Urban Witcher

Chapter 1080 Crying 1

Fuck, this is the rhythm of mother/female flying together. Ye Shaoyang involuntarily yelled, the picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to think about it, he waved his hands again and again, and said, "I'll talk about it later, you stay honest and wait until I'm done and rescue Qingyu..."

Wen Huajiao nodded and wanted to get into the backpack.

"Well, wait a minute." Ye Shaoyang asked, "Are you doing this... to please me so that I can go all out to save Qingyu?"

Wen Huajiao shook her head.

"From the moment you disregarded your body to dig up my body and revive me, I decided to serve you all my life. Don't get me wrong, I don't have that kind of affection for you."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Wen Huajiao immediately entered the Yin Yang mirror.

Ye Shaoyang opened the door, saw Qingyu walking in, and thought of her mother calling him master just now, he immediately felt a messy feeling.

If you let her know this, will you want to beat yourself up?

"Brother Shaoyang, have you packed up? Let's hurry up while it's not raining too much."


"Yes, I'll go with you." Mu Qingyu turned sideways and showed him the backpack behind him, "I'm all ready, let's go first, I will take you to contact the person in charge, I will My brother went there later."

It would be great to be accompanied by her, Ye Shaoyang immediately packed up his things and went out with her.

Mu Qingyu drove the Land Rover borrowed last time, left the stockade, and headed along the winding mountain road.

On the way, Mu Qingyu told him that there was another reason why she insisted on going with him, and that was because she didn't want to stay in the village, so as not to be harassed by Baoka.

"Even if my brother told Baoka about our night, he would definitely be furious. If you and my brother are not here, I'm a little afraid of him."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said, "After the flood is resolved, you can come with me."

Mu Qingyu hesitated for a moment, and said: "I have to ask my brother about this, if he agrees to us being together... I mean, he thought it would be great, if he doesn't agree, I can only slowly persuade him he."

Ye Shaoyang snorted secretly in his heart.

The car drove to the end of the winding mountain road, Ye Shaoyang looked around, he had already entered the mountains, there was only a mountain road ahead, and the car could no longer drive.

Mu Qingyu got out of the car, took Ye Shaoyang to the side of the road, and pointed to the foot of the mountain.

There was almost a vast ocean there.

The turbid stream flowed down and was still flowing into it.

Among the mountain torrents, the shadows of houses can be vaguely seen, half of which are submerged in the water.

Mu Qingyu frowned, and murmured: "The water level has risen a lot higher than the last time I came here. If this continues, this place will soon catch up with Wuhan. You can really see the sea."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's different, it's a natural disaster, Wuhan is a disaster."

Mu Qingyu took out the rubber boots from the car, and the two put them on, planning to hike into the mountain to the place where the dugout appeared.

Stepping on the muddy path up the mountain, I climbed over two mountain ridges with difficulty. On the open ground on the top of the mountain in front of me, there were more than a dozen temporary tents set up one by one.

Mu Qingyu looked at it and was a little puzzled.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call. After a while, a tent was pulled open, and a dark young man came over and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Mr. Ye, right? Ah Weng has already told us to cooperate with you." The young man came up to shake hands, and then introduced himself. His name is Jiang Lu. Cadres, dispatched.

"Why are there so many people stationed here?" Mu Qingyu looked at the strangely shaped tents, which were completely different from the other tents.

"This is an inspection team sent by the state."

Jiang Lu said in a low voice, "There is an ancient tomb under the crack, I don't know how it leaked, the state sent people to investigate, we don't know the details, they just arrived not long ago, and they will go down to investigate today."

Jiang Lu sighed, looked at the two of them and said, "What we are most afraid of now is that accidents will happen to these people. These are public officials. If something happens, it will be very troublesome, but these people don't listen to our advice."

Ye Shaoyang asked casually, "What happened?"

Jiang Lu hesitated.

Mu Qingyu said: "Let's talk, Brother Shaoyang is one of our own."

Only then did Jiang Lu say: "We had several people who disappeared down there."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "What do you mean, no one is going to rescue him?"

"No way, it's haunted down there."

Jiang Lu went on to tell the general story: Since they found the crack, they went down to investigate and found an ancient tomb with hanging coffins, but the crack was very deep. The first few people who went deep did not know what happened, and never come up.

At that time, Mu Qingfeng was the host here, saying that there was an evil thing down there, and told everyone not to go down, and not to report it for the time being, until the investigation is clear.

"I don't know how this incident leaked out and attracted these officials."

Jiang Lu expressed helplessness.

Ye Shaoyang and Mu Qingyu took a break, and then asked Jiang Lu to lead them to the place where the stele was dug out: it was a cliff, and below it was a half-paved road. Standing on the opposite side and looking at it, it is just a broken wall, nothing special can be seen.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the top of the cliff, took out a compass, and measured Feng Shui nearby. At this time, several people also came up the mountain.

The leader was a man in his fifties, wearing glasses, bald, he looked like an intellectual, followed by a pair of young men and women, looking like college students, the woman was not bad, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but take a second look.

Behind the three people, there were two or three people, two of them were wearing work clothes, they were strong, and they seemed to be working.

Seeing Ye Shaoyang and Mu Qingyu, the gang sized them up curiously for a moment, then a fat, white and fat guy who looked like a leader called Jiang Lu over and asked him to report their whereabouts.

"Taoist priest?"

The leader cast a searching look at Ye Shaoyang and said to himself.

The female college student behind her covered her mouth and laughed, and the rest of them also showed disdain.

"Although this is not the era of breaking the four olds, but such a serious matter, how can you trust this kind of charlatan." The leader said, although he was speaking to Jiang Lu, he did not deliberately lower his voice, obviously he was not afraid of Ye Shaoyang's hearing.

When Mu Qingyu heard this, she was very upset, and wanted to go forward to argue, but Ye Shaoyang gave her a hand, shook her head, and continued to check Fengshui with the compass.

Those guys also took out some scientific instruments and measured them nearby.

"That's not Zhenshui Pixiu."

Ye Shaoyang put away the compass, looked around, and said.

"The mountains and rocks are bold, and the water is dry and the lake is trapped. The Fengshui here is completely inconsistent with the town water."

"So?" Mu Qingyu murmured.

"It's not the water town, it's the beast town."

Ye Shaoyang came to the rock on the edge of the cliff, looking at the crack in the valley.

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