Urban Superboy

Chapter 1598

Caprice Lopez simply refused Cao Yue's request and looked at Cao Yue with a little anger.

"If you answer me that it's impossible, then my answer is also: impossible!" Cao Yue stopped the joke and looked at caprice Lopez with a positive look. "If we want us to help you master the Tianxia organization and the Tianci mercenary regiment, and help you gain the position of heir to the throne, the premise is that these two organizations should be under our control. Together, we accomplish three goals: you get one of the most important results, ascend to the throne, and we have two unknown powers. "

"If you are in charge of the world organization and the Tianci mercenary regiment, I will have nothing to rely on, and I will lose the possibility of being the heir to the throne. Even if you're on the throne, you'll be driven out, "caprice Lopez suddenly became angry." Mr. murderer, you're shameless, and you've got too much appetite. I want to control the world organization through me. "

"We're willing to give if there's something in return, or we won't be interested in going so far away in Europe to work with such a dangerous woman as you." Cao Yue said, standing up and walking to caprice Lopez, looking down at her, "I think you will understand that, that is, if you want to get it, you have to pay an equal price."

Caprice Lopez did not immediately speak, nor weak momentum, looking at Cao Yue, a very stubborn look.

Cao Yue and her stare, showing a playful smile, and then wantonly look at the rest of her body, but also a very dissatisfied look.

After a look at it, Cao Yue said again, "if you become king, you will control a country. Ruidian's comprehensive influence is not bad, and the position of the head of state is very respected. If you can finally become the queen, I think it is the greatest achievement of your life. Why not be satisfied? "

"As I said, there is no world organization to rely on. How can I be the heir to the throne? How do you control this country? " Caprice Lopez was still angry, but her tone was obviously weaker than before.

"With our support," Cao Yue chuckled, staring into caprice Lopez's charming blue eyes. "With our support, you don't have to worry about anything."

After listening to Cao Yue's words, caprice Lopez was stunned. She immediately understood something and was angry: "you are ambitious. You not only want to use me to control the world organization, but also want to control my motherland through me!"

"no!" Cao Yue shook his head. "We insist on five reasons, such as peaceful coexistence, when we communicate with foreign countries, we will not interfere Domestic affairs. What I want is just my personal interests. Naturally, our heads of state and foreign affairs departments will fight for the interests at the national level. This is the national interest of the two countries to increase cooperation, mutual benefit and even alliance to a certain extent. "

"What do you want?" Caprice Lopez was even more surprised. She suddenly found that she could not understand Cao Yue's real intention.

"I want to have my own private territory in Europe or at the junction of Asia and Europe." Cao Yue didn't hide his ideas, and directly told caprice Lopez, "if you want to have your own territory, you must have your own armed forces. Therefore, the world organization must be under my control, which is the basis of our cooperation. Other, we can talk about it again!

caprice Lopez looked at Cao Yue in disbelief. She thought that the Oriental man was a little crazy.

Cao Yue means that he wants to establish his own sphere of influence in a certain place and have his own private armed forces. Of course, this is not a new thing. Many powerful tycoons have done this. They even set up a state within the territory of some countries, or even set up their own private regimes and spheres of influence in some places where they have no owners, and become "Emperors".

"I look down on you," caprice Lopez said with a mixed smile as she tried to understand. "What I want to know is, what are you doing this for?"

"If I say I want to place my lovers, do you believe it?"

Looking at Cao Yue's calm expression, caprice Lopez was surprised again, and then burst into laughter: "Mr. Sha Shen is really a passionate seed, and he is very domineering. He doesn't want his lover to be the bed mate of other men, and wants to possess their body and feelings all his life. However, with your prestige and strength, it's really normal to have such an idea. "

Cao Yue just laughed and said nothing more.

"I know your ambition," said caprice Lopez, smiling brightly. "You want to imitate the ancient Chinese emperors, don't you? You have an emperor's dream! "

" Miss caprice Lopez means that we can cooperate on this basis? "

Caprice Lopez didn't answer Cao Yue's question, but said solemnly, "but I know you can't do such a risky thing just for those lovers."

"While I eliminate foreign aggression and strive for benefits for my country, I do something for myself. Even if it is known by outsiders, I don't worry about anything." Cao Yue also returned with a brilliant smile.Caprice Lopez looked at Cao Yue seriously for a while and then said abruptly, "you can join the nationality of our country!"

Cao Yue firmly shook his head: "my permanent nationality in this life is Huaxia, I am a Chinese, a descendant of the dragon, and will not join any other nationality!"

"listen to me first!" Cao Yue interrupted her words, caprice Lopez gave him a slightly unhappy look. "I mean, you can take the nationality of rydian, marry me, make me queen, and then you will be prince. If you try to make me fall in love with you, I will listen to you in everything, and you will become the real ruler of a country, which is more realistic than establishing one's sphere of influence in some place. Do you think so? "

Cao Yue still shook his head: "I said, I don't like foreign women, my wife must be Chinese, my lover is also Chinese, I don't like foreign women, especially European women. Because they smell, they love to smell their bodies with strong perfume. "

Caprice Lopez was infuriated, and her pretty face turned red: "Mr. murderer, please pay attention to your words. Standing in front of you is a European woman who love perfume. But she has no taste and is more noble than most Chinese women who like to be played with by foreign men. If you insult me again, we will be the enemy forever, without any chance of cooperation! "

" if you decide to do so, I will accept it! "Cao Yue said, leaving the study without looking back.

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