Urban Witcher

Chapter 2000 Chapter 2008: A New Beginning 2

For Daofeng, for Nausicaa of the Wind, this battle is over. Although it is different from his original intention, but for Daofeng, it is not without gain. At least Li Haoran is sure that he is the patriarch of Qingniu he is looking for. As for how to persuade him to cooperate with me, I have to go back and think about it slowly.

Daofeng carried the map of Shanhe Sheji and left the sky. Most of the members of the Ghost Hunting Alliance are now in the map of Shanhe Sheji, and they can only be released after returning to the human world.

For the sects of the sky, the battle is not over——

On the contrary, the battle between the air forces and the corpse army has just begun.

Underworld, the garden of the Emperor's Palace.

A man dressed as a Confucian scholar stood under an old pagoda tree in the garden, staring at the far horizon in ecstasy. It is Mr. Cui Fu. Although he was in the underworld, he seemed to hear the bell from the sky.

Not far behind him stood Xiao Yiyun, with his hands down, not daring to speak.

After a long while, Mr. Cui Fu sighed, and said: "The Eastern Emperor came out, and the Heavenly Tribulation appeared... The Heavenly Tribulation finally started. I thought it should be in the ghost domain first, but I didn't expect it to be in the Qingming Realm. Do you know why I want to sever ties with the sky realm and prevent those practitioners from leaving the sky realm?"

"This... is to control the scope of the catastrophe in the sky, so as not to spread to the human world and the ghost domain?"

"It's not to stop the spread, but to delay as much as possible so that we can make better preparations. Of course, everything is hope."

Speaking of this, Mr. Cui Fu turned his head, glanced at Xiao Yiyun, and said: "You must be very puzzled, I know the destiny of the world, and it must be difficult to get to Chengzi in advance, why should she go to Qingming Realm? no?"

Xiao Yiyun could only nod his head.

"I calculated that she has a death calamity, and it should be used in this operation. You know whether the death calamity can be broken or not."

Xiao Yiyun nodded again.

The so-called death calamity can be broken or not hidden, which means that if a person commits a death calamity, he can only break the calamity. It's okay, but if you want to hide, it will definitely not work.

This is the avenue of heaven and earth, Mr. Cui Fu has the ability to violate it, but it is impossible to violate it.

"The Dao of Dayan is fifty-fifty, one goes away and one is born, and the changes are endless. I only figured out that she had this catastrophe, but I couldn't help her avoid it, so I could only let her go. Afterwards, I just used this as an excuse to help the empty world. Rewriting the rules is for the sake of the overall situation.”

Xiao Yiyun said: "It turns out that my lord has already made up his mind."

"No. I only figured out that she is in trouble, but I don't know who should be on it." Cui Fujun was silent for a while, and said: "I never thought that those people in the sky are so unreasonable. If I don't go, Chengzi will die." Du...but I have sworn not to leave Huangquan, not to show favoritism, but today I violated the precept."

"This... my lord, it's okay once in a while, right?"

Xiao Yiyun didn't say it clearly, it means that you are one of the big bosses of the Yin Division anyway, the emperor basically doesn't take care of things, and you are the emperor's direct disciple, even if you really make mistakes, no one can do anything to you...

Lord Cui of course understood what he meant, and said: "The emperor violated the law and committed the same crime as the common people, and I am no exception. From today onwards, within a hundred years, I will not step out of the emperor's palace..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yiyun was very excited. After all, Lord Cui went to the sky to rescue Chengzi, half of it was because of his love for Chengzi, and it was usually because of himself... I didn't know what to say, so Lord Cui said: "You Come here to pick Donghua arbor, I will gather souls for the oranges myself, and they will be raised in a few months, so don't worry about it."

Xiao Yiyun quickly thanked him, and with Mr. Cui's words, naturally there was nothing to worry about. I put this matter aside, hesitated for a while, and asked: "I want to know, what will happen to the outcome of the battle between the two realms of the Qingming Realm?"

"Once the quarrel begins, there will be no peace. The Qingming Realm will be in chaos for a while. Someone will pay attention to this matter, so you and I don't need to worry about it."

"Oh, then... regarding Ye Shaoyang and the reincarnated ghost boy, I wonder how the Yin Division will deal with it?" Since Cheng Zi was fine, Xiao Yiyun began to pay attention to the situation of Ye Shaoyang, brother Ye Shaoyang.

Cui Fujun said: "You go to find the yin god of the Yin Yang Division, and come to the Yin Yang Division to surrender. At that time, I will mediate among them and give you a lighter sentence. The reincarnated ghost boy will be hunted down by himself, and it has nothing to do with my Son of Heaven Palace. Absolutely no meddling."

Xiao Yiyun could only agree.

"As for Ye Shaoyang, you don't need to worry about it. His name is no longer in the book of life and death."

"No way!" Xiao Yiyun didn't know what happened to Kongjie later, and was stunned on the spot when he heard this.

"He didn't die, but went to another world, erasing all traces."

Xiao Yiyun was startled, thinking of something, and said: "Is it related to Xu Fu?"

Cui Fujun didn't make a sound, it was acquiescence.

Xiao Yiyun was dumbfounded, and said for a while, "Then... can he come back?"

"A person is in another world, his traces are erased, and even the information in the book of life and death is gone. Naturally, no one can figure out his future. Everything depends on his own good fortune."

Xiao Yiyun was speechless for a long time. He didn't know what era Ye Shaoyang traveled to, and he couldn't even imagine what kind of experience he would have in that era. The scenes in the time-travel dramas that he peeked in the world back then, looking for Qin Ji and so on appeared in his mind. Interesting, I didn't expect this kind of thing to actually happen to Ye Shaoyang...

Xiao Yiyun even yearned a little, but the question he was most concerned about was whether Ye Shaoyang could return to this world?


In the early years of the Republic of China, during the period of the Beiyang government.

Warlords fight in chaos, bandits are rampant, people are in dire straits, and there is no day and night. Once the war broke out, there were countless casualties, refugees lost their homes, and starved to death everywhere.

In this last chaotic and dark period in Chinese history, religion could not stay out of it. Countless Taoist temples and Buddhist temples were abandoned, or were occupied by warlords and bandits, and the north and south were blocked. The eternal inheritance of Taoism and Buddhism was completely disrupted in this way. , cannot be comprehensive.

However, because of war and famine, human life is worthless, and people are dying everywhere, and they are dying violently.

If there are many dead people, there will be many ghosts, and they are all ghosts who died unjustly. The underworld has no time to accept them, and those who are unwilling to leave with resentment are entangled in the human world and spread all over the place.

In troubled times, evildoers.

In the peaceful and prosperous times in the past, the structure of the magic world was rigorous. If there was an evil ghost or demon that was difficult to deal with on one side, they would post a post asking for help. They will get together, and in the end they will either be wiped out or suppressed.

As mentioned earlier, in the troubled times, the structure of the magic world is destroyed, and it is difficult to have the opportunity to cooperate with each other. Therefore, in addition to the ghosts in the world, there are many evil spirits that cannot be imagined in future generations. , slaughtering creatures...


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