"Young man, when you go out on your first day, you should consider the end of today! Have you ever thought that if you go down with a very irresponsible blow, you will break up a family of three generations! " Brother Qiang reproached with pain.

Han Fei laughed: "you don't care what I do."

"Boy, do you really think that after a few days, the society will be lawless! As long as my brother Qiang is still wearing this police uniform, we will never allow scum like you to harm society! " The big, burly brother slapped the table.

"Bang" of a thick stuffy ring, together with the ground seems to have some vibration.

"That's all you have. Didn't you have lunch?" Han Fei sneered.

"Boy! Don't challenge the limit of my patience! Don't try to irritate me, waiting for your natural legal trial! When you transform in the cell, I see if you can still laugh! " Brother Qiang was angry. He went straight up and punched the sandbag in the corner, so as to vent his anger.

Staying with such a bastard, brother Qiang feels that his whole body is ignited!

Han Fei said with a smile, "if you have the ability, don't take sandbags. Come here."

Brother Qiang is very angry. If he didn't wear this uniform, he really wants to clean up this bastard who doesn't know the heaven and earth, and then continue to vent his anger on sandbags.

After a while, brother Qiang was already out of breath. They all said that sandbags were hard work. Although sandbags were hard to creak and slosh, the punch was no better. Otherwise, a fight would not have the slightest deterrent power.

"No strength? Soft goods. I haven't enjoyed it up to now! Come again if you have the ability Han Fei called contemptuously.

"It's arrogant! Brother Qiang, I don't know how many bastards I've sent to prison myself. I've never seen anyone as arrogant as you Brother Qiang gets angry and roars at Han Fei.

"Bang bang bang"

"Brother Qiang! No more fighting! If you go on fighting, the sandbags will be broken! " At this time, the two guys who had been waiting at the door couldn't help but rushed in and stopped brother Qiang.

These two guys are determined, Leng is tightly blocked in front of the sandbags, protect strictly, otherwise damage property can have their own money to compensate, strong brother know this is how can no longer start, the remaining anger still took back the fist.

"Young man, you'd better reflect on what you've done!" Brother Qiang said and walked away.


After a while, the two middle-aged people came in, did not look at Han Fei, directly find a stool to sit down, slowly opened the folder and the interrogation book, and then yelled at Han Fei: "sit in front!"

Han Fei turned and showed his handcuffed hands and said, "can you release it first?"

"What's the matter! If you abide by the law, how can you be reduced to the present situation! We will only escort the people, not the umbrella of a troublemaker like you! Don't try to play tricks! " One of the older ones said.

Han feiqiang endured the anger and didn't break out, just for the sake of Qingxue. He has to endure what he says now, otherwise he can give that tall and burly guy every minute.

Han Fei's hands are handcuffed, yes, but they are all old timers with years of torture experience. At a glance, we can see that the hands are not injured at all.

"Master, can you turn on the air conditioner first?" Han Fei had no choice but to change his request.

"Are you finished! So many requests, when you live in a hotel Another fat guy slapped the table and yelled at Han Fei.

Recently, the funds in the bureau are tight, and they are not willing to turn on the air conditioner in hot weather. This bastard has put on the spectrum!

"Well, anyway, I don't care. I've been through so many years without a fan in summer." Han Fei said, but this place is really hot!

The guy snorted coldly, then asked: "name, work unit, home address, social relations, speak slowly."

Han Fei answered one by one, only talking nonsense about his home address.

"You were making trouble and killing people yesterday. That's what happened." Said the middle-aged man.

"First of all, I have to stress that those are human traffickers. I just saved the abducted women and children from the human traffickers." Han Fei said.

"How could it be?" The fat man's face changed a little. I didn't expect that there was something else in it.

"If I didn't do it at that time, the traffickers would have to drive away. If I couldn't get rid of the enemy and let the traffickers take precautions, those children would be in danger." Han Fei said calmly.

"This..." the fat man hesitated.

"In any case, your behavior is extreme after all. We will respond truthfully and strive for leniency for you." Another policeman opened his mouth, then pushed a notepad like thing down in front of Han Fei and said, "sign here first."

Han Fei smiles and writes his name on it. He believes the police will give him a satisfactory result.

"Young man, you have been wronged. You can rest assured that we will deal with the matter as soon as possible and give you and the public an explanation." One of them made a solemn promise.

"Thank you." Han Fei waved and said.

Just at this time, Han Fei's mobile phone suddenly rings. He takes out his mobile phone and looks at it. It's Liu qiguang, whom he just met yesterday. He doesn't care about their burning eyes. Han Fei answers the phone directly.

"Oh, it's OK, but brother, it can't be at this time. I'm still in the police station now. Oh, well, I'll tell you something about it simply..." Han Fei said all the causes and consequences of the matter.

From the moment he and Zheng Huagang left the mobile phone shop, to the moment they rescued the woman who was abducted, to the later road chase, and then how they were brought to the police station, it's really twists and turns.

As soon as Liu qiguang heard this, his lungs would explode. Han Fei heard a crackling sound of smashing things in his phone.

"Brother, you can rest assured that the police will handle this matter properly. I'm just angry with those individual traffickers." Liu qiguang comforted him on the phone.

Then they don't know what to say. Han Fei takes off his coat and takes some pictures of himself. He shows off some muscles and sends them out.

When those two people react, Han Fei has hung up.

"If it's all right, I'll go back now." Han Fei said to them.

"Wait a minute, there's only one fingerprint left." The other coughed two times and warned.

Han Fei smiles and presses his fingerprints. They look at each other. Although they know that there is something else about this guy, they can only go through a procedure now.

For fear that Han Fei would leave any shadow in his heart, one of them said directly: "young man, what's in there to bear in advance? I personally appreciate you, but your behavior this time is indeed a bit rash."

After a while, a police car roared out of the police compound. Han Fei sat in the back seat and looked at the welded iron fence in front of him calmly, which was prepared to prevent criminals from rioting during transportation.

Not long after the police car left, the strong brother picked up the phone to get through a number and said: "Zhang Shao, everything has been done, people have been sent to the detention center, you can rest assured, I have already said hello there, they will be such a bastard to criticize and educate."

The seaside detention house was far away from the downtown. After driving for two or three hours, the car finally stopped in front of a steel gate.

What Han Fei doesn't know is that someone has already cast a big net waiting for him.

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