Urban Witcher

Chapter 1191 Immortal Way Bone

"It's one thing to understand, but another thing to prove it. As long as no pigtails are caught, you can guess whatever you want, and I can completely deny it."

After listening to Xie Yuqing, she shook her head helplessly, and said, "It turns out that Division Y is just like the world, with all kinds of schemes and tricks."

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The same is true where there are ghosts."

Ye Shaoyang said casually, and then suddenly felt that this sentence was simply too profound and connotative, if it was told to the people of Division Y, it might spread.

Knowing the number and background of the opponents, although the lineup is a little stronger, at least they have a certainty in mind. The big guys discussed it, and then Lao Guo and Lin Xiaoxian stayed and continued to arrange, and the rest left together.

Xiaoyu wanted to stay with Lao Guo, but was rejected by Lao Guo on the grounds that he was delaying his work. Thinking of the previous analysis, he was sure that Lao Guo would not be in any danger before doing so, so Xiaoyu left with Ye Shaoyang and others.

Zhang Xiaorui proposed to treat guests to dinner at night, but Ye Shaoyang refused. In the current situation, although he lifted the weight lightly and acted as if nothing happened, he really didn't have the mood to go out.

"Let me wait until the matter is over, and I will invite you to a celebration banquet then."

Zhang Xiaorui readily agreed.

After agreeing to meet tomorrow, Xie Yuqing and Ma Cheng also left separately, and Ye Shaoyang and his party went home.

"Little uncle, is this Yu Xuanji the ancient poetess?" Xiao Yu asked suddenly after being silent for a long time.

"It's unbelievable..." After getting Ye Shaoyang's confirmation, Xiaoyu murmured, "Yu Xuanji is a woman, what kind of enmity can I have with my father? It's scary to think about putting up such a big force against him." ..."

Suddenly grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and said: "Little uncle, is there any possibility of reconciliation, let dad admit his mistake, will Yu Xuan forgive him?"

Ye Shaoyang said helplessly: "Don't be stupid, this battle is inevitable."

Xiaoyu sighed, dejected, and said silently: "I'm really scared now, if things don't work out, Dad... Well, if I can, I really want to replace him."

Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu glanced at each other and could only smile wryly.

Ye Shaoyang thought, if Xiaoyu were to know that this incident was caused by her, and that Lao Guo had to take great pains in arranging all this for her sake, to make Yu Xuanji his enemy... I don't know what she would think?

After dinner, Qingyunzi went to the balcony to drink tea and sit around, while Ye Shaoyang, Rui Lengyu and Sibao went back to their rooms to pack up the magical artifacts and get ready for tomorrow's battle.

After ten o'clock, Rui Lengyu ordered takeaway on Are you hungry, and the few of them ate together, drinking the leftover beer from the previous day, feeling very comfortable.

Sibao suddenly remembered something, and asked Ye Shaoyang: "By the way, your ghost servants, and Lin Sansheng and the others, don't you want to help?"

"Forget about Lin Sansheng. He has a good personal relationship with Yu Xuanji, and it would be awkward to meet him. Don't embarrass him. As for Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, they are both officials in Division Y, which is even more inappropriate."

Ye Shaoyang told him that when Chengzi came up a few days ago, he had already strictly ordered them not to come up to help. Although the situation is very serious now, the matter is actually not too complicated. Once they join in, the whole thing will be messed up , it will be completely out of control at that time.

Chengzi also knows that once they join, they will not help themselves, but harm themselves, so they hold back and don't do anything, especially Chengzi, as long as she can keep giving Mr. Cui a blow and let him lean to her side, it will be the greatest contribution .

Ye Shaoyang raised his head, glanced at Qing Yunzi, who was holding the duck's neck with relish, and said, "Master, don't pretend to be an expert, show me the truth, how sure are you for tomorrow's battle?"

Qing Yunzi glanced at him, let go of the duck's neck, and slowly said a word: "There is nothing difficult in the world..."

"What do you mean, encourage us?" Ye Shaoyang immediately gained confidence after hearing this half of the sentence, but Qing Yunzi slowly uttered the second half of the sentence: "Just don't think about it."

"What, what?" Ye Shaoyang's brainwaves were short-circuited for a while.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you don't think about it. Let's talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow. What do you think about?"

"Okay..." Ye Shaoyang wiped off his sweat. Sibao and Rui Lengyu also have black threads.

In the afternoon of the next day, everyone came to the warehouse. Ma Cheng brought several high-end walkie-talkies, which were similar to Bluetooth headsets. They could be used for long-distance conversations by staying on the ears, and distributed to everyone.

Because Ye Shaoyang and Qingyunzi want to preside over the formation, they need to have sharp eyes and ears, and they don't need to communicate with others. They don't need one, and the rest of them wear one on their ears.

Ma Cheng adjusted it, helped everyone turn on the receiver, and then put it on.

Ye Shaoyang went into the small room and untied the red cloth from the ghost letter stone. The puppet below immediately stood up, dancing, and was about to jump off the stone when Ye Shaoyang grabbed him and stuck a magic talisman on the back of his head. calm down.

Ye Shaoyang followed Lao Guo and checked around, and all the organs and magic weapons were dealt with. On the eight-sided glass mirror, Qingzi Qingzi used a cinnabar pen to draw the Eight Diagrams, and then Lao Guo took out the clothes he had prepared beforehand, and asked Qingyunzi to change.

Qing Yunzi came out of the small room on the second floor after changing clothes, and everyone's eyes lit up when they saw it.

Zhang Xiaorui sighed loudly: "Wow!"

Qingyunzi wears a shiny hair bun, shaped like pearls, engraved with a number of wandering dragons, which is the so-called five-dragon pearl bun. Clothes also have a name, called Bagua Golden Clothes.

Except for some fairy clothes with special functions, this clothes can increase the spiritual power bonus the most.

Around Qing Yunzi's waist was a purple Jinchuan brocade lion sash, on which was tied a mahogany sword. His back was no longer hunchbacked, his hands were folded in his sleeves, his long beard was long, and he looked like a fairy, unlike him before. If there are two people.

Qing Yunzi slowly walked up to Ye Shaoyang and said, "Bring me Taiyi Fuchen!"

"Uh, you have to return it to me after you use it." Ye Shaoyang took out the Taiyi Whisk and handed it over.

Qing Yunzi took it, and slowly climbed up to the spiritual platform in the middle of the warehouse, standing in the middle, clasped his hands, with a solemn expression, and with the Taiyi Whisk in his hand, he looked even more immortal.

Everyone raised their heads one after another and stared at Qing Yunzi with reverence in their eyes.

Qing Yunzi closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, looked down at Lao Guo, and said in a loud voice: "Although you are my registered disciple, you are still a master and apprentice. I haven't fought against others in the past ten years. For your sake, today Make a big move, but only for a while, and there is no possibility of making a move after that, you should do it yourself!"

(third change)


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