Urban Witcher

Chapter 2086 Chapter 2094 Enemy Road Narrow 2

Ye Shaoyang then thought that it might not be a good thing for these two bandits to be let go, maybe the result would be even worse—tonight on the wedding night in the bridal chamber, the Xingsha will definitely start to act, and how many people can escape from the cottage by then, how many people will escape? I don't know, maybe these two guys are one of them, it depends on their lives.

After they left, Ye Shaoyang continued to go up the mountain, walked all the way to the vicinity of the cottage, still sneaked around to the previous location, climbed up the fence and looked inside, and immediately saw the door of the "big tile-roofed house" was wide open, and there were lights and festoons inside. Yes, from his angle, he could just see a long row of tables extending from the innermost part of the room to the door. Some cold dishes had already been placed on the tables, and there were bandits walking around in the hall. Got to keep busy.

Ye Shaoyang waited for a long, long time until it was completely dark, and finally saw two people approaching from the direction of the gate with torches, carrying a few bundles in their hands, and one with a long string of firecrackers hanging on his body.

Ye Shaoyang guessed that these two were the two who went down the mountain before, and came back after purchasing good things.

The two placed the firecrackers on the ground outside the hall door, went into the room to hand in the task, and then a group of people arranged it and hung red flowers on the horizontal plaque in the hall. Ye Shaoyang thought that there were white flowers hanging in the same place during the day, when the door There was also a coffin, and it was less than a few hours after the funeral was over, and the wedding was actually held again. These bandits are really good, so they don't feel panicked.

In front of a table near the innermost side, a pair of red candles were placed in a decent manner. Then the big big head of the family ghost Jianchou, with red flowers wrapped around his chest, sat on it carelessly, and the one in brocade clothes and hat sat on the left side, Ye Shaoyang guessed that it should be the second head of the iron abacus.

There were a lot of people in the cottage, there was no room to sit in the hall, and dozens of tables were set up in the open space outside. Hundreds of bandits came out of the rows of buildings behind the village, looking for seats.

Looking at this scene, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help thinking of the scene when everyone went to the cafeteria to eat together when he was in college after school, it was really quite similar. And he felt that most of these bandits lived in a room with several people, like a university dormitory, because just looking at it this way, the buildings on the cottage were not enough for hundreds of people to live in one room.

After these people were seated, they began to serve hot dishes. Ye Shaoyang saw that the guys who served the dishes were also dressed as bandits, and he probably hired some bandits to act as cooks temporarily.

During the banquet, everyone stood up, picked up the jars in front of them, filled the table with wine, and then Tie Suan spoke. Because the distance was too far, Ye Shaoyang couldn't hear what he said at all, and he probably acted as the host Sure enough, after he finished speaking, all the bandits booed together, and then Gui Jianchou said something to a little bandit who was serving beside him. The little bandit left the table and went around to the front of the row of buildings behind, There was no light on the side, so Ye Shaoyang couldn't tell what he was doing, it seemed like he was knocking on the door or something.

After a while, I saw a few figures walking towards the side of the hall. They were two women, holding a girl in a cheongsam in their hands, with their heads covered by a red hijab, walking slowly.

From a long distance, Ye Shaoyang could see the evil spirit on her body at a glance, the evil spirit in her body was evil, and at night, the evil spirit on her body had indeed appeared. However, she was not in a hurry, Ye Shaoyang guessed, she probably wanted to wait for a suitable opportunity, and didn't want to cause too much commotion, otherwise there would be relatively many people fleeing, and the blood sucking would not be enough.

The two girls who supported her, Ye Shaoyang suspected, were probably the daughters-in-law married by the head of the family, acting as makeup artists and bridesmaids.

After these people walked into the hall, the bandits immediately booed. The two girls helped the bride to sit on the side of Gui Jianchou, and then surrounded by many bandits, they began to worship heaven and earth and so on.

Ye Shaoyang looked at this scene with a sneer, thinking that these bandits are quite good at playing, he really thought that he found a beautiful and beautiful Mrs. Yazhai, and now there is a lot of joy. Here, I don't know how many people will survive.

Ye Shaoyang was bored and began to observe these bandits, and suddenly found that the one sitting on the left of Gui Jianchou was an iron abacus, and the one sitting on the right seemed to be wearing military uniforms, and the one at the front seemed to be of high status. Gui Jianchou talked to him from time to time and toasted each other.

Ye Shaoyang was very curious, why there were soldiers in the bandits' den, then he thought about it, the soldiers are in chaos these days, maybe they are deserters or something, they have nowhere to go, so they fall into bandits.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, it can't be...it's such a coincidence, right?

Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes wide, and looked at those in military uniforms, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't see their faces clearly at all.

Seeing these people gorging on meat and feasting on it, he could only lie here and wait. Even though he had eaten, Ye Shaoyang's stomach was still growling. Fortunately, Gui Jianchou didn't stay for long, after worshiping the heaven and earth with the female corpse, he drank with his brothers for a while, and impatiently carried the bride into the bridal chamber.

The bridal chamber of the two is at the head of the row of rooms behind the hall.

Ye Shaoyang saw Gui Jianchou holding the bride and walking into the room, and he knew that this guy was in danger, but he didn't feel sorry for the bandit leader with blood on his hands. What he cared about now was, Find the most appropriate time to get rid of that human-shaped evil spirit. In this situation, if I jump in to catch the ghost, needless to say, I will definitely be beaten into a sieve by these bandits.

Just wait.

After persisting for another half an hour or so, most of these bandits were drunk, and most of them were still drinking. Some had already staggered to their bedrooms, and some went to urinate in remote places.

Ye Shaoyang felt that it was almost done, so he climbed over the fence, jumped into the stockade, and hid in the woods on the side of the mountain. After waiting for a while, a guy hummed a song and came to pee. Just like he said, he slapped the back of the neck, making him dizzy, then took off his coat and put it on himself, and threw the drunk into the grass. I also waited inside for a long time, and felt that there was no movement outside. When I went out to see, only a few tables were still eating, drinking, and punching, and most of the rest were scattered. Some people fell asleep lying on the table. Spit under the table.

Ye Shaoyang quietly walked towards the building where Gui Jianchou carried the ghost's daughter-in-law before.

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