"Good! By this time tomorrow, I will raise all the money. " The wolf clenched his teeth and then asked carefully, "master, can I go now?"

Han Fei laughed: "if you don't say I forgot, I'll leave my ID card and mobile phone number. If you don't come, I'll go directly to your home to take it. You can try to escape. It's best if you can escape. In case you don't escape and fall into my hands..."

"My Lord! No, no! Don't make such a joke Only wolf hastily opens a way, really if let Han Fei touch to own home, this can be compared to the midnight entered the ghost to still want terror!

If you want to say that leaving the seaside is undoubtedly the most appropriate idea. Hua Xia is so big that he still doesn't believe that if he leaves the seaside to hide his name, Han Fei can still find himself.

The problem is that all of his family is at the seaside. Once he leaves, he will have nothing left. Now it's not as good as a few decades ago. In a new place, the lone wolf has no confidence to pick up dozens of younger brothers to follow him.

Han Fei takes out his mobile phone and asks Du wolf to report his mobile phone number. After he gets through the phone, he accepts Du wolf's ID card. Then he waves his hand and asks him to take people away.

These bastards come fast and go faster. The yellow boy is relieved. The guests are scared. They finish the rest of the food in two and three, and then they check out in a hurry.

In the scene just now, they were all scared to death. The scene of dozens of people chopping people with sticks was only seen in the movies. In reality, they met for the first time.

"After dinner, let's go. Do you want to sing in KTV?" Han Fei said.

Han Fei's meaning is very obvious, some words are inconvenient to say in front of the girl, but yellow boy has his worries, for fear that they just left soon, someone will come to make trouble again.

"Brother, I'd better not." Yellow boy looked at the girl and said.

Han Fei didn't say anything with a smile. It seems that the boy has deep affection for the girl. Looking at the girl's friendship for the boy, it's not so common. Some words can be said in her face.

The Yellow haired boy was full of doubts. Seeing that Han Fei didn't speak, he asked first: "brother, I don't understand why you have to ask that guy 10 million! It's possible to say one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, but ten million, I'm afraid he really doesn't have that much money. "

The little girl also looked at Han Fei suspiciously. If Han Fei asked for a few hundred thousand, it would be a little operational, but ten million is a huge sum of money. It's impossible to think about it.

This elder brother is obviously not an indifferent person. He should know that those bastards can't afford so much money. Why mention this?

Han Fei laughed: "those bastards are like nails. Since they are in trouble, they must be pulled out completely. Otherwise, even the smallest nail can knock down their feet. Ten million is enough to force them to jump over the wall."

The girl also looked worried when she heard this, and said timidly: "brother, they all say that only a thousand days can be a thief, but not a thousand days can be a thief. Once you offend them to death, you have to guard them all the time."

Han Fei said with a smile: "don't worry about it. It's a small matter, but it's your boy. Forget it. Let's talk about it later. Remember to find a hospital to have a look. If you are young, don't fall into any trouble."

As soon as Han Fei said this, the girl looked at the Yellow haired boy with a nervous face. Before, she thought it was all skin injuries. Just buy some medicine to wipe and recuperate. As soon as she heard what might happen, the girl immediately became anxious.

The next scene makes Han Fei laugh and cry. The girl picks up the money can in a hurry and takes the yellow boy to take a taxi outside.

Huang Mao looks at Han Fei innocently. He is pulled to the side of the road by the girl. After a while, they get into the taxi and even have no shadow.

Han Fei looked at the key to the shutter door in his hand, and felt strange. According to what the girl said before she left, there is beer in the refrigerator and fried chicken on the shelf. Please help yourself, brother.

As for the keys in hand

Don't forget to lock the door before you leave.

"This boy is happier than me." Han Fei sighed, simply cleaned the store, and then closed the shutter and left.

As for the key, when you want to use it, the yellow boy will come to find himself. Let's talk about what happened to him then.

Now it's still early. Han Fei goes back to the security room to pass the time. Zheng Hua doesn't seem to tell others what happened in the morning. Lao Ma even jokingly asks if he's gone out to dinner with any sister.

Han Fei laughed and said nothing. He didn't have a good time at the gambling table at noon. He fought with Zheng Hua all afternoon. In the evening, Han Fei had a thick pile of small money in front of him. There were only 70 or 80 steel coins for one yuan, not to mention those with 50 cents and 10 cents.

"Brother, you are lucky today. You have won so much money!" Zheng Hua said with admiration that if he had half of Han Fei's skills, he could spend a day in a chess and card room and earn much more than being a security guard.

Han Fei laughs and doesn't say anything. The sum on the table is less than 200. If Zheng Hua knows how big the card he plays at noon, he doesn't know how wonderful his expression is.

"Come on, the last game. Cheer up." Han Fei said.

As soon as he said this, Zheng Hua and others were excited as if they had beaten chicken blood. They could not help but turn their eyes to the small money pile in front of Han Fei.

Every time in the last game, Han Fei would play a big game, and then deliberately put water on the table to lose all the money to them, this time is no exception. Until someone finished playing all the cards in his hand, Han Fei just laughed and threw down the card which was all bombs except for the pair.

A few people have no sense of achievement to win, and they can only rely on money to comfort their heart.

Looking at the brothers in the security room, Han Fei has some waves in his heart. After thinking about it, it's better to give them the decision-making power.

"Today, my brothers are all here. I just want to tell you something. Let's get closer." Han Fei light mouth way.

As soon as the security room heard this, they immediately came over with stools. Zheng Hua even closed the door and even drew the curtains, which made the room dark.

Han Fei is helpless. This brother is really... Han Fei doesn't know what to say about him.

"It's not that the black bosses get together to discuss how to sell drugs and arms. They are so nervous." Han Fei said.

Zheng Hua responded and immediately opened the curtain again.

"Can't you turn on the light by the way?" Han Fei joked.

After Zheng Hua knew it, he turned on the light and was just about to sit down. Then he seemed to think of something and asked subconsciously, "do you want to pour another glass of water for each of you?"

At the moment, even Li Rui couldn't watch it any more. He pressed Zheng Hua on his seat and said, "my brother huazi, don't be so busy. Let's listen to what Feige wants to say."

After Li Rui's words, the small security room suddenly quiets down, and everyone is staring at Han Fei.

Although Han Fei has never made contact with them before, they can also feel that what Han Fei said below must be extraordinary for them.

Quietly waiting for Han Fei to finish smoking a cigarette, some of the brothers in the security room are nervous, some are excited, some are confused and at a loss.

Han Fei saw all this in his eyes, and then said faintly: "if there is a chance to get rich, I want to know which brothers are willing to work with me."

"Dry! You have to do it! If you don't get rich, you're a son of a bitch Zheng Hua is the first to make a statement. He always supports Han Fei unconditionally.

Although Li Rui didn't say it, they all raised their hands tremblingly. They also paid attention to the attitude of others. Except for the old ma, the rest of the young guys in the security room showed their attitude.

Han Fei was not surprised at all. Then he lit a cigarette and said slowly, "follow my brother, I can't guarantee that you will be rich. But as long as I have a bite from Han Fei, you will be indispensable."

"Brother, we don't have to say much about these words. Although we don't get along for a long time, we all know how you are. We really believe you in the things we do for you. Let's talk about something quickly." Zheng Hua said impatiently.

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