Now Han Fei, the God of killing, is watching in front of him. It's impossible to take back what he says.

As soon as Manager Gao bites his teeth and stomps his feet, he can only learn from gecko to save his life!

"Brother, to tell you the truth, I always feel that the security room is too hard for them to work hard. I'm so sorry for their hard work that I'm willing to work hard to keep the door of the community and don't raise their wages." Manager Gao said excitedly.

Han Fei smiles and inadvertently flicks the blade on the next table. Manager Gao is scared to swallow a lot of rubbish.

"Four thousand! The basic salary of several people in the security room is increased to four thousand a month! " Manager Gao gritted his teeth.

"Only four thousand? How can I hear that the head office has set aside more fixed funds for each security guard? It seems that there is still no blood in the knife. It can't scare the monkey! " Han Fei said to himself.

Manager Gao was scared to pee. He immediately changed his words and said, "five thousand! Five thousand is absolutely no problem! If we can't do it, we can talk about six thousand! "

Han Fei laughed, walked slowly to Manager Gao, patted him in the face and said, "Lao Gao, what you say can't be a fart. You should do it yourself. Help me return the kitchen knife to the kitchen later."

When Han Fei finished, he left. Manager Gao immediately collapsed on the ground. His heart was dripping with blood. To say that Han Fei blackmailed, it was blatant blackmail, but Manager Gao had the courage to call the police!

Secondly, there are a lot of tricks hidden in the security guard's salary. Otherwise, as a small district logistics manager, how can he afford to raise a mistress outside! Once this matter is exposed, he will be the manager!

Out of Manager Gao's office, Han Fei called Zheng Hua directly. After a while, the small security room was the world of brothers.

As soon as Zheng Hua saw Han Fei, they were very excited. There were endless words when they met. As for Wang pangzi, a boring topic like a fly, they didn't even need to mention it.

When Zhenghua learned that their basic salary had risen to more than 4000, they were not so excited as usual, but became more and more ashamed.

They all say that we are brothers, but Han Fei thinks about the benefits of his brother, and his salary will rise again and again. But when Han Fei is in trouble, they can do nothing, and Zheng Hua's faces are scared.

"Everyone looks dejected. It's a good thing to raise their wages. They all laugh." Han Fei said.

Zheng Hua forced them to squeeze out a trace of laughter, but their hearts became more and more heavy.

Several brothers are chatting all over the world, but everyone's heart is very heavy. After a while, they don't talk about it, and the old ma has a little eyesight. He immediately changed the topic.

"By the way, Han Xiaoge, how is the woman who crashed last time? After all, she is the owner here. We haven't seen her since we sent her to the hospital last time. Shouldn't she still live in the hospital?" Said the old horse.

When Han Fei heard this, he reflected that the scene of the last car accident looked very serious, but the woman's life was good and she didn't hurt anything. In addition, he was present at that time and sent her to the hospital in time. She should be able to leave the hospital now.

As for Lao Ma, he said that he had never seen this woman recently. Is there anything else here?

"Brother, it's not that you helped that woman advance thousands of yuan, but that woman didn't want to pay back, so she kept avoiding us all the time, didn't she?" Zheng Hua thought for a while and said seriously.

Immediately, the crowd looked at Zheng Hua with an idiot's eye for more than two minutes. Then they shook their heads with regret.

It looks like a big guy with strong hardware, but the processor is too bad. I'm afraid I can't make up for it even if I eat more walnuts!

"What, did I say something wrong?" Zheng Hua asked in amazement.

Han Fei sighed, patted Zheng Hua on the shoulder and said, "brother, your brain hole is a little big. I just appreciate your rough and simple thinking logic. Don't bend or wipe the corner. Keep it up."

Zheng Hua faintly felt that something was wrong, but he could not tell why. He asked naively, "are you praising me?"

Han Fei felt a little weak. It seemed that there was really no one in his head. Then he patted Zheng Hua on the shoulder and said, "you can take this as a boast. When you go back, you can buy more walnut milk to make up for it. It's said that stupid birds fly first. I don't think you need it. You'd better place your hope on the next generation."

Han Fei immediately explained a few words to Lao Ma, and then he picked up the car key to go to the hospital.

This just walked out of the gate, and the Yellow haired boy who had been squatting on the opposite side of the road immediately came over and asked, "brother, where are you going this time?"

Han Fei was surprised: "why haven't you left yet?"

The Yellow haired boy seemed to be wronged when he heard this: "brother, you didn't let me go."

Han Fei had a big head for a while, then waved and said, "OK, thank you for your car just now. Go back and have a rest."

That yellow boy smell speech some hesitation, see Han Fei will go far, he immediately determined to trot to follow up.

"What's the matter with you this time?" Han Fei is a little confused. Is what he just said not clear enough?

Seeing the Yellow haired boy wriggling, Han Fei seemed to understand. He took out a wrinkled grandfather Mao from his pocket and put it on the Yellow haired boy's hand and said, "here, this is your oil money."

The yellow boy is confused. This misunderstanding is a little big!

"Brother, I don't want any money. Please take it back quickly." Huang Mao immediately put the money back into Han Fei's hands.

"It's a little interesting. No money. What are you doing with me?" Han Fei said with a smile.

"I... I..." the yellow boy hesitated.

