Urban Witcher

Chapter 1102 Out of body 2

Sibao raised his index finger, shook it, and said, "It's because I'm a monk that I think about this, because I can only think about it."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it at first, and felt that what he said was really reasonable.

Entering the cave, passing the coffins along the way, nothing special happened. Time was limited, and Sibao didn't take a closer look at those coffins.

After going out through the small door before the fork, Ye Shaoyang proposed to separate and explore the caves on the left and right respectively, and still come here to reunite.

After parting, Ye Shaoyang searched the main hall first, but found no mark related to the formation except the "sun" pattern, Ye Shaoyang entered the tunnel on the left, searched, and found nothing, so he returned to the place where he separated Go wait for the Four Treasures.

After a while, Four Treasures returned, but they didn't find it either.

"That's probably related to the 'sun'." Ye Shaoyang floated to the edge of the deep well in the middle of the "sun", looked down, and said: "This well looks like the eye of the formation, maybe the formation system is in Under the well."

Yuanshen is not afraid of water. To prove it, the two went down to the well together.

The two iron chains extend all the way to the depth of the well water, about 20 to 30 meters deep. Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that such a thick and long iron chain, no wonder he was pulling it without moving.

At the end of the chain was a huge hook, one of which hung like a piece of carrion.

Yuanshen couldn't pick up things, the two could only observe nearby, and Ye Shaoyang gradually had a judgment in his mind.

"This piece of meat must have belonged to the snake. That is to say, the two iron chains were originally used to tie the snake. I don't know what happened later. The snake forcibly broke free from the iron chain, leaving behind a piece of meat. ..."

"Maybe it's because the stele was removed and the power of the seal weakened." Sibao guessed.

Who moved the stele and caused the snake to break free from the seal?

This question came to Ye Shaoyang's mind again.

The two went down to the bottom of the well, and saw that there was actually a stone room below, oval in shape, with several hundred square meters, which looked like it was processed on the basis of a natural cave.

There are man-made pipe-like places at both ends of the cave, and water flows from one side to the other.

"It turns out that this is not a well, but an underground river passing by."

Ye Shaoyang was extremely surprised. Looking around, there were many pictures and symbols carved on the walls of the stone room, which he couldn't understand at all.

At the four corners, there are four censers on hanging feet, under which there are circles of symbols and notches, like a net, criss-crossing.

"Eight successes of the seal are here, let's look for it."

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he floated to a corner and searched for it inch by inch.

Originally thought it was some kind of Taoist or Buddhist formation, so they called the Four Treasures. The two are proficient in each, and following the rules, they will definitely find the sealing point.

But I didn't expect that everything here has nothing to do with Taoism and Buddha, so I can only use this method to find it little by little.

"Here, little leaf, look!"

Ye Shaoyang heard Sibao's voice, and hurried over, saw Sibao pointing at the potholed ground, looked down, and saw that there were layer after layer of gaps in the ground, sinking into the ground.

The gap is octagonal. Ye Shaoyang measured it with the naked eye, and it should be exactly the same shape as the stele. He nodded and said excitedly, "This is it!"

Just by looking at the octagonal shape, you know you can't go wrong.

The two of them looked carefully, and there were eight strange symbols engraved on the sides of the eight paths, all of which were insects: spiders, butterflies, centipedes, scorpions... There are eight kinds in total, forming eight deep notches.

"What does this mean?" Sibao asked.

"Probably some kind of formation in witchcraft, don't worry about it, just find this."

Ye Shaoyang took this sealing point as the center, looked around, and saw that there were different notches under the four hanging incense burners, extending all the way to the sealing point, and there were many strange patterns and lines in the middle.

Without time to study it in detail, the two of them floated up, and suddenly felt the water splash around them, forming a huge vortex.

They are primordial spirits and are not affected by any impact, but seeing this scene, they are also horrified.

Suddenly, a huge head protruded from one end of the underground river. It was a human face with relatively simple features, and it looked devoid of aura, as if it was wearing a mask.

His face was dark green, his eyes were blood red, his mouth was slightly opened, and what came out of the two pairs of fangs was not a tongue, but a black forked snake letter.

It slowly swam out from the underground river channel, starting from the back of its head, its whole body was covered with huge dark green scales, four short, dog-like animals, with a long tail dragging behind it.

Adult Snake!

Human face, jackal body, snake tail. It is consistent with the description in the ancient book, absolutely not wrong.

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao immediately looked at each other, shocked.

After the snake entered the stone chamber, it burrowed its head into the deep well. Although the well wall was wide, its body was too big to get out.

The body shook slightly, shrank several times, easily passed through the well wall, and landed on the ground.


Ye Shaoyang and Sibao also floated up in a hurry, and saw that the body of the transformation snake was several times larger than before the transformation, and it was crawling on the ground with its tail.

The two are in the state of Yuanshen and cannot perceive the strength of the breath. However, out of experience, Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that these two auras were extremely strong.

If Hua Snake finally restrained his aura, Ye Shaoyang believed that ordinary people, even mages, would probably not be able to get close to Wumi, and would be killed by the terrifying demon and corpse aura.

The Viper crawled towards the cave on the left. Ye Shaoyang and Sibao followed all the way, seeing it approaching those coffins, they stopped from time to time, and inserted the snake's tail into the coffin through the small hole in the rock wall.

"What is it doing?" Sibao was completely shocked by this weird scene.

"Maybe it's feeding, maybe it's exploring the situation of those cubs."

The two suppressed their horror and continued to observe.

At this moment, far away on the top of the mountain, the bodies of the two of them were lying down perfectly.

Lin Sansheng and others stood guard on the left and right.

Suddenly, many figures were reflected outside the tent.

Li Linlin opened a gap in the tent and looked over, and saw a mass of black figures, at least thirty or fifty, walking towards this side, the first row were all exaggeratedly dressed: wearing horned masks, wearing ancient colors brightly colored clothing.

"These are wizards!" Lin Sansheng took a deep breath, "They came here!"

"They are so well-informed. Shaoyang and Sibao's Yuanshen came out of their bodies, and they came immediately." Li Linlin said, her eyes suddenly opened, and she saw Taoist Tongxuan in the middle of the crowd, Zhang Shiming and another A young man with a ghost-headed tin staff. There is a faint green light on the tin staff.


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