Han Fei didn't hide what he thought. At the moment, he told his general thoughts. Several brothers in the security room were shocked. Zheng Hua was a soldier and touched a gun. His psychological endurance was a little stronger than others. He digested Han Fei's words as soon as possible.

"Brother, if you really think about it, there will be no turning back. Once you go on this road, it will be difficult to turn back again." Zheng Hua some dignified opening way.

Han Fei laughs. Zheng Hua's worry is nothing to him. If anything happens, he will take Qingxue back home.

Although there is only $398 left in the account, there are still more than a dozen properties in her name. When the time comes, you can sell one or two villas at will, which will be enough to spend more than ten years under the snow. Even if you match her with a few sports cars, it's not a big problem.

Han Fei's only worry is that these brothers in the security room, who are carefree in China, will be able to go abroad with Qingxue, but they can't. their roots are in China. Their parents and relatives are the shackles they can't give up. They can't go abroad with them.

Therefore, Han Fei felt that he had to open his mind and let them decide whether to move in or out.

"Old horse, what do you think?" Han Fei asked the old horse who had been silent before.

Lao Ma laughed twice and said to Han Fei awkwardly, "brother Han, I know you mean well, but there are dragons and snakes. I know my own weight. I have never thought of being rich in my life. It's good to live a safe life with salted vegetables, steamed bread and millet porridge."

Lao Ma's answer is no surprise to Han Fei. He has been honest for half of his life, and his character can't be changed. None of the brothers in the security room scolded Lao ma. He chose the road by himself. Everyone has his own way of life, but brothers are always brothers.

"Feige, I want to talk to you." At this time, Li Rui, who had thought deeply, expressed his position.

Soon, all the brothers in the security room, except Lao Ma, choose to follow Han Fei. Zheng Hua is so excited that he has to rush to Li Bo's back kitchen. Fortunately, Han Fei stops him quickly, otherwise Li Bo will be angry in the afternoon.

"Why are you rushing into the kitchen when you're free?" Han Fei frowned.

Zheng Hua took it for granted and said, "shouldn't it be beheading a chicken and drinking yellow rice wine? I'll go to the kitchen and touch a chicken!"

Han Fei is speechless. It seems that the boy didn't have a long memory after he killed Li Bo's two chickens last time. Originally, he had a warm-blooded atmosphere. Finally, he ended up with a funny play.

"OK, that's all. Brother on duty at night should work harder. Don't let thieves sneak in." Han Fei is about to get up and leave.

What should be said has already been said, and now we have to live as usual. It's impossible to pull the brothers in the security room to do anything immediately after saying this. After all, we still have to rely on this job to support our family.

"Brother, let's have a rub at night?" Zheng Hua suggested.

"No, go home and see your daughter." Han Fei said, waved his hand and got on the Mercedes Benz parked on the side of the road.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Han Fei returns to his residence. The light in Qingxue's room is turned off. Han Fei walks in quietly, only to find that Qingxue is not in the room at all. This girl has no other relatives at the seaside. Where is she if she doesn't go home so late?

Han Fei is not at ease. He makes more than ten phone calls to Qingxue. No one answers the first few calls. Later, he hangs up directly. Han Fei's face turns black. What's the matter with this girl!

The little girl was fine last night. There's no reason to suddenly change her face today. Even if she was a nurse for the whole night last night and had a little temper, she didn't hang up directly?

Han Fei looks at the number on the mobile phone screen and makes the last call with a try attitude. Unexpectedly, the phone is connected, accompanied by light heavy metal music.

"Hello, is it clear snow?" Han Fei said.

There was a long silence on the other side of the phone, and then a female voice "poof" laughed: "you see, you see, that idiot really called."

Han Fei's eyebrows wrinkled, talking about another girl, listening to the voice is 17 or 18 years old, also don't know is Qingxue's mobile phone lost, was picked up or what.

"Where is the owner of the mobile phone?" Han Fei said in a deep voice.

"Let me talk to him, let me talk to him." Another girl's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, are you the big fat chicken? Steamed or braised? "

The other end of the phone immediately burst into laughter from men and women. No matter how good his temper is, Rao Shi's temper is full of anger at the moment.

"Let ye Qingxue come to answer the phone!" Han Fei almost roared.

The girl at the other end of the phone was startled and muttered in a low voice: "answer the phone and answer the phone. What are you yelling at? Qingxue, you call..."

"You a few coquettish hooves, who let you move my mobile phone..." far came ye Qingxue's voice, Han Fei this just slightly relaxed breath.

"Hello, handsome, what can I do for you?" When ye Qingxue said this, her heart was obviously a little empty.

"What time is it? What time are you going to be back?" Han Fei said this without the slightest fireworks everywhere, ye Qingxue listen but slightly afraid.

"Handsome guy, I have washed all my clothes, washed all my pots and bowls, cleaned the kitchen and living room floor, and... And..." ye Qingxue stammered.

"What time will you be back?" Han Fei is still that pair of not salty tone, let clear snow this also too don't know what he is thinking in the end.

"That... Handsome guy, today one of my elder sisters has a birthday, so... Do you think you can..."

"What time will you be back?" Han Fei interrupted.

"Handsome, my handsome master, just want to discuss with you..."

"What time are you coming back?" Han Fei interrupted again.

Ye Qingxue is a little flustered. Han Fei doesn't want to enter oil and salt at all. It's impossible to discuss with him to spend the night outside!

Ye Qingxue suddenly feels as if something is wrong. It's clearly my home. Han Fei is at best a tenant who hasn't paid the rent. Why am I afraid of him instead? Shouldn't he be afraid of me?

Ye Qingxue wants to dare to question Han Fei, but she doesn't have the courage after all.

"Then... Is ten o'clock all right?" Ye Qingxue is careful to probe a way.

Seeing the phone there has been no sound, ye Qingxue can only whisper again: "how about 9:30?"

There is still no response on the other end of the phone. Ye Qingxue wants to hang up directly, but she still has no courage. Unconsciously, she has replaced Han Fei into a very important role, but she doesn't realize it.

"Handsome guy, is nine o'clock OK? I'll go back after I eat the cake." The little girl's tone is obviously wilting.

"Send an address to wechat." Finally, Han Fei's voice came from the phone.

Ye Qingxue immediately breathed a sigh of relief, the phone did not hang up, immediately sent a map in the past, and then some happy said: "that's good, do you want me to take some midnight snack back?"

"You have a conscience. Don't use it. Come back as soon as it's over. You can't get home before 8 o'clock. Remember to call me first." Han Fei said with a smile.

"Got it! Let's have a hi first! " Ye Qingxue said excitedly.

"Get home at nine. Don't be late." The little girl answered there again, and then hung up.

"This girl..." Han Fei smiles and shakes his head. He doesn't want to take the snow cleaning pipe too seriously. The problem is that she used to be too wild. Most of her friends are hunzi. If he doesn't think more about her, he won't be sure when she will suffer.

Hang up the phone, Han Fei looked at the empty room, always feel a little empty heart, think about it, or call Lin coco.

"Where is it?" Han Fei said, but to his surprise, the voice of a man was on the other end of the phone.

"Are you Coco's friend? She's taking a bath now. I'll ask her to call you back before she comes out?" The voice of a middle-aged man on the other end of the phone.

Before Han Fei spoke again, the middle-aged man said, "by the way, I forgot to tell you, I'm Coco's father."

Han Fei was a little confused when he heard this. He had never met this kind of situation in his many years of sister-in-law career. It was an unexpected incident. Han Fei really didn't know how to interface for a while.

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