"If you don't think about it, forget it. I have something else to do. I'll go first." Han Fei pats Huang Mao's shoulder and turns around to leave. Huang Mao is in a hurry and kneels on the ground with a "plop".

"What are you doing? Don't you know there's gold under a man's knee? Hurry up Han Fei is not happy.

"Big brother! I want to ask you something. If you don't promise me, I'll never get up on my knees! " The yellow boy said firmly.

Han Fei smiles, and the expression on his face makes the yellow boy feel a little bit bottomless.

"Well, you'd better talk about it first." Han Fei said.

"No! Brother, you have to promise me first! Otherwise, I will not get up on my knees today! " The yellow boy said firmly.

Han Fei said with a smile: "that's OK. You just keep kneeling here. You're a man with a bird in your crotch. Don't fart what you say."

Han Fei said and waved his hand, and then did not look back on the Mercedes Benz not far away.

Huang Mao is so confused that it's not written in the script! Seeing a beautiful tail flick from Mercedes Benz, Huang Mao thought Han Fei had changed his mind. He was just about to get up. Then the roar of the engine rang out, and Mercedes Benz spewed a lot of tail gas out of his messy expression and ran away

Looking at the tangled yellow haired boy in the rearview mirror, Han Fei is in a better mood. Then he doesn't think much and drives straight to the hospital.

The first thing is to see how sister Liu is doing. The second thing is that Han Fei's body is still a little uncomfortable after she suffered a small loss in the interrogation room last time. If you can find an old Chinese medicine doctor to help with massage, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Han Fei went to the hospital and went straight to Liu Jie's ward. He found that the bed was empty. He learned from the charge office that Liu Jie had gone through the discharge procedures two days ago. As for where she went, Han Fei had no idea.

I don't know what happened to this woman last time. She was so drunk that she almost lost her life. But after this, she must have figured out some things and won't do anything stupid again.

After all, Han Fei is not Superman. He can manage everything to the end, but he just wants to have a clear conscience.

Just as Han Fei sighed, a man suddenly patted his shoulder from behind. Han Fei subconsciously buckled his backhand, and suddenly realized that it was a very soft and greasy woman's little hand. The strength of his hand was removed instantly.

"It's you?" Han Fei turns around and sees the person coming. He can't help feeling strange. This is the little nurse who helped him deal with the wound last time!

"Just now I saw a man whose back was very similar to you. I didn't expect it was you! What are you doing in the hospital this time? Can't it be where you got hurt again? " The little nurse said to Han Fei sweetly, there seemed to be a trace of worship in her eyes.

As a master of love in the game, Han Fei knows that on such an occasion, he can't mention another woman in front of one woman. Then he smiles and says, "I feel a little uncomfortable these two days. I want to find an old Chinese medicine doctor to help me massage."

On hearing this, the little nurse immediately widened her eyes in surprise: "are all the words on the Internet true! Are you really beaten up in there? Where is the wound? Let me have a look. "

The little nurse said and began to pull Han Fei's clothes. Her eyes aimed at Han Fei's collar. Han Fei couldn't react. Was it a big wolf who was forced to kiss by a silly rabbit?

"Cough, little bunny, it's not good. There are so many people around watching." Han Fei coughed two times and said, pretending to be embarrassed, he reached out and pushed the little nurse out. He didn't want to reach out and touch a firm soft ball. Han Fei couldn't push it in an instant

"How can they do this to you! You have obviously knocked down the traffickers and saved the heroes of abducted women and children! That's too much! " The little nurse saw the vertical and horizontal bruises on Han Fei's chest and back through her collar, and her tears fell down.

Han Fei is a little soft hearted. These days, such a simple and kind girl is very rare. Han Fei can't bear to be polluted by the dirty and dark side of society, and then tells a white lie.

"How can you believe those things on the Internet! What stories do those websites dare not make up in order to attract traffic? These wounds on my body are left when I fight with human traffickers. Don't think about this society too dark. The world is still full of more sunshine. " Han Fei said calmly.

"Is that true?" The little nurse looked up at Han Fei and asked.

"It's true, of course." Han Fei said with a smile, inadvertently will press the big hand in the small nurse's chest to take back.

Han Fei secretly regrets that if he didn't make it himself, he might be able to put his hand on it for a while. How nice it would be to take advantage of the little nurse's feeling?

But this idea is fleeting. Looking at the little nurse's pure face with tears, Han Fei feels that his softest heartstring seems to be stirred by an invisible jade hand.

It's said that half of people's hearts live with angels and half live with demons. Even the most jerky people will wake up the sleeping angel as long as they meet the pure soul.

The little nurse in front of him is undoubtedly such an existence, but the devil in Han Fei's heart is too dirty, and even the angel next door has been damaged by years of influence.

Although he took back the salty pig's hand, it didn't affect Han Fei who was a head higher than the little nurse. Along the slightly open collar of the other side, he was condescending to appreciate the graceful scenery wrapped in the lower half of the pink lace.

"Big, big." Han Fei can't help but say.

"Well?" The little nurse smelled the speech and raised her head curiously.

"I mean, this hospital is really big. I haven't found a place for TCM Massage after walking for a long time. I'm afraid when I find it, it will take me a long time just to queue up." Han Fei's bullshit.

Little nurse a listen to this words proud smile, then took out his mobile phone said: "you don't worry, this matter bag me."

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