month's bonus will be deducted! " Wang shouts with high spirits. Don't be in a good mental state

On the other hand, the police car slowly drove into the compound of the police station. When Han Fei was escorted upstairs, a handsome guy in casual clothes just came down from the upstairs.

When he saw Han Fei, he was stunned. He opened his mouth and said, "Why are you again?"

"It's your grandson." Han Fei also had some accidents. The man in front of him was the traffic police Comrade yesterday!

"Hello, brother Zhao." The young police officers around saw the young man and immediately said hello with a smile.

Han Fei is back to them, can't see the expression on their face, otherwise you can see the expression on their face is called flattery!

This little brother Zhao can't hang on his face. Even if he doesn't have an outsider, he can call his grandson directly in front of so many colleagues in the police station. It's embarrassing!

Before the change, he left without saying a word, but when he thought of what Han Fei did yesterday and the current situation, he couldn't do it any more, and even felt a little guilty.

Selective neglect of "grandson" that two words, Zhao Xiaoge smile, patted Han Fei's shoulder said: "brother, life experience is not a bad thing, when to the police station to play two days, after two days, brother personally pick you out, want to eat what to drink or go where to play, all listen to you."

Zhao Xiaoge's statement made those people behind feel frightened. What's Zhao Xiaoge's identity? How can his brother be a murderer? In particular, the sentence "pick him up in two days" clearly shows the above attitude!

Han Fei also had some accidents at this time. Now it seems that this is a little boss in the disguise of traffic police!

"Brother, I have something urgent to deal with. I'll leave first. I'll see you later." Zhao Xiaoge said to get together to Han Fei ear whispered two, "it's OK, things are clear, first wronged you for two days."

With that, Zhao Xiaoge pats Han Fei on the shoulder and goes away. The people around him consciously give way.

Zhao Xiaoge's statement undoubtedly gives Han Fei a protective aura. Although they don't know what the relationship between Han Fei and Zhao Xiaoge is, they think it's better not to ask about Zhao Xiaoge's affairs, and they are polite to Han Fei.

Before Han Fei enters the pre-trial room, he just sees Zhang Shao from Dongcheng walking towards him. When he sees Han Fei, Zhang Shao can't help but smile. His smile is full of sinister flavor.

Han Fei smiles and doesn't speak. He knows it immediately. Before, he was curious about how Zhang Shao didn't move after the four thugs fell in. It turns out that he was waiting for himself here!

Han Fei was immediately taken into a room, and was still escorting two of his policemen for interrogation. Although he didn't know the identity of the little brother of the traffic police, looking at the polite appearance of the two policemen at the moment, Han Fei knew that his other identity was absolutely different.

"Brother, it's a routine. Don't blame me for asking something." Politely said, this just picked up the interrogation record, the door was pushed open from the outside, a fierce looking bald man came in, Han Fei immediately recognized, this person is not the guy who used to shout at the gate of the community!

The bald man suddenly came in. The two men were confused about the situation. They saw each other come to one of them and whisper a few words. The man's face was a little ugly.

"Brother Qiang, this is not very good. I know Zhao Xiaoge now."

"Know again how, this matter Zhang brigade all nodded, you two go out!" Strong elder brother says without doubt.

As soon as they heard the word "Zhang brigade", they immediately softened their attitude, looked at Han Fei apologetically, and then opened Han Fei's handcuffs.

As a policeman with a strong sense of mission, brother Qiang has always hated such a bastard as Han Fei.

It is because of these troublemakers that so many bloody fights happen every year, which poses a great threat to the safety of people's lives and property!

At present, this guy dares to seriously injure and kill people in the downtown area. It's already a crime. Such a guy must criticize and educate well, or he will die sooner or later.

Brother Qiang's face is cold and straight up. With a "click" of the handcuffs, Han Fei's wrist can't move freely.

Looking at the just and masculine man in front of him, Han Fei's heart is slightly complicated. To be fair, comrade J is also a business man. If you really want to say that, it's still the responsibility of those traffickers.

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