Urban Witcher

Chapter 1575

After Guagua and the others left, Ye Shaoyang greeted the group to return to the dormitory area. On the way, Yang Chenwu said with emotion: "Master Ye, I have a personal question. All of your disciples are very strong. You are so loyal, you can come and go as you please, without a single complaint? How did you train me?"

"Training?" Ye Shaoyang smiled, "I've never been training. The reason why they treat me well is that I never regard them as disciples."

"Never become a disciple? What do you mean?" Yang Chenwu was puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang didn't go deep and said that a person like him may never know the dedication of sacrificing one's life and cutting one's ribs.

After entering the office in the dormitory area, Ye Shaoyang felt a numb pain in the back of his neck, and asked Rui Lengyu to take a look.

"You were bitten by something?" Rui Lengyu looked at the two neat rows of teeth marks, and there was a black circle in the teeth marks, and she didn't know what kind of breath had invaded it.

"A monster from hell, god knows what it is."

Rui Lengyu found some realgar and ochre powder, applied it on the wound, and pulled out the evil energy inside. Although Ye Shaoyang's innate spirit body constitution, he could force out the evil energy himself, but the speed was slow, which was not conducive to recovery.

Then he opened a small medicine box with him, took out some medicine powder, carefully applied it on the wound, and bandaged it up.

During this process, Ye Shaoyang roughly narrated his experience after entering the claustrophobic space, and several people who listened were amazed.

Yang Chenwu and Li Tong were even more shocked, they looked at each other, Yang Chenwu smiled wryly and said: "It's thanks to Ye Shaoyang that you have supernatural powers, if you are like us, you definitely won't have the chance to come out."

This sentence is not a compliment. After several contacts, they also clearly realized Ye Shaoyang's strength. Although they were very upset, they had to admit that there was a huge gap between them and him. This gap makes them even have no retaliation.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said, "No, I was able to come out only because I made Wang Mansi angry, otherwise I would be trapped inside."

Rui Lengyu took the card from him and said, "How do you know that Xiang Xiaoyu's soul is in this thing?"

"If you saw a ghost with a shiny card on its head, what would you think? You must think that this is the result of projection, that is, like clothes and shoes, it is the result of the illusion of the soul, even if you let me see it for a thousand years, I still think so.

Therefore, this thing has been hidden from Wang Mansi, even for more than 30 years. I didn't notice it at all at first, but when I collected Deng Hui's soul, this thing fell on the ground. I picked it up and saw that it was a substantial thing, just like our own projection.

Deng Hui is a ghost, why there are physical things on her body, the only possibility is that this thing has been worn on her body before she was pulled into the claustrophobic space, but it is definitely not an ordinary material, otherwise Deng Hui's spirit The body has long been crushed.

I took a closer look. This thing is made of ghost domain black iron. Even if it is a soul body, it can be completely moved, and its shape is seven stars. No one except mages will use such a layout... Hey, this cup of Coke is who? "

"Xueqi's, she drank a couple of sips." Rui Lengyu said.

"I'm so thirsty." Ye Shaoyang picked it up and took a deep breath.

Rui Lengyu seized the gap and asked, "So you suspect that Xiang Xiaoyu's remnant soul is inside this Horcrux?"

"I wasn't sure at the time. I just felt that there must be something strange about an ordinary person like Deng Hui, so I opened the wooden box and looked, and it was empty. Of course, Xiang Xiaoyu would not give her an empty box. The box. I was smart and immediately thought that this was most likely Xiang Xiaoyu's trick to deceive Wang Mansi with this unopenable box. Since there is no remnant soul in the box, his remnant soul must be in this Horcrux inside."

Rui Lengyu pondered and said: "Understood, if he really uses that box to store his remnant soul, although he can keep himself for a long time, if someone opens the restriction of the box in the future, the remnant soul will definitely be taken away by Wang Mansi, so That's why he cast doubts..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That's right, he should have figured it out too, if someone with profound magic power gets this box, he will definitely set up an array to protect himself first, and take away Deng Hui's soul, then one day he will be able to reveal the secret of the card. "

Yang Chenwu interjected and said: "You may not know that this Seven Stars Lianzhu is one of the totems of my Three Temples. Anyone of the same sect, if they see this card, they will definitely notice it. The little uncle probably thinks that he will have the opportunity to see Deng in the future." Hui's meeting is a disciple of the family, so he cleverly set up such a situation."

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "At that time, I used the Sanqing Juechen technique to seal the entire room. Wang Mansi absolutely couldn't peep at the process of doing the technique, so I did my trick and put a talisman in the box. Hehe, I knew She won't let me go easily, and it really came in handy in the end..."

When Yang Chenwu and Li Tong heard this, they couldn't help but deeply admire Ye Shaoyang's quick wit.

Ye Shaoyang handed the card to Yang Chenwu, and said: "Since the seal is arranged according to the totem of your sect, can you unlock the seal?"

"Try it."

Yang Chenwu cut his index finger with a knife, put a little blood on the card, waited until it was completely soaked, put it on the table, then took out a pure black handkerchief from his backpack, covered it, folded the four corners into a strange pattern, After that, he clasped his hands and whispered something like a spell in his mouth.

After a quarter of an hour or so, cold sweat oozed out of Yang Chenwu's temples, he opened his eyes suddenly, and gritted his teeth. At this moment, a dark light seeped out from under the handkerchief. The handkerchief that was originally spread on the table, The middle part bulged little by little, reaching a height of three feet.

"The remnant soul is indeed here!"

Yang Chenwu was overwhelmed with surprise, turned his head and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Master Yang, find something to absorb the soul. When I lift this black cloth, the remnant soul will melt when it touches the yang energy."

Ye Shaoyang took back the yin and yang mirror from Liu Ming's hand, handed it over, and nodded at Yang Chenwu, who suddenly lifted the black cloth.

Ye Shaoyang pushed the mirror with his left hand, made a seal with his right hand, pulled it back, and said loudly: "Return to the truth!"

An afterimage fell into the mirror.

Ye Shaoyang drew a talisman and stuck it on the mirror. Looking at the clean mirror, he let out a long breath, and the corner of his mouth with a smile was reflected on the mirror.

So far, Xiang Xiaoyu's three souls and seven souls have finally been found.

The counterattack can begin.

Yang Chenwu said: "Master Ye, go find the corpse of the little uncle for now, and bring him back to life."

"Not busy, there is one more thing." Ye Shaoyang took out a magic talisman from his belt.

(Today is Christmas, there are only two updates. I wish you all a merry Christmas. Don’t miss the red envelope at 8:30 Glory Hall.) ——

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