Urban Witcher

Chapter 1443 Clouds Resurrection 1

Ye Shaoyang originally wanted to hug her, and opened his arms, but suddenly saw so many people in the valley staring at him, he was a little shy, and gave up.

But Tan Xiaohui came forward, hugged her, and quickly let go, turned around, and walked towards the valley.

Although she was wearing a skirt, she walked swiftly and quickly walked to the side of her companions in the valley. When she turned around, the rattan staff in her hand suddenly emitted a blue light.

Tan Xiaohui held it up and swiped it in the air. The light would stay on the path it passed, and finally formed a shape of a heart.


All the mages raised their staffs together and shouted in unison.

Ye Shaoyang waved goodbye.

Tan Xiaohui turned and left, the love heart formed by the blue light gradually disappeared, and Tan Xiaohui and her wizards also gradually disappeared into the valley. From today onwards, she is no longer Tan Xiaohui, but the Wu Lingxin daughter of the Great Wuxian family.

Ye Shaoyang stood there blankly. stood for a long time.

He thought of what Qin Xiaohui said about the mission before.

It is Tan Xiaohui's mission to inherit the legacy of the Great Witch's family and lead the family to rise, and she has to do it.

This is just like Daofeng, he also has to walk in the dark for some mission that he doesn't want to say clearly...

What is your own mission?

This question lingered in Ye Shaoyang's mind.

He stretched out his hand, the palm was white by the moonlight, and he clenched his hand tightly, but he couldn't catch a beam of moonlight.

After getting up the next day, Ye Shaoyang took the initiative to call Xie Yuqing and ask her to meet.

Xie Yuqing thought for a while and said, "Then go to your school and see you. I'll wait for you downstairs in the No. 4 dormitory building of the School of Foreign Languages."

Ye Shaoyang was startled suddenly, and said: "You are not sick, what are you doing there?"

"Didn't Xiaorui say yesterday that the foreign language school is haunted?"

Ye Shaoyang froze.

The School of Foreign Languages...is haunted again?

"What's going on?" Ye Shaoyang asked stupidly.

"Don't ask, you hurry over now, and I'll go over now, let's talk about it when we meet."

Ye Shaoyang agreed, packed his things and went out immediately.

Guagua went to Huangquan, and has not come back yet——Before going to bed last night, Ye Shaoyang recalled the experience of the first battle of Xuankongguan, and suddenly thought that Daoyuan Daoyuan and Prince Asura Nangongying went to Huangquan to fight, and his life and death are unknown, so Send Guagua to Huangquan to investigate.

He really wanted to know the result of the battle between the two sides.

I went downstairs to have breakfast first, and then took the bus to the school - the 10,000 yuan given by Lao Guo last time, and the food and drink these days, and the train ride, etc., only have about 3,000 yuan left. I don't have any way to make money at the moment, so I can only save some money.

The school is still the same as before, with people coming and going, very lively.

Walking on the campus, Ye Shaoyang really felt like he had returned to the city, as if this place was completely different from Xuankong Temple, Xuanqing Mountain and the like.

Following a small path beside the wall of his own school and stepping outside, he arrived at the School of Foreign Languages.

The No. 4 dormitory building is still standing in place, an abandoned building, and there is no one nearby.

Is there a problem with this building?

Before Xie Yuqing arrived, Ye Shaoyang went downstairs, leaned on a window and looked in, when suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder from behind.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head suddenly, seeing that it was a security guard, he let out a sigh of relief, "Brother, you will scare people to death like this!"

"What are you doing here!" the security guard said with a face.

"What, can't you come here?"

The security guard tugged at his sleeve, walked forward tens of meters, and pointed to a bulletin board standing by the side of the flower pond, on which was written a line of big characters in chalk: Warning, this place is a dangerous building, no approaching! ! !

followed by three exclamation points.

Dangerous building?

Ye Shaoyang looked at the Gothic building in front of him. The building is old enough, it must be seventy or eighty years old. I have to say that the architecture of that era is really awesome. If it is the current building, it will be there in thirty years May become a dangerous building. But after all, it's been a long time, and it's understandable to be classified as a dangerous building. The point is, when I came here a few months ago, there was no such thing. Why was it recently designated as a dangerous building?

The key is that the exclamation marks behind this line of characters made Ye Shaoyang smell a deep meaning.

The security guard looked him up and down several times and said, "Are you a student?"

"I'm from the Polytechnic University next door, and I'm here to find friends."

"Then leave as soon as possible, don't stay near this building, or the consequences will be serious!"

"What consequences?"

The security didn't say much, and after driving him away, he walked back by himself. Ye Shaoyang found a high place nearby, looked over, and found a van parked on the east and west sides of the No. 4 dormitory building, nearly a hundred meters away, and the security guard just got into the car on the west side.

There was also a security guard in the car, and the two looked around. It was obviously a mobile sentry box to prevent students from approaching the No. 4 dormitory building.

With such a tight defense, what are you guarding against?

Is it because of being haunted?

After waiting for a while, seeing Xie Yuqing and Zhang Xiaorui arriving together, Ye Shaoyang went up to meet him and asked Zhang Xiaorui, "What are you doing here?"

"Ghostbusters." Zhang Xiaorui was in high spirits, "This is such a rare opportunity. I can serve you on the saddle, and then grow up in actual combat, so that I can inherit your mantle in the future."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her blankly, "What's the mess, I haven't retired yet."

"We work together as a master and apprentice, so we won't be tired from working."

"You can pull it down. Last time it was because of your recklessness that you got a Gu and almost killed me. If there is any trouble this time, your parents will chop me up."

"No, no, this time I will listen to you and never mess around."

Zhang Xiaorui immediately stepped forward, hugged his arm, and entangled him in various ways, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to acquiesce.

"Dormitory No. 4, is there something supernatural going on?" Ye Shaoyang asked curiously.

Xie Yuqing said: "It's not 'Could it be', it's true. Last weekend, a girl walked here late at night, heard her boyfriend calling her upstairs, then walked in, and then disappeared, and the body has not been found yet .”

Ye Shaoyang said: "Wait, there is something wrong with your description. Since no body was found, who told you that she went in because she heard her boyfriend tell her to go upstairs?"

"At that time, there were two girls traveling together. After drinking in the bar, because the school gate was closed, they climbed over the wall and passed by here. When they heard the boyfriend of one of the girls calling upstairs, the girl went up drunk, and the other The girl was waiting for her downstairs. After waiting for a long time, her companion did not come down, so she called the security guard.

Several security guards rushed over and went in to search together. In a dormitory on the second floor, they found the mobile phone of the missing female student, but there was no one there, but some strange phenomena appeared. "


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