Urban Superboy

Chapter 1597

"Would you like to visit my study?" Caprice Lopez went to Cao Yue and said, "let's talk alone!"

Cao Yue looked at Ding LAN and butterfly who were staring at them, and finally nodded.

Following caprice Lopez to her study, Cao Yue asks Ding LAN and butterfly to wait outside. He goes in and talks with caprice Lopez alone. But Ding LAN and butterfly are not willing to wait outside. They are determined to go in and protect him. Finally, Cao Yue takes a lot of time to make them obey orders.

"It seems that your two assistants really love you very much, and have been worried about your problems," Cao Yue followed her into the study and closed the door. Caprice Lopez said with a smile: "all over the world, there are such beautiful women to accompany you, and can protect your safety. Many men envy you, so do women."

"If you want a man to accompany you, there will always be a group of handsome men around you," Cao Yue replied, "which can make all women envy death, because you can make any type of man willing to accompany you."

"But not you!"

"I said I was not interested in foreign women!"

"you have serious racial discrimination!" said caprice Lopez, with an angry look on her face. "You look down on women outside China, which will make many women angry and make you lose your gentlemanly demeanor."

"Miss papress said," I don't need a gentleman to sit down on the desk. It's just that I don't need a gentleman to sit down on the desk. You know, I'm busy and my time is precious. I've been flying from China for more than ten hours, and I've been pulled here by you. If you tell me that there is no value in saying this again, I think I will be even less gentlemanly. What's more, gentlemanly manners are nothing to a killer. Can you kill people? "

Caprice Lopez glanced at Cao Yue a little angrily, then picked up a tiny remote control on her desk and pressed it.

Immediately, a curtain hung from one side of the wall, and then an image appeared on it.

A tall man with long hair and beautiful appearance appeared on the screen, but it was difficult to distinguish the gender.

His eyes were charming, but he didn't look at the camera. He just looked away.

Next to him stood caprice Lopez, dressed in a noble dress. The distance between them was no more than 20 centimeters.

"That's what the Archbishop looks like," caprice Lopez pauses and zooms in on the long, beautiful, tall face.

This video has very high pixels, and the image is still very clear after being enlarged.

"When you were in the United States, why were you not willing to provide a clear front photo of the Lord?" After remembering the very handsome man in the video, Cao Yue asked caprice Lopez unkindly, "I think you can provide us with more information at that time, and even provide us with the most accurate information about Thomas and Senna. You just don't want to do so."

"That's right," caprice Lopez did not deny, "because at that time I still didn't believe you could get things done. Moreover, even if you are told these news, you will not have a chance to wipe out the archbishop, because he was not in the United States at that time, he has always been in Europe. Also, Thomas and Senna felt the danger, so they left the United States in a hurry. I will tell you the whereabouts of these two people. You can't assassinate them in the United States. If you want to assassinate them, they will only find the clue. "

Cao Yue asked, "do you mean that Thomas and Senna chose to return to Europe immediately after you left America, knowing that someone wanted to assassinate them, so they left at the first time? ! "

" I think you should have thought of that, "caprice Lopez did not deny." of course, they know that there is a powerful force to deal with them and want to destroy them. They were afraid that the organization's strength in the United States could not compete with you, so they chose to leave. I believe that they have reported all the situations in the United States and Asia to the archbishop. "

"Where does the Lord live now?" Cao Yue asked directly, "I hope you can tell us!"

"I don't know, no one knows," said caprice Lopez, shaking her head and offering advice: "I think it's better for you to watch this video carefully, and then talk with me about the following matters!"

Cao Yue has no objection, and his eyes turn back to the screen.

The video is about 20 minutes long, and most of the shots are about the tall man with pruce Lopez, who looks very handsome and makes Cao Yue feel ashamed.

If caprice Lopez didn't say that the face in the picture was very beautiful and it was difficult to distinguish between men and women, Cao Yue would not necessarily think it was a man.

Generally speaking, a man's appearance is described as handsome, but the man in the video can be described as beautiful.The facial features are very delicate, it seems that there is a taste of mixed blood. The eyes are very big, the eyelashes are very long, and the eyes are a little shy. The hair is long and tied into a ponytail. If the dress is more feminine, Cao Yue thinks that even if he is, he will think that this is a beautiful woman of mixed blood. It's even more beautiful than caprice Lopez.

"The first time I saw the Lord, I was attracted by his beauty," caprice Lopez said quietly, as if knowing Cao Yue's shock: "I almost fell in love with him. Fortunately, he soon found out what kind of a person he was, and he didn't fall in love with him!

this surprised Cao Yue. He looked at caprice Lopez seriously and said, "in fact, you like him, don't you? Because I liked him, I helped him to do things, and finally let him master the world organization. Without your feelings and help, he would not have completely controlled the world organization, and you would not have become the number two figure in the world organization!

caprice Lopez took a serious look at Cao Yue, then gave a slightly embarrassed smile, "it seems that I should not deny what you said. It really has a lot to do with me that he can control the world organization. "

"Because love begets hate, so you hate him very much now? You want to kill him, don't you? "

"No," said caprice Lopez, shaking her head. "I just liked his beauty. I didn't fall in love with him. I didn't hate it. Not long after I formed the world organization with him, I knew his true face. Unfortunately, at that time, I had no way to prevent him from controlling the world organization! "

" because of your own mistakes, the world organization has become a terrorist organization that many people talk about. Now you want to take advantage of our strength to re control it, is that right? " After asking this question, Cao Yue said word by word: "you have no problem with this idea, but you must pay the price that should be paid in order to do it. Therefore, you can only agree to the conditions I just mentioned!

"my answer is that it is impossible!" www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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