Urban Witcher

Chapter 1999 Chapter 2007 A New Beginning 1

Xu Fu...

The four were shocked.

The horse came back to its senses, swayed, turned into a white horse, and rushed out into the distance. "I'll report to Yin Division, you go to Xu Fu, pester him no matter what!"

Xu Fu is now the most wanted criminal in the Yin Division. Once discovered, everything must be put on hold and the first priority is to capture Xu Fu!

Black and white impermanence and Niutou approached the fragments of the evil mirror, and saw Xu Fu's figure from the middle.

"Where is this?" Bai Wuchang asked, and immediately saw the huge spherical object under Xu Fu.

Donghuang Bell!

Without further ado, the three of them turned around and rushed back. Fortunately, they had just left not long ago, and their speed was extremely fast, and soon they returned to the valley. They saw Xu Fu from a long distance, and Hei Wuchang said: "I am going to take you... ..."

Niutou slapped him with his arm and said, "What do you take, can you hold it, change the line!"

"Uh...Xu Fuxiu go!"

The three of them flew up and rushed towards Xu Fu.

Xu Fu turned his head to look over, took out a judge's pen from his sleeve, wiped it in the air a few times, formed an infinitive talisman, and floated over.

Just this casually formed talisman blocked the three well-known gods of the underworld.

Xu Fu stopped looking at them, spread out his right hand, held a large seal in his hand, lightly weighed it, and released a beam of streamer, which covered the entire Donghuang Bell from top to bottom, making it hard to open eyes in the middle.

The three Yin gods smashed the indeterminate talisman and rushed over, at this time the golden light also dissipated.

nothing left.

Ye Shaoyang is gone, Xu Fu is gone, everyone is gone, if the disappearance of these people is understandable, then, the most incredible thing is that even the Donghuang Bell is gone...

"How could this happen!" Fairy Yaoguang and the others were shocked, watching this incredible scene, their eyes stared like copper bells.

Spells are not illusions, much less magic.

The Eastern Emperor Bell is a physical magic weapon. The magic weapon can shrink and transform with the help of mana, but it will never disappear out of thin air...

"It's over!" Bai Wuchang fell to his feet and sighed, "They have gone to another world!"

"Another world?" Niutou was puzzled.

"Don't forget that Xu Fu has the Seal of Mountains and Seas in his hand, which can break through time and space, and travel through reincarnation. In principle, he can go to any node in time and space! Xu Fu must have taken the little celestial master and the others away to another time and space. "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. A ghost behind him asked: "Another time and space, is that... the past time?"

"Yes, any dynasty is completely parallel to our world. If there is no Shanhaiyin, we will never find their traces."

Hei Wuchang looked at the shard of evil mirror that Xu Wenchang gave, this spiritual treasure that can be tracked everywhere in the Three Realms and Six Paths, has now completely lost its brilliance, and has become gloomy.

"Why did Xu Fu do this?" Another ghost asked.

"The ghost knows!" Hei Wuchang cursed, and suddenly thought that he was a ghost, but he didn't know it, and couldn't help but sighed, "I haven't succeeded in my master, I haven't succeeded in my master! This is really troublesome, Xu Fu didn't catch it!" , and even lost the little angels who should be robbed, how can this be good!"

One sentence speaks to everyone's heart, this time it's really... a big shame.

Bai Wuchang sighed: "If possible, I would like to travel through time and space, so as not to go to the Yin Division to report."

Everyone had no choice but to continue chasing the army of corpse tribes. On the way, Hei Wuchang kept silent, and suddenly said: "Seventh brother, what you said before is so puzzling to me... In other time and space, will there be people in our time and space? "

Bai Wuchang said: "How come, different dynasties, how can there be the same people."

"But there's always a vagina, right?"

Bai Wuchang was stunned for a moment and said: "That is inevitable. After all, it is the past time and space. Everything develops according to our world. Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, there is nothing wrong with it. There is a world, so naturally there is a ghost."

Hei Wuchang said: "That's where the problem comes in. Since there is the Yin Division, there are us, the Lord Cui, and the Emperor... who are we in that dimension?"

Bai Wuchang was stunned, shook his head and said, "It's us, but it's not."

Hei Wuchang wanted to say something else, but Bai Wuchang waved his hand and said: "This is not something you and I care about, stop thinking about it, we don't understand these things."

"Then who knows?" Hei Wuchang showed strong interest.

Niutou said: "I have an adjutant who died not long ago. He is a physicist and has a lot of knowledge in this area. I heard him talk about parallel universes. It's very similar to what Qiye said. Mr. Eight, you can talk to him when you go back."

Hei Wuchang hurriedly thanked him.

The three continued to hunt down the corpse army.

The disappearance of Ye Shaoyang was also a huge surprise to Daofeng. He did not expect Xu Fu to come and use the seal of mountains and seas to bring Ye Shaoyang back to the past... He couldn't figure out Xu Fu's intentions, but he was sure that he would do so It was for Ye Shaoyang. Instead, I felt a little relieved:

Ye Shaoyang's disappearance at this time is actually the best result. Otherwise, with his character, he will definitely go to Houqing to ask for Rui Lengyu. If he fails, he will die naturally. Become the target of public criticism. At that time, even the underworld will not protect him, but will arrest him everywhere.

And when he went back to the past, of course he didn't have to think about these things. I also relieved a lot of pressure and could do what I wanted to do.

Thinking of this level, Daofeng felt a lot more relaxed. However, another question came to mind:

Shaoyang, when will he return to this world, or can he return?

Daofeng flew out of the valley, found Yang Gongzi and the others, and together they broke out of the Xingxiu Sea.

Without being tied down by anyone, with their strength, they can come and go freely among thousands of troops.

When he escaped, he thought of a very important question: he was in the valley before, and he was thinking about Ye Shaoyang's disappearance, but he ignored the existence of one person: Li Haoran.

When the Eastern Emperor Bell rang, he was clearly beside him, although there was no fight, but when the matter was over and he was leaving the valley, Li Haoran unexpectedly did not come out to stop him, and he did not even see him. This is not in line with common sense.

After much deliberation, Daofeng felt that Li Haoran might not be as strong as before because of an injury to his left hand. He was not sure that he could keep himself, so he simply went to recover from his injury. With Li Haoran's character, this is very possible. He has gone through hundreds of years of reincarnation, and his concept of time is much lighter than ordinary people, so he will not rush to revenge.

However, Daofeng still thought of another possibility, if that was the case... Ye Shaoyang would be in trouble.

(1 Regarding the plot, as I said before, I will write according to my own ideas. You can’t see the deep meaning of doing so? Why do you write Leng Yu like this and let Xiao Jiu sacrifice? In fact, the simplest point is to let Shaoyang I have done everything I need to do with Leng Yu, and then... 2 About Shaoyang, there are many weaknesses and problems in Shaoyang's character, but this is more real, after all, what I want to write is not a perfect hero , but a human mage with flesh and blood and weaknesses. Then accompany him to experience the Dao, continue to improve, and see where he will grow. 3 Regarding the new plot, it is the Republic of China volume, please welcome. Finally, The words in parentheses in this paragraph do not count the number of words in the chapter, but can be counted.)


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