Urban Witcher

Genesis seal push testimonials

It has been more than half a year since the last big seal push, and another creation seal push has ushered in.

During this period, I have experienced a lot. This book climbed from a new book to a height that I never thought of.

I have been writing books for nearly ten years, published more than a dozen novels, and done film and television, but this time the success of "Maoshan Ghostbusters" moved me even more.

Work with heart, without pretentiousness: write until you are moved. Just like the ending song of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms": there are vivid faces flying in front of you. (The film is a bit old, sorry you haven't heard this song)

Dreaming, waking, dreaming and sleeping, they are all people in the book.

Han Han once said a sentence that he likes very much: To write a novel is to create a world.

I am very happy with the world I created, you will like it. Have fun, and you'll always love it.

Thank you for editing, and thank you fellow Taoists.

What I got today, fortunately, gladly.

Time is not old, life is not scattered.

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