Urban Witcher

Chapter 1670 Encountering siege 3

"I've seen these things unearthed in the photos, so I won't talk about technical terms. In short, we can deduce based on the age of these things that this should be an ancient tomb from the Song Dynasty. The owner of the tomb must be a prominent person, but due to lack of materials, There is no way to study why the ancient tombs of the Song Dynasty appeared in the Western Regions and what kind of connection they have with the Loulan site.

Sibao and Ye Shaoyang looked at each other, and murmured: "The ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty..."

Ye Shaoyang was even more puzzled, Bai Qi was from the Warring States period, if this tomb belonged to the Song Dynasty, could it be that he was thinking too much, this tomb has nothing to do with Bai Qi?

Professor Sun said: "This is just a preliminary inference. The discovery of artifacts from the Song Dynasty in the tomb cannot be confirmed as an ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty. These objects may also belong to the previous dynasty. Because the owner of the tomb loved it during his lifetime, he used it as compensation after his death. , There are many such things. But at least it can be confirmed that this tomb was built after the Song Dynasty."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, anyway, this tomb seems to have nothing to do with Bai Qi.

Cao Yu praised, and said: "I wanted to tell you these details before, but you didn't listen to me. I also wanted to tell you on the way, but when I encountered all kinds of strange things, I forgot about them for a while, but what I understand is almost the same. That's all, I hope Master Four Treasures can determine the scope of the ancient tomb as soon as possible so that we can start working."

Looking at the endless desert in front of him, Sibao said: "This place is full of quicksand. If you want to make a acupuncture point here, many methods cannot be used. I will try my best."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Find some wooden sticks for me, at least three or four meters long, the more the better."

When Cao Yu heard this, he didn't ask him what he was doing for it. He pondered for a while and said, "There is no traffic here, so it's a little troublesome to transport things, but I will try my best. If it doesn't work, I will hire more camel teams. , what is the master's request?"

Sibao took a look at Professor Sun and said, "No one else needs it, as long as Professor Sun is here to help me, by the way, there is Miss Xiaofang."

Fang Mengna was taken aback, and said, "What use are we for?"

Sibao said: "It is very useful. The style of tombs in each dynasty is different. You know better than me. After I determine the shape and size of the ancient tomb, everyone will study together. Through your knowledge, try to determine the interior of the ancient tomb." As a result, we will go down to the grave."

Professor Sun and Fang Mona agreed immediately.

Sibao raised his eyebrows at Ye Shaoyang, and said in a commanding tone: "You just stay in the camp and protect everyone."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't understand his appearance, so he gave him a thumbs up.

The three of Sibao stayed behind, and Ye Shaoyang returned to the camp with Cao Yu and others. Cao Yu used his communicator to contact the team members who stayed behind at the base, and told the request of the Four Treasures. Ye Shaoyang saw this thing very strangely, and asked him if he could make a call.

Cao Yu told him with a smile that this is a one-way communication device and cannot communicate with the outside world.

Ye Shaoyang was disappointed when he heard that.

When it was getting dark, the three of Sibao returned and said that the progress was not bad. It was estimated that it would take two or three days to determine the scope of the ancient tomb. Cao Yu was very happy to hear that, and praised the Four Treasures in various ways.

"By the way, where is Guagua?" Before going to bed at night, Sibao suddenly remembered this and asked Ye Shaoyang.

"Maybe you haven't come back yet." Ye Shaoyang replied casually, frowning, and continued to think.

Early the next morning, Sibao went out again. Ye Shaoyang went outside, checked the blood essence talisman he had pasted last night, and found that one piece of talisman was blackened, as if it had been burnt.

"Evil things invaded last night." Lin Sansheng, who was in charge of the night watch, said, "When I found out, the other party had already left. I didn't see what it was. Maybe they just came to test it. When they couldn't get in, they left."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and said, "It's been hard for you recently, so keep an eye on it."

The location of the ancient tomb could not be determined, and the soldiers had no missions. Ye Shaoyang told them to stay in the camp and not go out if they had nothing to do.

Staying in the afternoon, Ye Shaoyang was really bored, and there was no signal on his mobile phone. He went outside for a walk in boredom, and before he knew it, he came to a nearby pond. He was doing nothing when he heard a camel bell. Looking back, it was soldier Liu Kai. , came over with a few camels.

"What is this for?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Bring them to drink water." Liu Kai greeted him and walked to another pond not far away. Ye Shaoyang was a little curious and bored about camels, so he followed them. On the way, Liu Kai told him that Cao Yu had arranged for the two ponds to be used for people to drink and the other for camels. So as not to pollute the drinking water.

Liu Kai brought a few camels to the pond and watched them drink water. Seeing the clear pond, Ye Shaoyang remembered that he hadn't bathed for a few days, and was blown by wind and sand along the way, so there was sand in his hair, so he greeted Liu Kai. Go swimming.

"This...isn't appropriate." Liu Kai hesitated, but actually wanted to go on.

"What are you afraid of? You don't have a mission now. You send the camel back and come back by yourself."

After speaking, he took off his clothes first, there were no girls in this desert, the only girl was still with Sibao, Ye Shaoyang simply took off his clothes and jumped in.

"Cool!" The cool pool water splashed on him, Ye Shaoyang cried happily, and started to swim in the pool.

Ye Shaoyang's water skills are not very good, but when he was a child in Xuanqingshan Town, he often went swimming with children of the same age, and immediately swam to the middle of the pond, not to mention that the water was quite deep.

Ye Shaoyang was so happy that he urged Liu Kai to come down even more.

Liu Kai was also a little moved when he saw it, and said that he would come as soon as he sent the camel back, and then quickly left with the camel.

Ye Shaoyang plunged into the water, diving for a while, swimming back for a while, very excited. After a while, Liu Kai came and went down to swim together. The two stayed in the water for half an hour before going ashore with unfulfilled desires. , Ye Shaoyang went to get dressed.

"Mr. Ye is in good shape." Liu Kai said, "Six pack abs."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at his stomach, the muscle lines were more distinct than his own, and said: "Damn, you are laughing at me."

Liu Kai said with a smile: "I am a special soldier, and this figure is considered standard. It is really not easy for Mr. Ye to train his muscles like this."

Ye Shaoyang put on his underwear and went to lift his pants, as if struck by lightning, his brain exploded with a buzzing sound, and he froze on the spot.

Liu Kai put on his clothes and came over. Seeing his pale face, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Ye?"

Ye Shaoyang looked around and saw that the surrounding was empty, and layers of cold sweat came down.

"I lost something."

"Something? What is it?" Liu Kai looked left and right, there was yellow sand all over the place, and he could see clearly at a glance that there was nothing there.

"Dharma artifact..."

The belt is gone, the hook is gone, and the Seven Star Longquan Sword is gone! ——

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