Urban Witcher

Chapter 1669 Encountering siege 2

Cao Yu's answer was reasonable, and Sibao didn't doubt it, but when Cao Yu was speaking, Ye Shaoyang noticed a flash of escape in Cao Yu's eyes, he seemed a little flustered, and his heart moved, but he didn't think much about it.

Sibao took out a dark yellow compass from his backpack. Before he could look at it, Professor Sun leaned over and looked it over for a while, asking if he could show it to him. Sibao graciously handed it to him.

Cao Yu held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, then said, "Mr. Yang Pan?"

Sibao was a little surprised, and asked: "Professor has really good eyesight, but how do you know, don't you not believe in Feng Shui?"

Professor Sun said: "I don't believe in Fengshui, but I have done some research on antiques. It is said that Yang Gongpans are handed down from generation to generation by Fengshui masters, and the latest production date is the middle of the Qing Dynasty, right? I don't know what age your Yang Gongpan is?"

Sibao touched his own Yang Gong pan proudly and said, "My Yang Gong pan was passed down from my ancestors, and I don't know when it was made."

Professor Sun said: "Looking at the craftsmanship of this coating, it is probably in the late Ming Dynasty."

Ye Shaoyang also took it over and began to look at it. He had heard of Yang Gongpan, and it was the best kind of compass. Made of Xuanling Stone, but I am not good at Fengshui, I don't know much about it, the Fengshui compass I carry with me is like the difference between a shotgun and a cannon when compared with the Yang Gongpan in Sibao's hand.

After chatting for a while, Sibao held Yang Gongpan in his left hand, wiped some saliva on his tongue with the index finger of his right hand, and tapped on the Tianchi plate of the compass. A really good compass, because the magnetic needle is magnetic, is usually sealed to avoid random induction. Over time, the perception of the magnetic needle will decrease.

According to Feng Shui, after the disk is closed, the magnetic needle will slowly gather the spiritual energy, just like a practitioner who usually meditates, keeps a low profile, and reopens the disk when needed.

Four Treasures held the compass, according to a certain rule, like practicing Tai Chi, walking forward from left to right, eyes locked on the pointer all the time. Except for Ye Shaoyang who followed, the rest stood in place, looking around nervously, not daring to speak.

Sibao suddenly stopped and blew lightly on the magnetic needle, and the magnetic needle immediately trembled. Sibao frowned slightly, and said, "Sure enough, there is a big tomb below!"

When Cao Yu and the others saw him speak, they immediately rushed over. Sibao glanced at Cao Yu and said, "You're right, there are indeed weird things in this tomb, and it's hard to deal with."

Cao Yu was surprised: "Master can tell this kind of thing through the compass?"

Sibao pointed to the trembling magnetic needle and said, "The magnetic needle has already told me."

Ye Shaoyang looked carefully, and found that the needle was shaking and spinning, and the needle sank. He asked, "What kind of needle is this?"

There are eight needles in the compass to determine the Yin, which is the "eight needles and eight methods" in the "Compass", which can not only determine the location of the Yin house, but also use it to detect the underground situation.

One is needle enamel, the pointer swings erratically and does not return to the center line. It is concluded that there are strange rocks and deep pools here, and it is a disaster to live there.

The second is the red needle, the needle protrudes upwards, also known as the floating needle, indicating that there is Yin Qi involved, but this is a good Yin, either from a deceased ancestor of the family, or from the god of blessing to protect the Dharma.

The third is the sinking needle, the needle sinks. It shows that if Yin Qi intervenes, the bones of unjust deaths must be buried, and this place is ominous.

The fourth is to turn the needle, if the pointer turns continuously, there must be evil spirits and ghosts.

The fifth is needle throwing. The pointer is half floating and half sinking, or it floats up and does not reach the top, and sinks but does not reach the bottom, indicating that the ground is hollow and there must be a large tomb.

The sixth is anti-knitting, the needle does not return to the center line smoothly, or the needle head flies obliquely. There is no geomantic omen here, and no tombs.

Seventh is the lateral needle, the needle has stopped but does not return to the midline. This place is an ancient temple of altar, full of aura, suitable for Qingxiu.

Eight is the right needle, there is no abnormality and neither deviation nor deviation, this place is a normal place.

Generally, Feng Shui masters choose a place, unless the deceased is murdered, has deep grievances, and needs to find a special terrain to suppress, otherwise he will find a place for burial.

The Four Treasures searched for the tomb using the reverse derivation method. When Ye Shaoyang asked, he said in a deep voice: "The needle was half floating and half sinking before, which is a sign of throwing an array. It means that there must be a large tomb below. We did not find the wrong place. It is not enough for the needle to go down now." Shen, this is the Shen needle, but it keeps turning, it is the double hexagram of the rotating needle and the Shen needle, there are fierce bones buried under it, and there must be evil spirits and ghosts."

After a series of supernatural events, everyone believed in ghosts and gods. Hearing what he said at this time, they suddenly became nervous and stared at him with wide eyes.

Sibao sighed: "Three images in one needle, such a complicated Feng Shui is really rare, there is a big problem with the ancient tomb below."

Cao Yu took a breath and asked, "Master, think of a way, how do we get to the tomb?"

Sibao said: "You must know the structure and size of the ancient tomb, otherwise you can't use explosives to blow it up."

After hearing this, Professor Sun also said: "That's right, as far as archaeology is concerned, I would rather not go down to the tomb than damage the ancient tomb."

Sibao asked Cao Yu, "Didn't you say that you have information about ancient tombs? Let's take a look and refer to them."

"The photos are all in the camp, and I took them with my mobile phone. Let's look at this first." Cao Yu took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and found a few pictures. There are some brass...

"These are all the cultural relics we unearthed in the tomb. They have been handed in. You can only look at the pictures. As for the structure diagram of the tomb, to be honest, after we went down to the tomb, we confirmed that it was a large tomb. At that time, we planned to divide it into Several stages, gradually excavated, because the tomb is very deep, so the plan for the first stage is to dig out the depth of the tomb first.

So we went down to a depth of several hundred meters and found the crystal gate...Professor Sun and the others didn't know the situation behind it, but the two of you already knew it. In the two visits to the tomb, almost all the expedition team was wiped out, and all the data records were buried below. The survivors came from only one body, unconscious, and died soon after. Therefore, in fact, we don't know much about ancient tombs. "

After Professor Sun finished listening, he hurriedly asked, "What situation do we not know?"

Cao Yu explained with a smile: "It's a supernatural event that happened in the ancient tomb. We didn't intend to conceal it. We asked the two masters to go down as an advance team to clear all the supernatural and then invite you to go down for investigation, so we didn't inform you in advance. , and even if you say it, you will definitely not believe it, please forgive me."

Professor Sun nodded to express his understanding. He didn't understand supernatural events at all, so he didn't ask any more questions, but turned to Sibao and said:


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