I could feel the tremor of the body worsening, but Chu Bai was still silent, without saying a word. Bayi? Chinese website W㈠W? W㈧. 88.1㈠ZW. Com

"Hey, what the **** are you doing?" I asked eagerly. "This is not a good time to stay now."

The villagers were slaughtered, blood was everywhere, and the ghost knew exactly what had been born in the village.

At this time, Chu Bai spoke with a mosquito-like voice.


blood? What's blood? Could it be that Chu Bai was afraid of blood? A ghost who has been dead for hundreds of years is afraid of blood?

"It's okay, we are all here." I had to comfort her like this, "Get up, don't squat here, Wen Jiubai is still waiting for me in front."

"No!" Chu Bai's sudden high voice startled me. "Let's go! Get out of here!"

"What?" I was taken aback, trying to persuade her with Yan Yuese, "That won't work, that monster killed so many people in the village, we must seal it. Okay, get up, it's okay. "

"How could it be all right!" Chu Bai's voice was higher, she could hear from the trembling of her voice, she was really scared, "Please, son of man, just this time, listen to me once, OK? Don't go any further, we will turn around now! "

"No!" I can't help it. I had to take tough measures to take away the control of the body from Hina's hands and slowly stood up. "I don't listen to your nonsense, this body is mine anyway , Even if you are afraid, just hide in it and be obedient. "

Squatting on the ground for a long time made my legs start to numb, and I looked around. The purpose was still the mess in the village. Wen Jiubai and Bai had no idea where they had gone.

Are there any living people left in this village? Or is it ... Sure enough, as Wen Jiubai said, the eagle eagle has eaten a whole village?

Just then, alas, I seem to hear something. It sounded like a heavy gasp, but heavier than that, with a faint reverberation all around.

Grunt, grunt ...

What is this sound? Could there be living people around?

I held my breath and wanted to take a look in the direction of the sound. Hupai called me again at this time.

"Stupid, stop! Run away, turn around!"

I frowned, "Can you stop talking, I just said it all, going back is impossible!"

"You really are an idiot!" Chu Baiqi yelled at me in a desperate manner. "Did you not notice it at all? For those dead villagers, the blood on the body is still flowing, and the color on the wall is bright red! That monster, no matter its name, is still here! "

When I heard this sentence, I was completely frightened.

Eagle eagle, still here?

All the villagers in the village have been eaten, so the sound I just heard, is it ...

Before I could react, a furry head protruded from the back of the house. His head shook the hair on his body, making a weird sound between the roar of the beast and the cry of the baby, and then he locked his eyes on me.

The eagle eagle ... is this the eagle eagle?

Strangely, in the face of such a behemoth, I did not feel fear. This may be because the eagle owls standing in front of me are not as fierce as I thought.

It has two wings, a leopard-like pattern, and a deer-like horn on top. The mouth is large, but it is not open now, only some red blood on the corner of the mouth, which proves what crime it has just committed.

It stopped five steps away from me and looked at me very well. His furry head was crooked, as if studying me. Those **** eyes were twirling, just like some kind of large pet.

My heart was beating like a drum in my chest, and I swallowed a spit, carefully backing away, keeping my sight flat with it.

I hope it's full now, just ignore my little creature like an ant ...

I leaned down as much as I could, and slowly backed away, and Chongchao carved out a smile, "Good, good. My meat is not delicious at all, you have a lot of adults, let me go today"

The eagle eagle still stared at me with a crooked head, but never acted. I was secretly relieved in my heart, thinking that maybe this big vulture would really let me go like this.

However, at this moment, my back heel suddenly stepped on a rock, and then my body became unstable, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Immediately after that, for a moment, the eagle eagle suddenly became excited, called out again, and then a claw reached out to me, and at the same time opened its scary blood bowl.

A bit of pain in the heart came from my chest, and the eagle eagle took me directly with its big claws, and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

"You big fool!"

At this time, I faintly heard Hina Bai's voice, and then felt a dull pain in my body, my head hit a stone, and my eyes were dark, and I didn't know anything.


In the process, I had another dream about Chu Bai.

At first there was darkness in the field of vision. After a while, it gradually became brighter.

I first felt the fragrant smell of locust flowers, and then I saw the white flowers that greeted the eyes and the autumn sky.

By the way, I'm Chu Bai. I was looking at it all with young white eyes. And here is undoubtedly the courtyard of Wen Jiubai.

"Today, the weather is fine," I mumbled, sitting on the branches of a large locust tree.

Today, there is only Mr. Wen alone in this empty courtyard.

Every now and then I came to sit in his courtyard for a while, but I couldn't help hiding it quietly when he appeared, for fear of being revealed by him.

Mr. Wen sometimes goes out early in the morning and does not return all day. Sometimes I stay in the yard for several days ~ www.readwn.com ~ or write, and don't go anywhere.

He is the only one in the large courtyard, isn't he really lonely?

I have tried to talk to him several times, but in the face of Mr. Wen, I always couldn't say anything.

Mr. Wen is so perfect, that perfection, as if I was standing in front of him as a blasphemy, let alone asking me to speak.

When Mr. Wen was away, I would take a rest in a nearby village, and occasionally borrowed the human appliances to make myself a little bit more awkward.

One day, I came to the courtyard again and hid myself in the dense locust tree leaves.

Ah, Mr. Wen is in the yard. In the warm sunshine, Mr. Wen was sitting at the stone table alone, playing a game on the chessboard alone.

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