Urban Witcher

Chapter 2113 Chapter 2121 Five Links 1

This is like the GM in the game, who can ignore the rules of the game and spawn monsters infinitely.

If the latitude of time is regarded as a rule, then Xu Fu is a person who broke this rule. In Lin Sansheng's cognition, there are no words to describe this kind of behavior.

Xu Fu glared at Lin Sansheng, and said: "How could you think so, if I did that, it would have caused chaos in time and space, I don't know what the result will be, I will rarely change history, even if it is a very small historical detail. This time, it is already a violation of the principle."

Lin Sansheng nodded and said, "Then have you found the millennium Tai Sui?"

"I haven't gone yet, I want to come first, cast a dharma altar for the Eastern Emperor Bell, and first maintain the Nine-Tailed Fox's spiritual consciousness, and wait for me to take Tai Sui, and then come to fill her body."

"Okay, what needs to be done, I will cooperate with you!" Lin Sansheng was ecstatic. He believed that since Xu Fu was willing to contribute to the resurrection of Xiaojiu, there must be hope of success.

Xiao Jiu must be resurrected!

For nothing else, if Xiao Jiu cannot be resurrected, he believes that Ye Shaoyang will not be able to survive either. He knew the importance of Xiaojiu in Ye Shaoyang's life.

Xu Fu led him to the depths of the bamboo forest.

In the morning, Ye Shaoyang was soundly asleep when he was awakened by Mao Xiaofang's knock on the door. He brought some breakfast bought from below, deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk, the most traditional food, which has long been available in this era.

After the two had breakfast together, Mao Xiaofang told him that when he went down to buy food, he had asked the innkeeper about it, and he said that the valley was called Hamagou, and it was indeed haunted, and no one dared to go there.

"Hamogou, why such a strange name?" Ye Shaoyang was curious.

"I'm also curious. The boss said that because there used to be a lot of toads in that ravine, the locals gave it this name casually. They don't know about the night walk of ghosts, and ordinary people can't see so many ghosts, but the place is indeed haunted. Many people have died in it, and now no one dares to go there.”

After the meal, the two went out together and continued to ask people. They learned that the haunting of Hamagou had been going on for many years, and no one could tell when it started. The two asked for a long time, but they didn't get any clues about this matter, but they found another clue: on a mountain less than a few miles north of Hamagou, there is a mountain temple, which the locals don't know about. What kind of god is enshrined in it, anyway, it has not stopped worshiping for many years, it is said that it is very effective, and bless this area with good weather.

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately felt that there was a problem: there is such a mountain temple less than a few miles away from Hamagou. It is hard to believe that there is no relationship between the two.

Together, the two decided to visit this temple first. Because the mountain was high and the road was far away, both of them filled the kettles they carried with them with water, put their other luggage in the inn, and set off together to find the temple.

Back near Hama Valley, the two walked all the way in the direction Mao Xiaofang asked, and found this mountain temple on the top of a small mountain bun.

This place is actually easy to find. At the foot of this barren mountain, a stone road was built, leading to the top of the mountain. Moreover, the two of them observed carefully that the middle of the stone road was very smooth, and it seemed that people often walked on it.

There are no tourists in this barren mountain. The only possibility is that people often go up the mountain here.

Generally speaking, these small temples in the mountains are mostly abandoned. The fact that there are so many incense temples shows that there must be something unusual, and generally speaking, it is very effective.

The two went up to the top of the mountain and found the mountain temple. There is a quite large courtyard, and inside is a small house with a steeple, which is the main body of the temple. The small temple itself is not big, and its shape is very simple. On one side of the yard, there were two other houses. When Ye Shaoyang and the two walked by, an old man came out of one of the rooms, looked them up and down, and said, "You two are foreigners, why did you come here? "

The two originally thought it was just a small deserted temple, and besides this barren mountain, they didn't expect that there were people living in the temple. Mao Xiaofang hastily cupped his hands and said, "We are passing by from other places. I heard that there is a mountain temple here. It is very effective. I want to come and pay homage."

After speaking, he took out a silver dollar and gave it to him.

For this walk, both of them did not wear Taoist robes, and changed into the same attire as ordinary people. The old man was not suspicious, and let them enter the house to burn incense.

"Master, I heard that this temple is full of incense, and people often come to offer incense?"

"Normally, on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, blind dates from all over the world will come here to offer incense and worship. No, because of the good incense, the town sent my old man here as a temple blessing."

Ye Shaoyang laughed and said, "Seeing that the old man is neither a monk nor a Daoist, how could he be a temple blessing?"

The old man saw that they gave them a lot of money, so he briefly told them about the history of this temple. This temple was built with money from the town decades ago, and it was still in the Qing Dynasty. Anyone who came to this area to collect herbs, hunt, etc., as long as they came to this area, they would be easily overwhelmed, and the locals had no choice.

Later, a Taoist priest passed by here and walked around in the haunted valley. When he came back, he told the villagers that he could build a temple on this mountain and worship the mountain god, so that he could suppress the ghosts in the mountain and ensure good weather. They were poor, so they didn't take it seriously, but that night, many people in the town dreamed that the mountain god talked to them, asking them to listen to the old Taoist priest and build a temple here to worship themselves, so as to ensure peace.

Together, everyone had such a cute dream, so it couldn't be a coincidence. Out of awe of the mountain god, they hurriedly found this old Taoist priest who hadn't left yet, and asked him to take the lead in helping them build the temple...

This mountain temple was built in this way. As a result, the harvest was bumper that year. People in the town said that it was the blessing of the mountain god. In addition, since the construction of this mountain temple, no one has heard of it in Hama Valley. Being entangled to death by ghosts is naturally the result of the guarding of the mountain gods, so the villagers began to believe in the mountain gods and worship them sincerely.

For many years, no matter what happened to the outside world, the seven or eight villages in this mountainous area have always been considered to have good weather and good harvests, so the local tradition of worshiping mountain gods has been passed down... because the incense is good, and some things in the temple need People greet people, so the town specially invites people to live in the temple for a long time to serve as temple blessings, purchase joss sticks and ingots, and be responsible for the sanitation here.

The old man Liu who spoke claimed that he had no family and no children. He had been living here since he went up to the mountain more than ten years ago. The town allowed him to take part of the incense money for his daily use.

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