Urban Witcher

Chapter 1576 Sentence 1

Ye Shaoyang held the magic talisman in his right hand, wiped the talisman with the index finger of his left hand, flicked his middle finger lightly, a figure fell down, it was a woman, after falling to the ground, he turned his head and looked around in confusion, his eyes moved to Ye Shaoyang's face When I got up, I stared at him for a while, then suddenly opened my eyes wide, and said while stepping back: "You are that hooligan! What kind of place is this? Did you kidnap me here!"

It was only then that Ye Shaoyang recognized that she was the one he bumped into while changing clothes. He also randomly shook out the ghosts in the talisman, but he didn't expect her to be the first one.

"What rascal?" Rui Lengyu looked at Ye Shaoyang suspiciously.

"Cough, it's nothing, I misunderstood." Ye Shaoyang rubbed his nose, looked at the girl and said, "I didn't tie you up, I saved you. Unfortunately, you've already died...it's been thirty-three years."

"You're crazy!"

The girl glared at him, and suddenly rushed towards the door quickly, trying to break out by surprise.

Ye Shaoyang didn't stop him, but he also winked to tell others not to stop him.

The girl ran to the door, reached out to grab the doorknob, but didn't grab it, but stretched out a hand directly from the door panel, and she was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong with this door?"

Ye Shaoyang reminded: "There is no problem with the door, the problem is you, if you don't believe me, touch another place."

The girl froze for a while, then reached out to touch the wall, but it turned out that she went straight through...

Ye Shaoyang walked over, pushed the door open with his hand, and then closed it to show that there was no problem with the house.

"You are already dead. Thirty-three years ago, the zombies ran amok in the school. You were either killed by the zombies, or died at the hands of Wang Mansi..." Ye Shaoyang sighed.

The girl stared blankly at her hand inserted into the wall, and didn't speak for a long time.

As long as the ghost realizes the fact that he is a ghost, he will soon open the knowledge of heaven and learn the truth about his death and the murderer.

The girl sighed faintly, and said: "I was taken away by Wang Mansi alive, and I didn't know why I died until I died... I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, I have been dead for thirty-three years."

Tears flowed down her face silently, she turned her head and bowed to Ye Shaoyang, "Master, thank you for saving me from the sea of ​​suffering."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You're welcome, life and death are just a lifetime of glory, I will send you to the Yin Division in a while, you are trapped in a claustrophobic space, you have to do it, Cui Tianzi will not make things difficult, there should be compensation in the next life."

The girl nodded, wiping the tears off her face. "Please master the method."

"Huangquan is far away, let me find some companions for you, and you can do me a favor by the way."

The girl said: "Master, please tell me."

"It's not a big deal. Besides you, I also rescued some students. They are all like you... They don't know that they are dead. It is too troublesome to explain them one by one. I will let them out later. You help demonstrate, help them open Heaven’s Knowledge, and then go on the road together.”

The girl agrees.

So Ye Shaoyang did the trick, flicking on the talisman again, this time released a dozen or so students, and after landing, they also had all kinds of panic and doubts, thinking that they had been kidnapped.

The girl found someone she knew in there before, chatted for a few words, and then told them the truth. These people didn't believe it at first, but the girl showed them hanging and piercing the wall, and then they tried it themselves. This is a cruel fact. , so that they had to accept the fact that they had become ghosts, they were emotionally agitated for a while, and cried.

Although nostalgic for their life experience, being a ghost is not the worst ending, and they gradually calmed down.

Ye Shaoyang led them outside, it was already late at night, the dormitory area had already turned off the lights, and everything was quiet.

Ye Shaoyang took them into a small garden, found an open space, and released all the ghosts he had rescued one after another, most of them were students, there were also a few school workers, and two aunts who guarded the girls' dormitory were also among them .

The previous group of awakened ghosts demonstrated by example, and quickly made everyone understand their situation. For a while, everyone cried into a ball, extremely sad.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly arranged a barrier to seal everything in the middle, so that the crying would not spread to the dormitory and be heard by the sleeping students.

Ye Shaoyang took Rui Lengyu's hand, and waited quietly with everyone. After a while, these people finally calmed down, and someone said: "This is the current dormitory building, right?"

Everyone wiped away their tears, raised their heads, and looked towards the current dormitory building.

"It is much taller and more beautiful than our small building back then."

"Yeah, I really envy them..."

The aunt who guarded the gate looked at the guard room and said with emotion: "Even the gatehouse has been rebuilt, and it is much more magnificent than before."

A girl said: "The new generation is better than the old ones. The place is still there, but the people have changed. Our story... has just begun, and it is already over."

Some people were silent, some were weeping secretly, and everyone looked up at the dormitory building, remembering their prematurely faded youth.

After a while, the first girl stood up and said, "Okay, everyone, our era has passed, and it's not appropriate to stay in the human world anymore. Let's go together, at least we can be a companion when we go to the underworld."

"That's right, you both died because of the same thing, maybe you will be sent down together, you can reincarnate together, and you can meet each other by fate in the next life."

Ye Shaoyang looked at them and smiled, "I'll wait for you to come back in the world."

Everyone knelt down one after another to thank Ye Shaoyang for his kindness.

There are too many ghosts, but there are not enough soul-attracting charms, and they cannot be sent away together.

Ye Shaoyang simply used a red rope to pull the thread on the ground, setting it up as a way to attract souls, and then using the spiritual power of the Yin-Yang Mirror, he opened a crack in the void and activated Cheng Zi's soul imprint. Cheng Zi was on the campus and came soon.

"Send them to the Temple of Heaven to cancel their accounts!"

Cheng Zi is the deputy envoy of the Temple of Heaven. Although he is not on official business, after all, his identity is here, and it is also within the scope of his duties to seduce the soul. He immediately sprinkled a handful of rosemary soul incense to lead the way.

Ye Shaoyang took out a copper bell, made it into a spelling talisman, and temporarily turned it into a soul-inducing bell. Standing in front of the void leading to the underworld, he lightly shook the soul-inducing bell, and said aloud:

"I am ordered by the heavens, and I am ordered by the Tao. I am the judge of the world, Ye Shaoyang. Now I lead my soul back to the yin, and I am protected by the Sanqing... The cycle of cause and effect is not bad, and the reincarnation of fate is not bad... The blue lights are dim, and it is difficult to walk at night. There is no inn on Huangquan Road, everyone be careful..."

All the ghosts who come to his side will bow deeply, and then throw themselves into the void crack.

This battle shocked Liu Ming and others, but what attracted them more was Ye Shaoyang's expression:


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