Urban Witcher

Chapter 1190 The Opponent's Lineup

Only Qingyunzi didn't take it seriously, but when he heard the word "Zhong Kui", his eyelids slightly raised.

"Wow, Zhong Kui!" Zhang Xiaorui broke the silence with an exclamation, rushed to Ye Shaoyang, looked at Xiao Yiyun and said, "I said Xiao Xianrou, are you serious, Zhong Kui will really come?"

Xiao Yiyun didn't know her, and looked at her in a daze for a moment.

"Go aside!" Ye Shaoyang covered her mouth, put one hand around her neck, firmly controlled the candle, and said to Xiao Yiyun: "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Fu Jun, but I can't follow my orders because of my celestial master's duty."

"You are so bold!" Xiao Yiyun stomped his feet angrily, "You have to know, because you haven't practiced the method of killing the spirit, so nothing has happened. Once you start to practice the method, it will be too late, and the lord is just sticking to his duty , can't seek personal gain!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ye Shaoyang with ulterior motives, and said, "I have said everything that needs to be said, you can decide for yourself, and leave!"

After speaking, he pulled the orange and walked into the distance.

Cheng Zi turned her head, with extremely worried eyes, and took a deep look at Ye Shaoyang.

But Ye Shaoyang made a mouth-to-mouth kissing motion at her and smiled.

After Xiao Yiyun and Chengzi left, Ye Shaoyang turned around and looked, all the friends looked solemn, especially Lao Guo, whose face was pale and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Ye Shaoyang called them in and closed the warehouse door, because there is an enchantment controlling the field, so he is not afraid that the walls have ears.

"Is this young couple here to report the news?" Sibao said first.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, thought over Xiao Yiyun's words carefully, and his expression became more serious.

"What Xiaobailian said is mainly to remind us that Yu Xuanji has found a lot of helpers to deal with us together. Zhong Kui, the Second Dharma King, and other venerables..."

Ye Shaoyang hesitated, "I have never dealt with the Yin God of Buddhism, who is this sorcerer?"

"Master Lingkong, one of the venerables under the throne of Ksitigarbha, there are four venerables under the throne of Ksitigarbha: subduing demons, subduing demons, clearing the way, and enlightening the law."

"Oh, you know me?"

Sibao rolled his eyelids and said, "How could I know him! We Buddhist disciples don't often go wrong, but the Ksitigarbha lineage also belongs to Mahayana Buddhism. There are some gods that are well understood in the human world. My master seems to know this guy." .”

Rui Lengyu said: "It doesn't matter if you recognize it or not, the key is how is your cultivation?"

The Four Treasures said: "The four venerables have a very high status among the Brahmins of Earth Store. They are only below the eight dragons. In terms of rank, they are at the same level as the heads of the seventy-two divisions. Their status and cultivation are all in the cycle of reincarnation. He is above the three Dharma kings."

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang patted his forehead and said: "No wonder the Second Dharma King is here too, I forgot, so they are in the same group!"

The name Dharma King originally came from Buddhism.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is said that it was originally derived from Buddhist scriptures, and it was developed by King Ksitigarbha using scriptures. The three dharma kings in charge are Buddhist disciples, so it is understandable. It is said that the boss of the Department of Reincarnation: the King of Wheels, is also a double cultivator of Taoism and Buddhism.

"Boss, didn't the Second Dharma King deal with you before, and you beat him up in the end. Why did you come here again this time?" Guagua said with some disdain.

"The person who came here is not necessarily the original intention. Maybe it was the order of Shangfeng, or maybe it was out of face."

After finishing speaking, Ye Shaoyang patted Sibao on the shoulder, and said: "What kind of venerable is this? I leave it to you. If you can beat him, you will be famous in Buddhism."

Sibao didn't refuse, and smiled wryly: "I don't expect to win, I only hope that my golden body of Arhat can stop him."

Rui Lengyu said at this time: "I heard Xiao Langjun's last words, there are at least two meanings, one is to tell you that Yu Xuanji and his group are inconvenient to take action because of their status. Only when you find the reason will you do it."

After a pause, he continued: "There is only one reason why people have to take their reputation into account when they do things: if they are sure, Yu Xuanji is sure to take away...and deal with us."

He almost mentioned Xiaoyu, but fortunately she reacted quickly and changed her words in a hurry. But Ye Shaoyang broke out in a cold sweat, nodded and said: "Yes, she must think that with this lineup, we can easily deal with us, so she is trying to gain fame and act as if she is forced to do so. First of all, she wants to make a gesture to show Cui Fujun and others look at it, secondly..."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said with a smile, "She wants to kill me."

Everyone froze. Rui Lengyu was also stunned. Even she hadn't thought of this.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Although I am a small person in Yu Xuanji's eyes, I also have a few friends in the Yin Division. If she wants to kill me, she must have a sufficient reason, otherwise it will be inconvenient to do it..."

When he said this, Rui Lengyu and the others just came to their senses. As for why Yu Xuanji hated Ye Shaoyang, it was naturally because he inserted a bar in the middle, insisting on keeping Xiaoyu, making an originally simple matter so complicated .

She occupies a high position, a disciple of the great emperor, the head of a department, and has never suffered from anyone, so she can't help but hate Ye Shaoyang to the bone.

It's all conceivable.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Since Yu Xuanji regards us so disdainfully and thinks it's easy to catch, then let's let her see the magic power of a mage in the world!"

Rui Lengyu said: "There is another layer of meaning in the little boy's words. Yu Xuanji must have put pressure on Mr. Cui, and was resisted by Mr. Cui. It was obviously to make you surrender, but in fact it was to let you rest assured, Yin Division Over there, Lord Fujun will bear the pressure for you."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, Cui Fujun gave him this face, open and bright! He couldn't help laughing and said, "Hurry up and burn a daughter-in-law for him tomorrow."

Lao Guo didn't have such a big heart as Ye Shaoyang, so he kept frowning, and said, "Others can talk about it, but this Taoist Master Zhong Kui... how can we resist!"

Ye Shaoyang cast his eyes on Qing Yunzi, and the rest of them almost came to their senses, realizing that there was also a hidden level master on their side!

The old man leaned against the corner and was playing match 3 games, he yawned and said, "God is actually a human being, not as scary as you imagine."

Ye Shaoyang chuckled and said, "Then Zhong Kui will be handed over to you."

Qingyunzi remained silent and continued playing with his mobile phone.

After that, the big guys continued to speculate on the hidden meaning of Xiao Yiyun's words. Xie Yuqing is short-tempered and doesn't like guessing. She frowned and asked, "I don't understand why they don't just talk about things directly, they hint and hint."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Yu Xuanji can't guarantee that he doesn't have eyes and ears nearby, so he couldn't explain it directly at that time. After all, Mr. Cui Fu is Yu Xuanji's senior brother, and it would not look good for Yu Xuanji to make a fuss."

Xie Yuqing said: "But Yu Xuanji is not an idiot, we can hear the deep meaning in the words, and others will not understand."

(There will be an update in the evening)——

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