Urban Witcher

Chapter 1081 Crying 2

This crack was suddenly revealed one night after the stele of Pixiu was taken away, after a landslide.

From this angle, it looks like a huge eye, staring at the sky.

Thinking of the few missing people, Ye Shaoyang looked at this "eye" and thought to himself, what terrible thing is hidden in it, which needs to be suppressed with a Pixiu stone tablet?

"Pixiu Town Alien Beast, here, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary evil thing."

Ye Shaoyang said, "If the flood is related to this strange beast, then it's even more plausible. Ordinary evil things can't make waves and cause storms and floods."

Mu Qingyu frowned and said, "I only know that a drought can cause a drought, but what can cause a flood?"

"This is too much. Half of the ancient spirit beasts are related to water."

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!" A scolding came from behind, it was the voice of the leader.

Mu Qingyu stared at him angrily, and said, "No one is talking to you!"

Just as the leader was about to lose his temper, Jiang Lu leaned forward and whispered in his ear: "She is the sister of the priest of the Miao Village, Director Zhang better not offend her!"

When Director Zhang heard the word "priest", he was afraid of swallowing the words on his lips. Although he was a Han official transferred from western Hunan and did not believe in witchcraft, he also knew that priests and patriarchs had a great influence among the people. Prestige cannot be easily offended.

But holding back his anger, he didn't want to express his displeasure, so he aimed at Ye Shaoyang. Walking over, he said, "Young man, what did you just say?"

"Get ready, let's go down later and have a closer look." Ye Shaoyang said to Mu Qingyu, pretending he didn't hear Director Zhang's words.

Mu Qingyu called Jiang Lu over and asked him to make arrangements. Jiang Lu readily agreed.

Director Zhang couldn't hold back his face, but it wasn't easy to get angry. The female college student stepped forward to stop Ye Shaoyang and said, "Excuse me, what do you do?"

The tone was polite, but with obvious indifference and impatience.

Seeing that she was a girl, Mu Qingyu was more polite, and simply answered that she couldn't hide this matter.

After the female college student listened, she looked at Ye Shaoyang in surprise, and asked in a tone of obvious disbelief: "Do ghosts really exist in this world?"

Ye Shaoyang naturally didn't bother to answer this elementary question.

The female college student thought he couldn't answer, so she smiled and said, "I really want to see what a ghost is like. This gentleman cast a little magic, let me open my eyes?"

The tone was polite, but actually aggressive.

Before Ye Shaoyang made a sound, the old professor spoke up, and said to the female student, "Qiu Ling, when you come back, you'll just eat your own food, don't do that."

Qiu Ling returned to Director Zhang and raised her eyebrows at him, intending to help him out.

Back at the camp, Jiang Lu asked someone to set up two tents for Ye Shaoyang and Mu Qingyu.

After settling down, it was noon. The two went to the big tent for dinner.

The big tent is the largest tent, which is used as a warehouse, and a gasoline stove is used for cooking inside. Twenty or thirty men who are here for flood control eat together.

Director Zhang and his team also came to the tent. Jiang Lu arranged for them to eat Xiaozao.

During the conversation with them, Ye Shaoyang learned that, except for Jiang Lu, who was a grassroots cadre, the others were all men from nearby villages. Because their homes were flooded, they spontaneously organized to prevent floods and rescue people.

There are several other such organizations in the vicinity. Tents and meals are provided by officials.

Regarding the purpose of Ye Shaoyang's coming here, these villagers have some doubts about his ability, but most of them still look forward to it.

After all, if you want to prevent floods, the core point is to stop raining.

In the afternoon, under the leadership of Jiang Lu, Ye Shaoyang and Mu Qingyu came to the edge of the crack.

After observing closely, Ye Shaoyang found that although the crack looked long, there was only one real entrance.

Peach wood nails are used around it, and cobweb-like hemp rope is wound on the top.

Jiang Lu said that these hemp ropes were arranged by Mu Qingfeng, and the upper surface was dipped in witchcraft to ward off evil spirits, which can prevent the evil things below from climbing up and hurting people.

Ye Shaoyang discovered that at the exit, there were some devices to exorcise evil spirits.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Mu Qingfeng, he also admitted that these arrangements were effective, and they were effective against ghosts, monsters and corpses below the level of Guishou.

No matter how bad it is, it can serve as a warning.

A slope leading into the depths of the cave.

When Jiang Lu heard that Ye Shaoyang and Mu Qingyu were going down, she gave them headlamps and trekking poles, and repeatedly warned them to be careful.

"One more thing, Mr. Ye, please do me a favor."

Jiang Lu said with some embarrassment,

"Those guys are going down too. They are all officials and have a leader. If something happens, it will be very troublesome. See if you can take care of it..."

Mu Qingyu snorted coldly, didn't speak, and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

"Let them come," Ye Shaoyang said, "but let's say it first, if they don't obey the command, I don't care if something happens."

"That is, that is."

Jiang Lu immediately went out to make a call, and after waiting for ten minutes, a group of people led by Director Zhang arrived.

Director Zhang's expression still looked a little unhappy, Jiang Lu kept saying something in her ear, and then reluctantly agreed to go down with Ye Shaoyang.

"We don't want to take him yet, he's not happy yet." Mu Qingyu whispered.

Jiang Lu also found a man who went down before to lead the way, named Luo Zehao.

The big guys put on their headlamps, took trekking poles, and headed into the cave, like an adventurous journey.

The slope under my feet was about forty-five degrees, and it was easy to fall because of the mud. Fortunately, there was a rope nailed against the wall.

Luo Zehao told everyone that this rope was nailed to the wall by the first group of people who went down to make it easier to go up and down.

Surrounded by mountains and rock walls, they are solid, and the further you go down, the colder the air will be.

After walking about 200 meters deep, the slope ends and there is a cave on the opposite side. There is a loud and crisp sound coming from the depths, which sounds a little scary.

"Those are all bats." Luo Zehao said.

The female college student named Qiuling immediately retorted: "Nonsense, wasn't this place completely closed before? How could there be bats? Even if there is air, what would they eat?"

Luo Zehao couldn't answer.

Ye Shaoyang frowned secretly. If there are bats in the ground, they are definitely not ordinary creatures. They don't eat anything, and only rely on one thing to maintain their lives: ghost or corpse aura!

This shows that there must be ghosts or zombies underground, constantly swallowing and exhaling breaths, and the breaths spit out are absorbed by bats and other yin creatures.

Strictly speaking, these bats are already demons.

Ye Shaoyang took out a three-color lotus lantern from his backpack, lit it up and held it in his hand, the flame turned light black and rushed deep into the cave.

"What's going on?" Mu Qingyu asked in surprise.

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