Urban Witcher

Chapter 2085 Chapter 2093 Enemy Road Narrow 1

The horse seemed to understand Ye Shaoyang's words, and ran away with four hooves in a joyous manner.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that the other horse was looking at the fleeing one, patted its head and said, "Don't be envious, I will release you when you come back."

So Ye Shaoyang let the two bandits drive ahead, and led the horse behind him, all the way down the mountain. On the way, the two bandits were frowning, begging Ye Shaoyang to let them go, and even being willing to be him as horse boys. After being kicked on the ass by Ye Shaoyang, Immediately, he became more honest, and did not dare to say more.

Along the way, Ye Shaoyang asked them anything he thought of, and then he remembered that Commander Sun. Although he didn't know who he was, at least he "saved" him once. Seeing this, he suddenly became interested in Commander Sun.

What old man Liu told Ye Shaoyang before was all about Commander Sun's situation before he became a bandit. He didn't know much about what happened after he became a bandit. The two bandits caught by him, when they mentioned Commander Sun, they also admired them very much. They told Ye Shaoyang a lot of anecdotes about Commander Sun. It's like starting from scratch and building a cottage on Baihua Mountain. How come, in ten years, by force, they conquered the surrounding cottages, large and small, and became the largest group of bandits in Xijiang.

However, he can become the general manager of the three mountains and five lakes in Xi'an. It is one thing to be strong and strong, but it does not depend entirely on this. After all, Xi'an is so big. Soldiers come to fight, after all, they are bandits, and they cannot run rampant on the streets like the army.

The reason why Commander Sun is regarded as the boss by all the bandits is mainly because he does things righteously and fairly, he will protect some weak forces, and he will come out to mediate after some conflicts between the cottages. Can't say anything. As time passed, Commander Sun's prestige was at the peak of the world, and no one dared to disobey him.

Hearing the two bandits say so much about Commander Sun, in Ye Shaoyang's mind, the bandit leader became even more legendary, and even had the idea of ​​wanting to see the real face, but of course it was just a thought.

Twenty-mile mountain road, because it is going down the mountain, it is fast, but there are no roads in many places, and it is winding. If there is no one to guide the way, it is difficult to find the way to the mountain.

Ye Shaoyang memorized all kinds of things along the way, and some places were really confusing, so he left a magic talisman with simple runes drawn on it. As long as it is activated within twelve hours, it can be sensed within a radius of tens of meters. To the location, where available, it is also good to be used as a road sign.

Under the urging of Ye Shaoyang's constant kicking, the three of them went down the mountain in about two hours and came to a road. The two bandits said that the county town is not far away. Ye Shaoyang thought that these two people would surrender themselves. , and with a pistol hidden in his sleeve, he didn't dare to play any tricks.

Ye Shaoyang led the horse and pushed the two of them towards the county seat. They walked for another half an hour, and when they reached the gate of the city, there were soldiers guarding the gate. All passers-by had to check their residence cards before they were allowed to pass.

The three of Ye Shaoyang walked to the bottom of the city gate and were immediately stopped, wanting to check their residence cards.

"Comrade... No, that's right, guys, these two people don't have residence permits. They are bandits on Erlong Mountain, and they turned themselves in."

Hearing what he said, the soldiers guarding the city immediately became dumbfounded: they only heard that bandits came to the county to do bad things, or was it the first time they saw bandits who surrendered to their door, and they thought they were too tired?

"Are you really bandits?" One of the guards looked at Ye Shaoyang and the three of them with wide eyes and said.

At this point, there was nothing to hide. They could only say what they said and strive for leniency. The two bandits had no choice but to admit that they were bandits. They rolled up their sleeves and showed them the tattoos on their right arms. On the arm, the image of two dragons is tattooed.

"Sure enough, it belongs to Erlong Mountain!"

Because the county seat is close to Erlong Mountain, although the county seat is guarded by soldiers, the bandits dare not enter the city openly, but they often harass the surrounding villages, and sometimes enter the county seat to do some bad things, so the county seat treats such Bandits are hated and know their traits.

"But, you...why did you surrender yourself?" The guards couldn't understand the abnormal behavior of the two bandits at all.

"They want to be good people, and they are willing to confess their crimes and the details of the mountain." Ye Shaoyang explained for them, and the two nodded quickly.

The guards were even more puzzled, but since they surrendered themselves, they couldn't ignore it, and it was a credit to catch the bandits, so they immediately asked someone to escort them to the county government.

Ye Shaoyang watched from the side, very satisfied with the result in his heart, but unexpectedly a soldier came up and even wanted to tie him up.

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to explain that he was not a bandit. He showed them his arms and his residence card, saying that he met two bandits on the road and heard that they wanted to surrender. He happened to be entering the city, so he came with them.

After hearing what he said, the guards didn't know what to say, this was the first time in their life.

After Ye Shaoyang bid farewell to the guards, he led his horse into the city, because it was still early, and since he came here, he simply wandered around the county town, and he had some spare money, so he bought some things and ate a bowl at noon Xishan Sliced ​​Noodles taste much better than those sold in those franchise stores a hundred years later.

Staying in the county until the afternoon, Ye Shaoyang led the horse and left the county, followed the way he came before, rode the horse all the way, and returned to Erlong Mountain, because he was worried about encountering bandits, he let the horse go halfway. Then he went up the mountain in the dark, and when he was near the ruined temple, he saw two people descending the mountain with torches. Ye Shaoyang hid in the nearby woods and watched the two approaching, they were also dressed as bandits.

The two complained about the two names as they walked, Ye Shaoyang listened for a while, and understood that what they were complaining about was the two bandits who were forcibly surrendered by him, because they went down the mountain to purchase, and they still haven't come back. , So two more people were sent down the mountain.

To these two people, Ye Shaoyang didn't say anything. If he didn't do anything with these two people, and they didn't go back to work at night, the boss would definitely be suspicious.

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