Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 155: Slaughtered village

Over time, we are getting farther and farther away from the city center and closer to the suburbs. ?? Bayi Chinese W≈W = W≤. = 8 = 1 ≈ Z = W ≠. Com

Sometimes I do feel that Yancheng is a very magical place. This does not refer to the strange and strange things I encountered after I came to this city. Although the experiences are also wonderful, the city itself has a delicate leisure and comfort.

Looking into the distance, there are hills soaring into the distance, rolling up and down at the border of sight. The sky was slightly gloomy, and a large cloud was sinking in the air, and the surroundings were quiet and silent, but occasionally there were two sparrows yelling twice and flew away again.

"Is this right here?" Bai lay on the window glass, his eyes narrowed roundly. "It's too quiet, too? I can't even hear anyone's voice."

Indeed, we had parked the car clearly at the entrance of the village, but no sound was heard except the sound of birds.

"Come down." Wen Jiubai said as he unfastened his seat belt and walked down from the car. I quickly carried my backpack and followed Wen Jiubai to come out.

"There is nothing wrong here." Wen Jiubai leaned out of the car and took out his mobile phone. I saw him looking at the map. "But this village should say that there are four or five hundred people. Where are everyone now?"

Wen Jiubai's muttering made me have some bad feelings. We parked the car in place and headed towards the village together.

Sure enough, as I expected, even inside the village, it was terribly quiet inside. I didn't see anyone along the way, nor did I see the big men whom Wen Jiubai had entrusted to him. Instead, some crows stopped on the beams of the house, making unpleasant howls.

Wen Jiubai frowned, and stopped abruptly, causing me to almost accidentally hit his back.

"White." Wen Jiubai whispered, "Go and look at the house next to you."

"Ah? What are you looking at?" Bai asked.

"Just go, hurry up."

Bai did not dare to disobey the orders of Wen Jiubai. Although he was baffled, he ran quickly. In the blink of an eye, it has disappeared into my sight.

I looked up at Wen Jiubai, who had a very serious expression and a frown on his face. There was no casual attitude that he did not take seriously on weekdays.

Did something happen?

It didn't take long for Bai to run back in a hurry. It ran so fast that he stumbled halfway.

"No, it's bad, Wen Jiubai, inside--"

What's in it, Bai didn't finish it. But Wen Jiubai and I didn't need to listen to him at all, because the white little claws of Bai were stained with blood red at this moment.

"Oops." Wen Jiubai yelled and ran to the room immediately. I paused for a second, reacted, and immediately followed.

The house you went to check is an ordinary thatched house, the kind of cottage you can see everywhere in the countryside, you can only live in a family of three. The door is made of wooden boards and the fence is made of brick.

Wen Jiubai violently pushed open the door, and the sight inside made me unforgettable.

In the small hut, from the ground to the ceiling, all the blood was stained with splashes of blood. The inside was messy, the tables and chairs were all overturned to the ground, the dustpans and other daily necessities were scattered on the ground, and the flesh and blood were dead Piled together on the ground.

The mess is not enough to describe the scene. It's just **** on earth.

I was stunned in place, feeling the stomach acid rising up and down. I took a few deep breaths and barely stopped my vomiting.

"There should be four people in this family." Wen Jiubai frowned slightly, looking at the arrangement in the room. "The husband, wife, and two boys were all eaten by the eagle eagle that broke into the room."

"It's too ..." Even Bai was shocked to speech.

"Go to another house to see." Wen Jiubai was very calm, withdrew from this **** room, and did not forget to cover the wooden door.

We went into the surrounding families again, and the result was no exception. The **** scene stimulated my nerves again and again.

The entire village was completely slaughtered. So far, we have not even seen a living person.

The deeper the village, the more horrifying the sight. At first it was just a tragic phenomenon inside the house. The more you walked in, the more the eagle eagle seemed to be more excited. The blood and corpse spread from the house to the outside, and there were mottled blood on the ground, on the slate, and even on the branches.

"It seems that this eagle owl is getting more and more excited. At first it just secretly dragged out the people in the house to eat it, then it broke into the house, and now it has become a killing **** completely. Wen Jiubai murmured.

"Gu Yu, what's wrong with you?" Bai Yuan stopped following Wen Jiubai and looked back at me, wondering.

That's right, I'm squatting on the ground now, and I'm shaking, I can't control my body at all, let alone stand up, I can't even move a finger.

However, this is not my reason ... and most of the time, the soul called Chu Bai hiding in my body is too scared to control himself.

"Gu Yu?"

That's all right, even Wen Jiubai seemed to notice something wrong and turned around, "What's wrong with you?"

This is the most embarrassing situation in history. At this juncture, I ca n’t explain to Wen Jiubai why you have a woman ’s soul in my body.

I blurted out almost without thinking, "I'm sorry, that ... my stomach hurts a bit."

"A stomachache?" Bai looked at me strangely. "Did you eat something at noon?"

"No, I don't know ..."

The situation is not so good, I have a hard time even controlling myself to speak now.

"That!" I raised my voice suddenly, and said laboriously, "You go ahead first, I have to find a toilet for convenience. I can observe the village in two ways, right?"

I felt that Wen Jiubai's two eyes were moving behind me, but he still didn't say much.

"Okay, be careful. Call me if you have any questions."

I'm relieved. Wen Jiubai probably thought I was stimulated after watching the picture just now ... There is no way, who made me behave like a coward.

It should be young white who is stimulated. However, as a wandering soul who has been wandering for hundreds of years, how could she be scared into this way by the pictures of the dead?

After Wen Jiubai and Bai got out of sight, I said gently.

"Jubai, Jubai? Are you there?"

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