Han Fei said with a smile: "forget it, don't fight. I'd better find it myself."

Little nurse white Han Fei one eye said: "is worthy of saving the abducted children's hero, consciousness is high, put the relationship household here, I really don't know what to say about you."

Han Fei was speechless, who came to the hospital to see a doctor, want to plug in a team, go through the back door, no perfect relationship, don't think about it.

This little nurse, to put it bluntly, is just a little nurse. When she really has such a big face, she makes a phone call and makes an appointment with an expert to serve her?

Han Fei is also afraid that she doesn't know the height of the trade rashly make a phone call, by the phone that spray with what, this just kind to let her don't have to call, didn't expect to be small despise.

"All right, if you want to fight, then fight. I'll buy you a tissue later." Han Fei shrugged.

"What do you want to buy a tissue?" The little nurse said a strange word, and then the phone on the point, the phone soon connected.

"Hello, uncle Xie, it's coco. Well, I wrote it down. I'll say hello to you next time. Oh, well, I have a friend who was injured a few days ago and had bruises on his body. I'd like to ask you to help him. OK, I'll take him there now."

Hang up the phone, the little nurse proud of Chao Han Fei shook his mobile phone, said: "great! Come with me

Han Fei has some accidents. This little nurse is not fooling him, is he? If she really had such a big face, she would not have been coerced by herself for a bag of fine cotton last time?

Suspiciously, he followed the little nurse through the corridors. When he came to the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, the corridor outside was already crowded with people.

Over the years, everyone has no lack of money in their pockets, and they have paid close attention to health preservation. If they can see traditional Chinese medicine, they try their best to see it. When they have nothing to do, they also like to pull out a cupping pot for scraping. As a result, the Department of traditional Chinese medicine is always overcrowded.

At present, the people in line have almost filled the corridor, but the little nurse miraculously brought Han Fei into an empty room, but the room looks strange.

At first glance, this is an office. The scale is at least director level. But the problem is that there is a physiotherapy bed in front of the office. It seems strange.

"It's strange. I've agreed to wait here. There's no one here." Murmured the little nurse.

"I'm coming. I'm here. I just went to the toilet. I'm sorry!" Just then, a middle-aged man in a white coat came in with a smile. Looking at the eager look on his face, he obviously knew the little nurse very well.

"Coco, I haven't seen you for a long time. The longer you grow, the more beautiful you are! It's just like you. There are six or seven or eight boyfriends around you. Do you have any pictures? Uncle will help you Dr. Xie said directly.

"Dead old Xie, what are you talking about! I didn't see me coming with my friends! " The little nurse got angry, and the old man began to talk nonsense again!

"Oh! I came here with my boyfriend. No wonder. " Dr. Xie seemed to notice that Han Fei was still standing beside him. He quickly took off his glasses, which could almost catch up with the bottom of the beer bottle, and looked at Han Fei's face carefully.

"That's right. You're a girl. You've got a good eye for picking people. The young man has a full sky, amazing skeleton, and a spirit. He has the appearance of transforming the wind and cloud into a dragon. He will be a dragon in the future."

The more satisfied doctor Xie was, the more his father-in-law wanted to see his son-in-law. He couldn't help sighing: "my niece's eye is not so good. When can I have your wedding wine?"

Dr. Xie said this to Han Fei. Han Fei was speechless, and the little nurse on one side had already turned red.

"Dead old Xie, what are you talking about there! We are just friends now The little nurse couldn't help crying, and then found that she seemed to say something wrong.

"Look, look! Not now, but sooner or later! Listen to my uncle's advice, some things sooner or later, this boy is destined to have many peach blossoms in his life. If you don't fix the position of the eldest lady, I won't be able to do it later! " Dr. Xie is willing to let you cover up, but I have already seen through the truth.

The little nurse couldn't hang on her face. She stamped her feet and rushed out without looking back.

"Ha ha ha, this girl is so big and thin skinned. When I pinched my fingers, I knew her lover's surname was long Mingfei. It's time to show up." Dr. Xie... Cough, let's call him Xie God stick.

Thank God stick then took a close look at Han Fei, the old God said: "young man, is it called Long Fei?"

Han Fei eyebrows pick, and then said: "uncle, my name is Han Fei, not surnamed dragon."

"Not dragon? Isn't that right? Did I miscalculate? " Dr. Xie immediately trotted to the bookshelf behind his desk and took out a thick thread bound version of the book of changes. He had just opened two pages, and then it seemed that he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, did the girl bring you here to see a doctor?" Dr. Xie said coldly.

Han Fei nodded with a bitter smile.

Dr. Xie didn't seem very happy when he heard this. He muttered and said, "I thought it was a fortune teller. I didn't expect that he was a doctor. Let's talk about it. What's wrong?"

Han Fei didn't talk nonsense. He took off his coat and turned around. There were large bruises on his front and back. Even Dr. Xie, an old Chinese medicine doctor, was surprised.

"I'll be a good boy. Who's the one who laid such a hard hand! If you want to put it on ordinary people, you have already lost half your life. Young man, why didn't you fight back then? " Dr. Xie lamented his misfortune and was angry.

It's not bad for people who can fight to this extent. How can this guy bear it!

Han Fei had no choice but to smile. Dr. Xie understood and then extended his thumb and said, "I can't stand what ordinary people can't! Good! It's the man my niece likes! Lie down, young man, and I'll take a look at it for you. "

Han Fei has some helplessness, but at least it's time to get to the point. Then he lies on one side of the bed according to Dr. Xie's instructions.

The door is closed, and the air conditioner is not turned on. But with Dr. Xie's hand massaging on Hanfei's back, Hanfei suddenly feels comfortable and cool, and he goes to sleep

As soon as he woke up, Han Fei felt that he was in the best spirits. He felt fresh all over. Those parts of his body didn't hurt obviously. No wonder the little nurse strongly recommended it. It seems that although Dr. Xie seems to be talking a little, he still has real skills!

When Han Fei looked back, he saw Dr. Xie studying the book of changes with his thick presbyopic glasses.

"Thanks, old man." Han Fei said that he was used to touching a cigarette and handing it up. Only then did he realize that the package of big Su had just given to Li Bo. Now there are only three inferior homemade cigarettes in his pocket. Let's forget about this occasion.

"Why, I forgot my cigarette? Come on, smoke me Dr. Xie was obviously a smoker, so he took out the bag from the drawer and threw it away.

Han Fei is not polite. He takes out a cigarette and lights it. Then he puts the cigarette box on the table. Dr. Xie also takes out one. Han Fei immediately takes out the lighter and lights it.

The little spark flashed a few times, and Dr. Xie then took a long puff of smoke, which seemed to blow out the depression in his chest.

"Alas, the more fake these cigarettes are, the more delicious they have to be made by themselves." Dr. Xie murmured and continued to focus on the thick book of changes.

"Old man, what's the age now? You still hold on to the book of changes. Even children now know that everything is scientific. Are you going to set up a fortune teller on the overpass?" Han Fei said jokingly.

Unexpectedly, Han Fei's voice just dropped, and Dr. Xie, who was just an easygoing figure, immediately changed his face and said to Han Fei seriously: "young man, you can't talk nonsense! This is the greatest treasure left by our ancestors thousands of years ago!

You young people don't know whether science is superstitious or not. When you get to that level, you may think that science itself is the biggest superstition! "

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