Urban Witcher

Chapter 1444 Clouds Resurrection 2

"What strange phenomenon?"

"Let them talk for themselves, and you can also ask." Xie Yuqing waved to the van parked not far away, and the security guard who had prevented Ye Shaoyang from approaching immediately came over and nodded to Xie Yuqing.

"This is the expert we invited from the investigation department. You describe the process of searching and rescuing the missing students that night. It is after the discovery of the mobile phone."

The security guard scratched his head, looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said hesitantly, "Aren't you a student?"

"Just say what you want! Why do you care so much!" Zhang Xiaorui was aggressive.

The security guard had no choice but to simply say:

"...At that time, we found the mobile phone of the missing person in a dormitory. We wanted to search nearby, but suddenly a girl's cry came from the mobile phone. It was very miserable, and he said something like let her go out. The companion of the missing person was also nearby, and it was immediately recognized that this was the voice of the missing person. At that time, we were all frightened..."

As the security guard spoke, he took in the air-conditioning, his expression extremely horrified.

Ye Shaoyang frowned, and said, "Could she use another phone to call her cell phone?"

"After we came back to our senses at the time, we also thought of this possibility. A bold colleague put her there, and the picture was brightened. There was a scene...that kind of dark light, just like in a horror movie. , the background is a room, there is an iron canopy bed against the wall, and a figure covered with a white sheet is lying on it...

The missing girl, on the other side of the screen, kept tapping the screen, begging us to let her out. We thought it was a video call and were inquiring. Suddenly, the person on the canopy bed stood up, with a white cloth on his head, and swayed towards this side.

The girl seemed to have noticed too, looked back, and then screamed, the seven orifices on her face suddenly gushed out blood, flowing down the screen, and finally covered the whole screen, and then there was a scream inside, it seemed to be the girl I was caught, and it lasted for about ten seconds before completely disappearing, and the phone was also turned off..."

At the end of the security guard's speech, his voice was trembling, his face was pale, and he folded his arms and couldn't stop breathing.

Ye Shaoyang can completely understand his mood. Through his narration, he has already imagined the scene at that time, how creepy it was... For an ordinary person, it may be a terrible memory that can never be erased in a lifetime.

Although it has been confirmed that this is a supernatural event, in order to block any escape route, Ye Shaoyang asked again: "Could it be a recorded video or something?"

The security guard shook his head vigorously, "During the incident I was talking about, that bold colleague was also frightened, threw the phone out, the back cover fell off, and the battery was separated, but the pictures on the screen continued. ..."

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, looked at the security guard, and said, "What happened next?"

"We came back to our senses at the time, ran out screaming one by one, then reported to the detective, and notified the school leadership. You should ask the detective about the rest of the matter."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said, "How are your colleagues doing now?"

"Add me to five people, three resigned, and one is still lying in the hospital."

"What about you, why do you still dare to be on duty around here?"

"It's okay if you don't come. The school is afraid that the same thing will happen again, and sent us to be on guard here to prevent students from approaching this building. That's why I just came to ask you."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why not?" The security guard smiled wryly, "I wish I could resign with my colleagues and leave this place completely, but...my wife just gave birth, and I have a child to raise."

Ye Shaoyang immediately understood.

The pressure of survival, as well as family responsibilities, sometimes make people have to face various dangers.

"You are not bad, you are a good father." Ye Shaoyang took out a peach talisman from his backpack and handed it to him for him to carry with him, which can ward off evil spirits.

The security guard became more suspicious of his identity.

Ye Shaoyang didn't explain, just patted him on the shoulder and told him to leave.

Xie Yuqing and Zhang Xiaorui looked over together, staring into Ye Shaoyang's eyes, expecting his opinion.

He is the absolute authority in dealing with such supernatural events.

Ye Shaoyang pondered for a moment, then asked Xie Yuqing: "How about your subsequent investigation?"

"We searched all the rooms, but we didn't find the missing girl, nor did we find any supernatural clues. But Xue Qi was there at the time, and the dormitory where she said she was doing the work had faint ghost aura spreading in the room. But the source could not be found."

Ye Shaoyang's brows tightened a little bit. Even Xueqi couldn't catch the trace, which showed that the opponent was definitely not a simple evil.

"What about the water tower, the passage below, and the underground arsenal, have you searched it?"

"All the exits were completely sealed according to your request. We checked and there was no problem."

Xie Yuqing paused for a moment, and asked, "Shaoyang, could it be that Feng Xinyu didn't fully understand it?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "It's absolutely impossible. Feng Xinyu has already died. Afterwards, I asked Brother Guo to clean the building thoroughly with medicine to clean up all the Yin Qi. It is impossible to miss anything."

As for the arsenal, it was Rui Lengyu who cleared it out himself, so she felt relieved.

Xie Yuqing said: "Yeah, we also looked for him afterwards, he said that it was definitely cleaned up at that time, and he went to check it specially, the entrances to the tunnel from the hall on the first floor and the water tower were all close to you at that time. There is no problem with the given seal, so it is very strange."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and said: "Besides, the core of Yin Nest was the 4o4 dormitory at that time. If it was related to the incident at the beginning, the girl's accident this time must be in 4o4. How could it be on the second floor?"

Xie Yuqing said: "But, why is it such a coincidence that it is also No. 4 dormitory building?"

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang raised his head, looked up at the four-story ancient building, and the scene of dealing with Feng Xinyu at that time appeared in his mind.

Feng Xinyu was the first formidable ghost he had saved after he came down from the mountain. He had deep resentment, but he was infatuated with Daofeng...

It was also during that incident that I met Xie Yuqing and Rui Lengyu and became best friends. I never thought that after going through so many things, I would return to this place.

In Ye Shaoyang's heart, he couldn't help feeling some wonderful feelings.

He remembered clearly the ending of that incident: Feng Xinyu was rescued by himself, and now, no matter whether she suffers in hell or reincarnates, it is impossible for her to return to the human world.

In the dormitory building No. 4, the cloud has returned, but it should have nothing to do with her.

(It's a little late, I will add another chapter tonight. Ye Shaoyang returned to the campus, and the No. 4 dormitory building has another disaster. Compared with the last incident, it is more terrifying and bizarre, so stay tuned)——

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